: VARIATIONS IN THE AUTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT PREFACE. AFTER P. 5. 1. 13. it followed thus-For my part, I confefs, had I seen things in this view at first, the public had never been troubled either with my writings, or with this apology for them. I am sensible how difficult it is to speak of one's felf with decency: but when a man must speak of himself, the best way is to speak truth of himself, or, he may depend upon it, others will do it for him. I'll therefore make this Preface a general confeffion of all my thoughts of my own Poetry, refolving with the fame freedom to expose myself, as it is in the power of any other to expose them. In the first place, I thank God and nature, that I was born with a love to poetry*; for nothing more conduces to fill up all the intervals of our time, or, if rightly used, to make the whole course of life entertaining: Cantantes licet usque (minus via lædet). 'Tis a vast happiness to possess the pleafures of the head, the only pleasures in which a man is fufficient to himself, and the only part of him which, to his fatisfaction, he can employ all day long. The Muses are amicæ omnium horarum; and, like our gay acquaintance, the best company in the world as long as one expects no real service from thein. I confess there was a time when I was in love with myself, and my first productions were the children of self-love upon innocence. I had made an Epic Poem, and Panegyrics on all the Princes in Europe, and thought myself the greatest genius that ever was. I can't but regret those delightful vifions of my childhood, which, like the fine colours we see when our eyes are shut, are vanished for ever. Many trials and fad experience have so undeceived me by degrees, that I am utterly at a loss at what rate to value myself. As for fame, I shall be glad of any I can get, and not repine at any I miss; and as for vanity, I have enough to keep me from hanging myself, or even from wishing those hanged who would take it away. It was this that made me write. The sense of my faults made me correct: besides that it was as pleasant to me to correct as to write. * But at the conclufion of his translation of the Iliad, he contradicts this sentiment, by applying to himself a passage of M. Antoninus. J. WARTON. fures At p. 9. 1. 12. In the first place I own that I have used my best endeavours to the finishing these pieces. That I made what advantage I could of the judgment of authors dead and living; and that I omitted no means in my power to be informed of my ON MR. POPE AND HIS POEMS, BY HIS GRACE JOHN SHEFFIELD, DUKE OF BUCKINGHAM. WITH Age decay'd, with Courts and bus'ness tir'd, Caring for nothing but what Ease requir'd; Too dully ferious for the Muse's sport, 5 And after so much undeferv'd success, Encomiums fuit not this cenforious time, And yet so wonderful, fublime a thing 10 15 20 VOL. I. 'Tis 1 'Tis great delight to laugh at some men's ways, But a much greater to give Merit praise. TO MR. POPE, ON HIS PASTORALS. IN A Muse fincere, that never Flatt'ry knew, 5 IQ Young, yet judicious; in your verse are found 15 20 Such |