OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ОР THE UNITED STATES: BEING THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWENTY-THIRD CONGRESS, BEGUN AND HELD AT THE CITY OF WASHINGTON, DECEMBER 2, 1833, AND IN THE FIFTY-EIGHTH YEAR OF THE INDEPENDENCE OF THE UNITED STATES. WASHINGTON: JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES: BEGUN and held at the Capitol, in the City of Washington, in the Territory of Columbia, on Monday, the second day of December, in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and thirty-three, being the First Session of the TWENTY-THIRD CONGRESS, held under the Constitution of Government of the United States. On which day, being that fixed by the Constitution for the meeting of Congress, Matthew St. Clair Clarke, Clerk to the late House of Representatives, commenced the call of the roll by States, beginning with the State of Maine; and having called as far as the State of Kentucky, and being about to call the members from that State, Mr. Chilton Allan rose, and objected to the calling of Thomas P. Moore, returned to serve as the Member for the fifth congressional district of said State, on the ground that the said Thomas P. Moore had not been duly elected, and that the return of the said Thomas P. Moore was not in the form prescribed by the laws of the State of Kentucky. And, after debate, the objection was waived; and, by general consent, it was agreed that Mr. Moore should not be called until the House should have become organized, by the election of a Speaker, and other officers; and, thereupon, The call of the roll was completed, and the following named members of the House of Representatives appeared, and took their seats : MAINE. NEW HAMPSHIRE. From the State of George Evans. Edward Kavanagh. Francis O. J. Smith. Benning M. Bean. Robert Burns. |