of which he understands as little "5. I wonder how this gentleman would look, should it be discovered that he has not translated ten verses together in any book of Homer with justice to the poet; and yet he dares reproach his fellow writers with not understanding Greek 16. He has stuck so little to his original, as to have his knowledge in Greek called in question1. I should be glad to know which it is of all Homer's excellencies which has so delighted the ladies, and the gentlemen who judge like ladies 18. But he has a notable talent at burlesque; his genius slides so naturally into it, that he hath burlesqued Homer without designing it 19. MR. POPE TRICKED HIS SUBSCRIBERS. It is indeed somewhat bold, and almost prodigious, for a single man to undertake such a work: but it is too late to dissuade, by demonstraing the madness of the project. The subscribers' expectations have been raised in proportion to what their pockets have been drained of 20. Pope has been concerned in jobs, and hired out his name to booksellers 21. NAMES BESTOWED ON MR. POPE. An APE.] Let us take the initial letter of his Christian name, add the initial and final letters of 15 Dennis's Remarks on Homer, p. 12. Journal, April 23, 1728. Preface. 16 Daily 17 Suppl. to the Profound 19 Oldmixon, Essay on Criticism, p. 66. 20 Homerides, p. 1, &c. 19 Dennis's Remarks, p. 28. An Ass.] A camel will take upon him no more burden than is sufficient for his strength, but there is another beast that crouches under ali 25. A FROG.] Poet Squab, endued with poet Maro's spirit! an ugly, croaking kind of vermin, which would swell to the bulk of an ox 26 A COWARD.] A Clinias, or a Damætus, or a man of Mr. Dryden's own courage 27. A KNAVE.] Mr. Dryden has heard of Paul, the knave of Jesus Christ: and, if I mistake not, I have read somewhat of John Dryden, servant to his Majesty 28. A FOOL.] Had he not been such a self-conceited fool 29. Some great poets are positive blockheads 30. A THING.] So little a thing as Mr. Dryden 31 his surname, viz. A. P. E. and they give you the same idea of an ape as his face 22, &c. An Ass.] It is my duty to pull off the lion's skin from this little ass 23. A FROG.] A squab, short gentleman-a little creature that, like the frog in the fable, swells, and is angry that it is not allowed to be as big as an ox 24. A COWARD] A lurking, way-laying coward 25. A KNAVE.] He is one whom God and Nature have marked for want of common honesty 26 A FOOL.] Great fools will be christened by the names of great poets, and Pope will be called Homer 27. A THING.] A little abject thing 28. 22 Dennis's Daily Journal, May 11, 1728. Rem. ou Hom. pref. the Lock, pref. p. 9. 23 Dennis's 24 Dennis's Rem. on the Rape of 25 Char. of Mr. P. p. 3. 26 lb. 28 Ib. p. 8. 27 Dennis's Rem. on Homer, p. 37. BY virtue of the Authority in Us vested by the Act for subjecting Poets to the Power of a Licenser, We have revised this Piece; where finding the style and appellation of KING to have been given to a certain Pretender, Pseudo-Poet, or Phantom, of the name of TIBBALD2; and apprehending the same may be deemed in some sort a Reflection on Majesty, or at least an insult on that Legal Authority which has bestowed on another Person the Crown of Poesy: We have ordered the said Pretender, Pseudo-Poet, or Phantom, utterly to vanish and evaporate out of this Work; and do declare the said Throne of Poesy from henceforth to be abdicated and vacant, unless duly and lawfally supplied by the LAUREATE 3 himself. And it is hereby enacted, that no other person do presume to fill the same. A stroke of satire on the act for licensing plays, which was opposed with equal wit and vehemence by many of our author's friends. 9 Lewis Theobald. 3 Colley Cibber. 85 BY THE AUTHOR, Α DECLARATION. WHEREAS certain Haberdashers of Points and Particles, being instigated by the spirit of Pride, and assuming to themselves the name of Critics and Restorers, have taken upon them to adulterate the common and current sense of our Glorious Ancestors, Poets of this Realm, by clipping, coining, defacing the images, mixing their own base allay, or otherwise falsifying the same; which they publish, utter, and vend as genuine; the said Haberdashers having no right thereto, as neither heirs, executors, administrators, assigns, or in any sort related to such Poets, to all or any of them: Now We, having carefully revised this our Dunciad, beginning with the words The mighty Mother, and ending with the words buries All, containing the entire sum of One thousand seven hundred and fifty-four verses, declare every word, figure, point, and comma, of this impression to be authentic: and do therefore strictly enjoin and forbid any person or persons whatsoever to erase, reverse, put between books, or by any other means, directly or indirectly, change or mangle any of them. And we do hereby earnestly exhort all our brethren to follow this our example, which we heartily wish our great Predecessors had heretofore set, as a remedy and prevention of all such abuses. Provided always, that nothing in this Declaration shall be construed to limit the lawful and undoubted right of every subject of this Realm to judge, censure, or condemn, in the whole, or in part, any Poem or Poet whatsoever. Given under our hand at London, this third Day of January, in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred thirty and two. Declarat' cor' me, JOHN BARBER, Mayor. |