For me, what Virgil, Pliny, may deny, Manilius or Solinus shall supply: For attic phrase in Plato let them seek, I poach in Suidas for unlicens'd Greek, 228 In ancient sense if any needs will deal, Be sure I give them fragments, not a meal; What Gellius or Stobæus hash'd before, Or chew'd by blind old scholiasts o'er and o'er, The critic eye, that microscope of wit, Sees hairs and pores, examines bit by bit. How parts relate to parts, or they to whole, The body's harmony, the beaming soul,
Are things which Kuster, Burman, Wasse, shall see When man's whole frame is obvious to a flea.
" Ah, think not, mistress! more true dulness lies In folly's cap, than wisdom's grave disguise. Like buoys, that never sink into the flood, On learning's surface we but lie and nod. Thine is the genuine head of many a house, And much divinity without a Naç.
Nor could a Barrow work on every block, 245 Nor has one Atterbury spoil'd the flock. See! still thy own, the heavy canon roll, And metaphysic-smokes involve the pole.
228 &c. Suidas, Gellius, Stobæus.] The first a dictionarywriter of impertinent facts and barbarous words; the second a minute critic; the third a collector who gave his commonplace book to the public, where we happen to find much mince-meat of good old authors.
245, 246 Barrow-Atterbury.] Isaac Barrow, Master of Trinity-Francis Atterbury, Dean of Christ-Church; both great geniuses and eloquent preachers; one more conversant in the sublime geometry, the other in classical learning : but who equally made it their care to advance the polite arts in their several societies.
For thee we dim the eyes, and stuff the head With all such reading as was never read: For thee explain a thing till all men doubt it, And write about it, goddess, and about it: So spins the silk-worm small its slender store, And labours till it clouds itself all o'er.
What though we let some better sort of fool Thrid every science, run through every school? Never by tumbler through the hoops was shown Such skill in passing all, and touching none. He may indeed (if sober all this time) Plague with dispute, or persecute with rhyme. We only furnish what he cannot use, Or, wed to what he must divorce, a muse: Full in the midst of Euclid dip at once, And petrify a genius to a dunce : Or, set on metaphysic ground to prance, Show all his paces, not a step advance. With the same cement, ever sure to bind, We bring to one dead level every mind: Then take him to develope, if you can, And hew the block off, and get out the man. But wherefore waste I words? I see advance Whore, pupil, and lac'd governor from France. 272 Walker! our hat'- '—nor more he deign'd to say, But stern as Ajax' spectre strode away.
In flow'd at once a gay embroider'd race, And tittering push'd the pedants off the place:
972 Said to mean the late Duke of Kingston, and his celebrated mistress, Mad. De La Touche.
276 And titt'ring push'd, &c.]
'Rideat et pulset lasciva decentius ætas.'
Some would have spoken,but the voice was drown'd By the French horn, or by the opening hound. The first came forwards with an easy mien, As if he saw St. James's and the Queen. When thus the' attendant orator begun : 'Receive, great empress! thy accomplish'd son ; Thine from the birth, and sacred from the rod, A dauntless infant! never scar'd with God. 284 The sire saw, one by one, his virtues wake; The mother begg'd the blessing of a rake. Thou gav'st that ripeness which so soon began, And ceas'd so soon, he ne'er was boy nor man, Through school and college, thy kind cloud o’ercast, Safe and unseen the young Æneas pass'd : Thence bursting glorious, all at once let down, Stun'd with his giddy larum half the town. Intrepid then, o'er seas and lands he flew ; Europe he saw, and Europe saw him too. There all thy gifts and graces we display, Thou, only thou, directing all our way! To where the Seine, obsequious as she runs, Pours at great Bourbon's feet her silken sons; Or Tyber, now no longer Roman, rolls, Vain of Italian arts, Italian souls:
To happy convents, bosom'd deep in vines, Where slumber abbots, purple as their wines: To isles of fragrance, lily-silver'd vales, Diffusing languor in the panting gales: To lands of singing, or of dancing slaves, Love-whispering woods, and lute-resounding waves.
284 A dauntless infant! never scar'd with God.]
sine Dis animosus Infans,'
But chief her shrine where naked Venus keeps, And Cupids ride the lion of the deeps; Where, eas'd of fleets, the Adriatic main Wafts the smooth eunuch and enamour'd swain. Led by my hand, he saunter'd Europe round, And gather'd every vice on Christian ground; Saw every court, heard every king declare His royal sense of operas or the fair; The stews and palace equally explor'd, Intrigued with glory, and with spirit whor'd; Try'd all hors-d'œuvres, all liqueurs defin'd, Judicious drank, and greatly-daring din'd ; Dropt the dull Jumber of the Latin store, Spoil'd his own language, and acquir'd no more; All classic learning lost on classic ground ;; And last turn'd air, the echo of a sound! See now, half-cur'd, and perfectly well-bred, With nothing but a solo in his head;
As much estate, and principle, and wit, As Jansen, Fleetwood, Cibber, shall think fit; 326. Stol'n from a duel, follow'd by a nun,
And, if a borough choose him, not undone; See, to my country happy I restore
This glorious youth, and add one Venus more.
308 The lion of the deeps.] The winged lion, the arms of Venice. This republic was heretofore the most considerable in Europe for her naval force, and the extent of her commerce; now illustrious for her carnivals.
326-Jansen, Fleetwood, Cibber.] Three very eminent persons, all managers of plays; who, though not governors by profession, bad, each in his way, concerned themselves in the education of youth, and regulated their wits, their morals, or their finances, at that period of their age which is the most important, their entrance into the polite world. Of the last of these, and his talents for this end, see Book I. ver, 199, &c.
Her too receive, (for her my soul adores) So may the sons of sons of sons of whores 332 Prop thine, o empress! like each neighbour throne, And make a long posterity thy own.'
Pleas'd, she accepts the hero, and the dame Wraps in her veil, and frees from sense of shame. Then look'd, and saw a lazy lolling sort, Unseen at church, at senate, or at court,
Of ever-listless loiterers, that attend
No cause, no trust, no duty, and no friend. There too, my Paridell! she mark'd thee there, Stretch'd on the rack of a too easy chair, 342 And heard thy everlasting yawn confess The pains and penalties of idleness. She pitied! but her pity only shed Benigner influence on thy nodding head. But Annius, crafty seer, with ebon wand, And well-dissembled emerald on his hand, False as his gems, and canker'd as his coins, Came, cram'd with capon, from where Pollio dines. Soft as the wily fox is seen to creep,
Where bask on sunny banks the simple sheep, Walk round and round, now prying here, now there, So he, but pious, whisper'd first his pray'r:
'Grant, gracious goddess! grant me still to cheat! O may thy cloud still cover the deceit !
332 So may the sons of sons, &c.]
'Et nati natorum, et qui nascentur ab illis.' VIRG.
542 Stretch'd on the rack
And heard, &c.]
'Sedet, æternumque sedebit!
Infelix Theseus, Phlegyasque miserrimus omnes Admonet.'-
grant me still to cheat!
O may thy cloud still cover the deceit !]
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