Yes, I am proud; I must be proud to see Safe from the bar, the pulpit, and the throne, O sacred weapon! left for truth's defence, When black ambition stains a public cause, A monarch's sword when mad vainglory draws, Not Waller's wreath can hide the nation's scar, Nor Boileau turn the feather to a star. Not so when diadem'd with rays divine, [shrine, There other trophies deck the truly brave Let envy howl, while Heaven's whole chorus sings, Yes, the last pen for freedom let me draw, When truth stands trembling on the edge of law. Here, last of Britons! let your names be read : Are none, none living? let me praise the dead; And for that cause which made your fathers shine, Fall by the votes of their degenerate line. F. Alas! alas! pray end what you began, And write next winter more Essays on Man. ON RECEIVING FROM THE RIGHT HONOURABLE THE LADY FRANCES SHIRLEY A STANDISH AND TWO PENS'. YES, I beheld the' Athenian queen 'Secure the radiant weapons wield; This golden lance shall guard desert, And if a vice dares keep the field, This steel shall stab it to the heart.' These lines were occasioned by the poet's being threatened with a prosecution in the House of Lords, for writing the two foregoing Dialogues. Awed, on my bended knees I fell, 'What well? what weapon? (Flavia cries) But, friend! take heed whom you attack; You'll bring a house (I mean of peers) Red, blue, and green, nay, white and black, L** and all about your ears. You'd write as smooth again on glass, As not to stick at fool or ass, 'Athenian queen! and sober charms! I tell ye, fool! there's nothing in't: 'Tis Venus, Venus gives these arms;In Dryden's Virgil see the print. 'Come, if you'll be a quiet soul, That dares tell neither truth nor lies, I'll list you in the harmless roll Of those that sing of these poor eyes.' EPITAPHS. His saltem accumulem donis, et fungar inani VIRG. ON CHARLES EARL OF DORSET, IN THE CHURCH OF WITHYAM, SUSSEX. DORSET, the grace of courts, the Muses' pride, Bless'd satirist! who tonch'd the mean so true, Where other Buckhursts, other Dorsets, shine, ON SIR WILLIAM TRUMBAL, ONE OF THE PRINCIPAL SECRETARIES OF STATE TO KING WILLIAM III. Who, having resigned his Place, died in his Retirement at Easthamsted, in Berkshire, 1716. A PLEASING form, a firm yet cautious mind; An honest courtier, yet a patriot too, ON THE HON. SIMON HARCOURT, ONLY SON OF THE LORD CHANCELLOR HARCOURT, At the Church of Stanton-Harcourt, Oxfordshire, 1720. To this sad shrine, whoe'er thou art, draw near; Here lies the friend most lov'd, the son most dear; Who ne'er knew joy but friendship might divide, Or gave his father grief but when he died. How vain is reason, eloquence how weak! If Pope must tell what Harcourt cannot speak. Oh! let thy once-lov'd friend inscribe thy stone, And with a father's sorrows mix his own! ON JAMES CRAGGS, ESQ. IN WESTMINSTER ABBEY. JACOBUS CRAGGS, REGI MAGNÆ BRITANNIÆ A SECRETIS, PRINCIPIS PARITER AC POPULI AMOR ET DELICIE: ANNOS, HEU DAUCOS, XXXV. OB. FEB. XVI. M.DCC.XX. STATESMAN, yet friend to truth! of soul sincere, In action faithful, and in honour clear! |