A MANUAL OF COMPOSITION AND RHETORIC: A Test-Fook for Schools as 1 Colleges BY JOHN S. HART. LL. D., PROFESSOR OF RHETORIC AND OF THE ENGLISH I A JAGE AND LITERATURE IN THE 4 RSIT RNIA PHILADELPHIA ELDREDGE & BROTHER No. 17 North Seventh Street. PREFACE. i It has been writlos objet is, not HIC is, on the face d'it, at vi-book. ton for learners, not for the 'earned extend the boundaries of the science by excuricus into lebat bie ground, bu to present its admitted teiths in a form eatly apprehended. By this statement, however, I do Lot wish to convey the idea that the treatise is unsciodße its character or its Laethods. I mean merely that I bove adiously avoided cumbering my bock with the mans a truse and still unsolved questions which environ the subLect. Those questions are not without interest or value, and tew persons have a keener relish for their discussion the The writer, whose life-long studies have been in that pe Tine of inquiry. But original investigation is felt of place in a text-book for instruction in the the same time, it is believed, the attent War with the recent literature of bject brought up to the results, while in some directions made. 7 |