With quavering laugh and rural jests resounds. Ease, and content, and undissembled love, Shine in each face; the thoughts of labour past Increase their joy: As, from retentive cage When sullen Philomel escapes, her notes She varies, and of past imprisonment Sweetly complains; her liberty retriev'd Cheers her sad soul, improves her pleasing song. Gladsome they quaff, yet not exceed the bounds Of healthy temperance, nor encroach on night, Season of rest, but well bedew'd repair Each to his home, with unsupplanted feet. Ere Heaven 's emblazon'd by the rosy dawn, Domestic cares awake them; brisk they rise, Refresh'd, and lively with the joys that flow From amicable talk, and moderate cups Sweetly interchang'd. The pining lover finds Present redress, and long oblivion drinks Of coy Lucinda. Give the debtor wine; His joys are short, and few; yet when he drinks, His dread retires, the flowing glasses add Courage and mirth: magnificent in thought, Imaginary riches he enjoys, And in the gaol expatiates unconfin'd. Nor can the poet Bacchus' praise indite, Debarr'd his grape: the Muses still require Humid regalement, nor will aught avail Imploring Phœbus, with unmoisten'd lips. Thus to the generous bottle all incline, By parching thirst allur'd: with vehement suns When dusty Summer bakes the crumbling clods, How pleasant is 't, beneath the twisted arch
Of a retreating bower, in mid-day's reign To ply the sweet carouse, remote from noise, Secur'd of feverish heats! When th' aged year Inclines, and Boreas' spirit blusters frore, Beware th' inclement Heavens; now let thy hearth Crackle with juiceless boughs; thy lingering blood Now instigate with th' apple's powerful streams. Perpetual showers, and stormy gusts confine The willing ploughman, and December warns To annual jollities; now sportive youth Carol incondite rhymes, with suiting notes, And quaver unharmonious; sturdy swains In clean array for rustic dance prepare, Mixt with the buxom damsels; hand in hand They frisk and bound, and various mazes weave, Shaking their brawny limbs, with uncouth mien, Transported, and sometimes an oblique leer Dart on their loves, sometimes an hasty kiss Steal from unwary lasses; they with scorn, And neck reclin'd, resent the ravish'd bliss. Meanwhile blind British bards with volant touch Traverse loquacious strings, whose solemn notes Provoke to harmless revels; these among, A subtle artist stands, with wondrous bag That bears imprison'd winds (of gentler sort Than those, which erst Laertes' son enclos'd.) Peaceful they sleep; but let the tuneful squeeze Of labouring elbow rouze them, out they fly Melodious, and with sprightly accents charm. 'Midst these desports, forget they not to drench Themselves with bellying goblets; nor, when Spring Returns, can they refuse to usher in
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The fresh-born year with loud acclaim, and store Of jovial draughts, now, when the sappy boughs Attire themselves with blooms, sweet rudiments Of future harvest. When the Gnossian crown Leads on expected autumn, and the trees Discharge their mellow burthens, let them thank Boon Nature, that thus annually supplies Their vaults, and with her former liquid gifts Exhilarates their languid minds, within The golden mean confin'd: beyond there's nought Of health, or pleasure. Therefore, when thy heart Dilates with fervent joys, and eager soul Prompts to pursue the sparkling glass, be sure 'Tis time to shun it; if thou wilt prolong Dire compotation, forthwith Reason quits Her empire to confusion, and misrule, And vain debates; then twenty tongues at once Conspire in senseless jargon, nought is heard But din, and various clamour, and mad rant : Distrust, and jealousy to these succeed, And anger-kindling taunt, the certain bane Of well-knit fellowship. Now horrid frays Commence, the brimming glasses now are hurl'd With dire intent; bottles with bottles clash In rude encounter, round their temples fly The sharp-edg'd fragments, down their batter'd
Mix'd gore and cider flow. What shall we say Of rash Elpenor, who in evil hour Dry'd an immeasurable bowl, and thought T' exhale his surfeit by irriguous sleep, Imprudent? him Death's iron-sleep opprest,
Descending careless from his couch; the fall Luxt his neck-joint, and spinal marrow bruis'd. Nor need we tell what anxious cares attend The turbulent mirth of wine; nor all the kinds Of maladies, that lead to Death's grim cave, Wrought by intemperance, joint-racking gout, Intestine stone, and pining atrophy, Chill even when the Sun with July heats Fries the scorch'd soil, and dropsy all a-float, Yet craving liquids: nor the Centaurs tale Be here repeated; how, with lust and wine Inflam'd, they fought, and split their drunken souls At feasting hour. Ye heavenly Powers, that guard The British isles, such dire events remove Far from fair Albion, nor let civil broils Ferment from social cups: may we, remote From the hoarse, brazen sound of war, enjoy Our humid products, and with seemly draughts Enkindle mirth, and hospitable love. Too oft, alas! has mutual hatred drench'd Our swords in native blood; too oft has pride, And hellish discord, and insatiate thirst Of others rights, our quiet discompos'd. Have we forgot, how fell Destruction rag'd Wide-spreading, when by Eris' torch incens'd Our fathers warr'd? what heroes, signalis'd For loyalty and prowess, met their fate Untimely, undeserv'd! how Bertie fell, Compton, and Granville, dauntless sons of Mars, Fit themes of endless grief, but that we view Their virtues yet surviving in their race!
Can we forget, how the mad, headstrong rout
Defy'd their prince to arms, nor made account Of faith or duty, or allegiance sworn ? Apostate, atheist rebels! bent to ill, With seeming sanctity, and cover'd fraud, Instill'd by him, who first presum'd t' oppose Omnipotence; alike their crime, th' event Was not alike; these triumph'd, and in height Of barbarous malice, and insulting pride, Abstain'd not from imperial blood. O fact Unparallel'd! O Charles, O best of kings! What stars their black disastrous influence shed On thy nativity, that thou should'st fall Thus, by inglorious hands, in this thy realm, Supreme and innocent, adjudg'd to death By those thy mercy only would have sav'd! Yet was the Cider-land unstain'd with guilt; The Cider-land, obsequious still to thrones, Abhorr'd such base disloyal deeds, and all Her pruning-hooks extended into swords, Undaunted, to assert the trampled rights Of monarchy: but, ah! successless she, However faithful! then was no regard Of right, or wrong. And this once happy land, By homebred fury rent, long groan'd beneath Tyrannic sway, till fair revolving years Our exil'd kings and liberty restor'd. Now we exult, by mighty Anna's care Secure at home, while she to foreign realms Sends forth her dreadful legions, and restrains The rage of kings: here, nobly she supports Justice oppress'd; here, her victorious arms Quell the ambitious: from her hand alone
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