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the grounds, particularly along the broad walk, leading from the Palace to the Amphitheatre. On these pedestals, on extraordinary occasions, selected living figures, male and female, dressed in character, were placed, and taught to maintain certain attitudes, after the manner of the representations called Tableaux ; and which are sometimes, though rarely, produced in private circles, at Paris and Vienna, on days when theatrical amusements are forbidden. In 1813, this seat was nearly in the state, in which it was left by Stanislaus; but we understand, that it has since undergone several changes." Encyclopedia of Gardening, p. 54.


NOTE I. Page 70.

MARSHALL has a specious way of adjusting the differences between these conflicting systems; although he seems to give it, in the end, in favour of the former (that is, of the system of raising Trees from the seed), in situations, where the nature of the ground will admit. "The dispute about Sowing and Planting (as he observes) may, in some measure, be reconciled in the following manner. Where the strength of the land lies in the substratum, while the surface soil is of an ungenial nature, sow, in order that the roots may strike deep, and thereby reap the full advantage of the treasures below. (Qu. where did Marshall meet with land of this description?) But, on the contrary, where the top soil is good, and the bottom of an opposite quality (a very common case), plant, and thereby give the roots the full enjoyment of the productive part of the soil. Or, under these last circumstances, sow; and tap the young plants as they stand, with a tapping instrument, and thereby check their downward tendency, as well as strengthen their horizontal roots.

"By this method of treating seedling plants, the peculiar advantage of Planting is obtained. The dispute, therefore, seems to rest entirely upon this question; Which of the two methods is least expensive? To come at this, there are two things to be considered; the actual expense of labour, and other contingent matters, and the loss of time in the land occupied. With respect to the former, Sowing is, beyond comparison, the cheapest method: But, in regard to the latter, Planting may seem to gain a preference; for the seed-bed is small, compared with

the ground to be planted, and, while that is rearing the seedling plants, this continues to be applied to the purposes of husbandry. However, if we consider the check, which plants, in general, receive in transplantation; and, if the interspaces of an infant wood, may, for several years after sowing, be still cultivated to advantage, the preference, we conceive, is evidently, and beyond all dispute, on the side of Sowing." Rural Ornament, Vol. I. p. 121-123.

As this is a question of some moment, and has divided the most judicious writers and planters for a century back, it must be interesting to the young planter to have a concise summary of the evidence, as furnished by our best writers, on the one side, and on the other, such as may assist him to determine which is most consonant to rational theory, supported and enforced by the best practice.

Miller, no mean authority as an arboriculturist, says (as we have seen), that no Trees transplanted, and especially the Oak, will ever produce such valuable timber, as those raised from the seed. Marshall, as we have seen also, prefers Sowing the seed, wherever the ground is capable of being worked with the plough. Evelyn, Emmerich, and, though last, not least, the intelligent Speechly, are of the same opinion, although Speechly's extensive practice was sometimes at variance with this sentiment. Nicol and Pontey have practised both methods extensively, and they offer no arguments against Sowing, where situation and circumstances admit. Sang, who, in point of practical skill, is not inferior to any of these writers, says; "It is an opinion very generally entertained, that planted timber can never, in any case, be equal in durability and value to that which is sown. We certainly feel ourselves inclined to support this opinion, although we readily admit, that the matter has not been so fully established from experiment, as to amount to positive proof. But, although we have not met with decided evidence, to determine on the comparative excellence of timber raised from the seed, without being replanted, over such as has been raised from replanted Trees, we are left in no doubt as to the preference, in respect to growth, of those Trees which are sown, over such Trees as are planted." Planter's Kalendar, p. 43. The

same writer prefers, and with great justice, this mode of raising the Scotch Pine, and the Larch.

The late Dr Yule, an able Botanist, in an excellent paper, which he gave to the Horticultural Society of Edinburgh (for want, as he remarked to me, of a more appropriate body, to which he might communicate it), strongly recommends the sowing of seeds, for permanent plantations. "It is a well ascertained fact (he says), that seedlings, allowed to remain in their original station, will, in the course of a few seasons, far overtop common nursed plants, which are several years older. This principle, however, is, of course, strictly applicable to Foresttimber Trees. Where shelter or ornament is speedily wanted, the transplanting of grown Trees, laying, budding, inarching, and other means must consequently be substituted." Horticult. Mem. Vol. II. pp. 418, 419.

The ingenious author of the Encyclopedia of Agriculture, on impartially considering these different opinions, observes, respecting those of Sang and Yule in particular, that they seem to be founded on the idea, that the Tap-root is of material importance to full-grown Trees, and that, when that is once cut off, the plant has not the power of renewing it. "That the Tap-root (he observes) is of the utmost consequence, for the first three or four years, is obvious, from the economy of nature, at that age of the plant, perhaps for a longer period; but that it can be of no great consequence to full-grown Trees, appears highly probable from the fact, that, when such Trees are cut down, the Tap-root is seldom to be distinguished from the others." p. 572. Forsyth, an arboriculturist of considerable experience, has distinctly shown by experiments, that Trees have the power of renewing their Tap-roots; and he further proves the great advantages, that are derived from cutting down Trees, after two or three years planting, in order to form healthy and vigorous woods. He transplanted, as he states, a bed of Oak-plants, cutting the tap-roots near to some of the side-roots, or fibres springing from them. In the second year after, he headed down the one half of the plants, and left the other half to nature. In the first season, those headed down made six feet long, and upwards, and completely covered the head of the old stem, leaving

only a faint cicatrix, and produced new Tap-roots, upwards of two feet-and-a-half long. That half of the plants, which was not headed down, was not one fourth part the size of the others. Some time after, when he wrote the account, one of the plants cut over was found to be eighteen feet high, and fifteen inches in circumference, at six inches from the ground; while one of the largest of the plants not cut over, measured only five feet-and-a-half in height, and three inches and threequarters in circumference. See Treat. on Fruit Trees, p. 144.

On considering the whole question, it appears to me, that, as the Pine and Fir species receive the greatest check from transplanting, and as, when planted at four and five years old, they do not readily grow to timber, it is clear, that they should always be sowed, or at least planted very young, in high and cold regions. Respecting all Trees that stole, I entirely concur in opinion with the intelligent author of the Encyclopedia of Gardening, that, with any tolerable soil and situation, Planting will be found preferable to Sowing, if strong and healthy plants be used, and such as have not been too much drawn up by the heat of the nursery, taking care to cut them down, after the second, or, much better, after the third year, when they have been established in the ground.

NOTE II. Page 72.

As I consider Miller as one of the greatest authorities we have, for whatever relates to Trees, I shall beg leave to give his opinion at large, on the subject of the Removal of Large Trees. To this art he undoubtedly was not partial, from the great want of science, which he saw displayed by those, who practised it in his day; and he could form no conception, either of the general progress of science, which we see now attained, or its application to this particular branch of rural economy.

"The modern practice of transplanting Forest-trees, from hedge-rows and woods, of large size, and at a great expense, has too generally prevailed in this kingdom (England), the generality of planters being in too great haste, and by a mistaken

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