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VERSES in praise of Mr DRYDEN.

From Mr ADDISON's Account of the English Poets.


UT fee where artful Dryden next appears,
Grown old in rhime, but charming e'en in years.

Great Dryden next! whose tuneful muse affords
The sweetest numbers, and the fittest words.
Whether in comic sounds, or tragic airs

She forms her voice, she moves our smiles and tears.

If fatire or heroic ftrains the writes,

Her hero pleases, and her fatire bites.

From her no harsh, unartful numbers fall,
She wears all dresses, and she charms in all :
How might we fear our English poetry,
That long has flourish'd, should decay in thee;
Did not the Muses other hope appear,
Harmonious Congreve, and forbid our fear!
Congreve! whose fancy's unexhaufted ftore
Have giv'n already much, and promis'd more.
Congreve shall still preserve thy fame alive;
And Dryden's Muse shall in his friend survive.

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