A History of the Reformation of the Church of England. 3 Vols. [in 6, And] Index, Volume 1, Part 2Clarendon Press, 1829 |
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A History of the Reformation of the Church of England. 3 Vols. in 6, and Index No preview available - 2020 |
Common terms and phrases
abbot adeo alia aliis Angliĉ anno apostolicĉ sedis apud atque autem bishop bishop of Rome BOOK bullam Campegius cardinal causa cause chrismate Christo conscientiĉ consistory Cotton lib dispensatione domino Eboracen ecclesiĉ ejus sanctitas eorum erga etiam fidem fuerit fuisse grace gratia hĉc hanc hath hujus hujusmodi illi ipsius Item jure king's highness legato letters literis lord majestatem matrimonium mihi modo modum monks nihil nisi nobis nostrĉ nostrum nunc omnes omni omnia omnibus omnino pontifex pontificis pope pope's holiness posse possit potest prĉ priests prior quĉ quam quibus quod quum rationibus realm rebus regem regia majestas regiĉ majestatis regis regni regno reverendissimi Rome sacraments salutem sanctitatis scripture semper sententiam shew sibi sive suĉ suam sunt super tamen tanquam thereof thing Thomas Cromwell tunc ullo unquam unto vero vestra Vitell vobis
Popular passages
Page 242 - You have chosen me from a low estate to be your queen and companion, far beyond my desert or desire. If then you found me worthy of such honour, good your grace, let not any slight fancy or bad counsel of mine enemies withdraw...
Page 243 - My last and only request shall be, that myself may only bear the burden of your Grace's displeasure, and that it may not touch the innocent souls of those poor gentlemen who, as I understand, are likewise in strait imprisonment for my sake. If ever I have found favour in your sight, if ever the name of Anne Boleyn hath been pleasing in your ears, then let me obtain this request...
Page 16 - Nos igitur ipsos exponentes specialibus favoribus et gratiis prosequi volentes, et eorum singulares personas a quibusvis excommunicationis suspensionis et interdicti aliisque ecclesiasticis sententiis censuris et poenis a jure vel ab homine quavis occasione vel causa latis si quibus quomodolibet innodati...
Page 243 - ... for whose sake I am now as I am, whose name I could some good while since have pointed unto, your grace not being ignorant of my suspicion therein.
Page 242 - But let not your Grace ever imagine that your poor wife will ever be brought to acknowledge a fault, where not so much as a thought thereof preceded. And, to speak a truth, never prince had wife more loyal...
Page 135 - ... his highness, for the more clear discharge for the same, that it may be ordained and enacted by the king, our said sovereign lord, the lords spiritual and temporal, and the commons of this present parliament assembled, and by authority of the same, that all promises, bonds, writings, obligatory letters, under the king's privy seal, signet, sign manual, or great seal passed, and other bonds or promises, whatsoever they be, had, made, to any person or persons, K 4 BOOK spiritual or temporal, shire,...
Page 347 - A bishop may make a priest by the scripture, and so may princes and governors also, and that by the authority of God committed to them, and the people also by their election : for as we read that bishops have done it, so Christian emperors and princes usually have done it; and the people, before Christian princes were, commonly did elect their bishops and priests.
Page 279 - Item ; That ye shall provide on this side the feast of next coming, one book of the whole Bible of the largest volume in English...
Page 462 - ... said creeds to be so necessary to be believed for man's salvation, that whosoever, being taught, will not believe them, as is aforesaid, or will obstinately affirm the contrary of them ; he or they cannot be the very members of Christ, and his spouse the church, but be very infidels or heretics, and members of the devil, with whom they shall perpetually be damned.
Page 242 - Whereas you send unto me, willing me to confess a truth and so obtain your favour, by such an one whom you know to be mine ancient professed enemy, I no sooner received this message by him than I rightly conceived...