To those who go, and those who come: I am going to my own hearthstone,1 A spot that is sacred to thought and God. Oh, when I am safe in my sylvan home, I laugh at the lore and the pride of man, 4. CONCORD FIGHT. [This hymn was composed to be sung April 19, 1836, at the completion of a monument to commemorate the fight at Concord, April 19, 1775.] 1 hearthstone. What is the figure of speech? 2 lodge, habitation. 3 roundelay: a simple rural strain which is short and lively. 4 Greece and Rome: that is, learning and power, the lore and pride of man." 5 sophist (from Greek sophos, wise), one of a class of Grecian teachers who by fallacious but plausible reasoning puzzled inquirers after truth. 6 bush, referring to the burning bush of Scripture, out of which Moses heard God calling him. By the rude bridge that arched the flood, The foe long since in silence slept; Alike the conqueror silent sleeps; And Time the ruined bridge has swept Down the dark stream which seaward creeps. On this green bank, by this soft stream, Spirit, that made those heroes dare 4 The shaft we raise to them and thee. I LIKE a church; I like a cowl; 5 1 rude bridge. The pupil will find, in the historical account, that part of the Concord engagement was a brisk skirmish at the "rude bridge" over the Concord River. The house in which Emerson was born stands hard by the bridge, and his father, the village pastor, witnessed the combat from his study-windows. 2 here once world: this couplet has had a great popularity. and is one of the most familiar of familiar quotations." 3 redeem, call back. 4 the shaft: that is, the monument. 5 cowl (from Latin cucullus, a cap or hood), a monk's hood or habit. It is used by metonymy for monk. And on my heart monastic1 aisles Fall like sweet strains, or pensive smiles: Why should the vest 2 on him allure Not from a vain or shallow thought The thrilling Delphic oracle;+ Out from the heart of nature rolled The hand that rounded Peter's dome, Wrought in a sad sincerity; Himself from God he could not free; Know'st thou what wove yon woodbird's nest O'er England's abbeys bends the sky, 1 he builded much-quoted line. knew, now a 4 Parthenon: the Temple of Minerva at Athens; one of the most 2 with morn. Express the idea celebrated of the Greek temples, and in your own words. usually regarded as the most perfect 3 annual (from Latin annus, a specimen of Greek architecture. year), yearly. 5 opes, poetic form of opens. These temples grew as grows the grass; To the vast soul that o'er him planned; Ever the fiery Pentecost1 Girds with one flame the countless host, |