The enemies of truth? who then shall guide 486 The promise of the Father, who shall dwell His Spirit within them, and the law of faith Working through love, upon their hearts shall write, To guide them in all truth, and also arm With fpiritual armour, able to refist Satan's affaults, and quench his fiery darts, 490 What man can do against them, not afraid, Though to the death, against such cruelties And oft fupported so as shall amaze Their proudest perfecutors: for the Spirit 495 To To evangelize the nations, then on all As did their Lord before them. Thus they win With joy the tidings brought from Heav'n: at length Their doctrin and their story written left, 595 They die; but in their room, as they forewarn, Wolves shall fucceed for teachers, grievous wolves, Who all the facred myfteries of Heaven To their own vile advantages shall turn 510 Of lucre and ambition, and the truth Places, For I know this that after my departure fhall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. See too his Confiderations touching the likelieft means to remove hirelings out of the Chriftian church. Vol. I. P. 563. Edit. 1738. Not long after as the Apoftle foretold, hirelings like wolves came in by herds &c. 514. Though not but by the Spirit understood.] I don't think Places, and titles, and with these to join 516 Secular pow'r, though feigning still to act The Spirit of God, promis'd alike and given Who against faith and conscience can be heard 520 525 530 On agreeable to reveal'd or natural religion, neither to be found in holy Scripture, or written on their hearts by the Spirit of God, according to that divine promise, Jer. XXXI. 33I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts. 526. His confort liberty?] For where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty, 2 Cor. III. 17. 527. His living temples.] Chriftians are call'd the temples of God, 1 Cor. III. 16, 17. and VI. 19. 532. On On all who in the worship perfevere Of spi'rit and truth; the reft, far greater part, Beftuck with fland'rous darts, and works of faith And vengeance to the wicked, at return The Woman's Seed, obfcurely then foretold, Satan with his perverted world, then raise 532. On all who in the worship per fevere Of Spirit and truth;] He alludes to John IV. 23. The true worshippers fball worship the Father in fpirit and in truth. 534. Will deem] This is the genuin reading of the first edition; in the second it was printed by mistake Well deem, but abfurd as this reading is, it has been follow'd in all the editions which I have seen, till Mr. Fenton's and Dr. Bentley's. VOL. II. - 535 549 545 From 540.-the day of respiration] This is what the Scripture calls the times of refreshing, Acts ÌI. 19. 5.46. to diffolve Satan with bis perverted world,] An expreffion of the fame import, as when the light is faid to dissolve the darkness, Extulit os facrum cœlo, tenebrafque refolvit. Virg. Æn. VIII. 591. Our author probably borrow'd the phrafe from Scripture, 2 Pet. III. Ee 113 From the conflagrant mafs, purg'd and refin'd, Greatly instructed I fhall hence depart, Greatly in peace of thought, and have my fill Of knowledge, what this veffel can contain ; Beyond, which was my folly to aspire. Henceforth I learn, that to obey is best, And love with fear the only God, to walk 11, 12. Seeing then that all these things fhall be diffolved &c. the Heavens being on fire fhall be diffolved. And he had mention'd before, ver. 459. this world's diffolution. 549. New Heav'ns, new Earth,] The very words of St. Peter, 2 Pet. III. 13. Nevertheless awe, according to his promife, look for new Heavens and a new Earth, wherein dwelleth righteoufnefs. This notion, of the Heavens and Earth being renew'd 555 560 His after the conflagration, and made the habitation of Angels and juft men made perfect, was very pleafing to our author, as it was to Dr. Burnet, and must be to every one of a fine and exalted imagination; and Milton has inlarged upon it in feveral parts of his works, and particularly in this poem, III. 333, &c. X. 638. XI. 65, 900. XII. 462. 1 Cor. I. 27. God hath chofen the 568.Subverting worldly firong, &c.} foolifi |