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The destruction of Drury Lane theatre by fire was a most momentous disaster for Sheridan, and doubtless precipitated his affairs into that state of absolute ruin towards which they had long been tending. When he heard of the catastrophe he was in the House of Commons, and stoically remained there for some time engaged in the public business. Afterwards he repaired to Drury Lane; saw the entire destruction of his property, but manifested great fortitude and composure. It is said, that as he sat for awhile at the Piazza Coffee House, taking some refreshment during the fire, a friend of his having remarked on the philosophic calmness with which he bore his misfortune, Sheridan answered, “A man may surely be allowed to take a glass of wine by his own fireside." Moore discredits this story, but it may be readily admitted that it is not unlike the man.

Of Sheridan's procrastination and utter recklessness of all economy, many stories are related. Professor Smyth states that he was one morning waiting for him in his ante-room, when casting his eye upon a table covered with letters, manuscripts, pamphlets and other miscellaneous papers, he observed that the letters were mostly unopened, and that even some of them in this state had coronets on the seal. He remarked to Mr. Westley, the treasurer of Drury Lane, who was also waiting in the room, that Sheridan apparently treated all alike, wafer or coronet, pauper or peer, the letters seemed equally unopened. 'Just so," said the treasurer, "indeed, last winter I was occupying myself much as you are doing now, and what should I discover but a letter from myself, unopened like the rest-a letter which I knew contained a £10 note. The history was this: I had received a note from Mr. Sheridan, dated Bath, On the dissolution of Parliament and headed with the words, Money after the session of 1812, Sheridan bound,' and entreating me to send him found himself without money to securo the first £10 I could lay my hands on. his re-election. The rest of his life This accordingly I did. In the mean- was an accumulation of miseries and time I suppose some one had given him anxieties. His severe losses, his deep a cast in his carriage up to town, and involvements, embittered his declining his application to me had never more days, and hastened his melancholy end. been thought of; and therefore there Over the neglected wretchedness of his lay my letter, and would have continued last hours we will not linger. to lie till the house-maid would have kindly, careless soul-its generous ge swept it with the rest into the fire, if I nialities now all shrunken and defaced had not accidentally seen it." at length left friendless in the days Smyth subsequently told this story to of his adversity. Arrested on his deathSheridan's valet, Edwards, and sug- bed for debt, he finally shuffles off this gested to him the desirability of looking mortal coil, and leaves his embarrassafter the letters. Edwards replied-ments behind him. In the bright July "What can I do for such a master? The other morning I went to settle his room after he had gone out, and on throwing open the windows, found them stuffed up with papers of different kinds, and among them bank notes; there had been a high wind in the night, the windows I suppose had rattled; he had come in quite intoxicated, and, in the dark, for want of something better, stuffed the bank notes into the casement; and as he never knows what he has in his pocket or what he has not, they were never afterwards missed."


weather of 1816, he died in quite abject condition; and they gave him a splendid funeral for compensation-royal and noble hands, that ministered not to his distress, bearing up the pall! He rests now in Westminster Abbey, our English Pantheon of great men. There have been many greater, many worthier; but among the considerable men of the eighteenth century, his country may justly reckon him. Be his faults, then, charitably scanned, and such virtues and rare endowments as he had cheerfully acknowledged and remembered.




THE peculiarities of national character the romancists, verily their name is are ever visibly impressed upon the na-"Legion." They offer to the attention tional literature. It is very interesting of the student a mine of unexplored to study the varied characteristics thus wealth; much that is worthless, proshadowed forth. In the literature of bably, but still, amid all, many fair England, we observe the practical com- jewels in their strange, wild incidents, mon sense, the high moral tone, the true and abounding wit and humour. and just sentiment which distinguish In the galaxy of Spanish authors, the English people; in that of France there is one bright and particular we are presented with a sparkling mir- star," that in brilliancy outshines all ror of a clever and volatile nation; and the rest. Lope de Vega and Calderon the literature of Germany bears the are familiar names, but Cervantes is impress of the deep thought, poetical a "household word." The works of feeling and delicious dreamy mysticism the former adorn our libraries, we study for which the German people stand pre- and admire them; but the Knight of eminent; for to them was given the | La Mancha, and| Sancho Panza, are empire of the air." Nor are the productions of Spanish writers less characteristic. Standing as it were apart, insulated amid the brotherhood of nations, but little visited by tourists, its inhabitants not addicted to travel, Spain has been, until quite lately, the country least known to foreigners of all in Europe. It might, therefore, be well imagined, that her literature should be still more striking in individuality, and rich in distinctive character.


The people of Spain are generous and impulsive, proud beyond measure, truly, passionate, impetuous, but hospitable to strangers, firm in friendship, and constant in love. They have much of oriental indolence. Their conversation is tinged with eastern hyperbole. Their devotion oversteps the bounds of intelligent belief; but, as a whole, they are in truth a gallant and chivalric nation. These constituent elements of character are admirably developed in the national literature, which is especially rich in ballad poetry, in the drama and romance. As might be anticipated, the Spanish have but few writers on theology and philosophy, although they possess an abundance of devotional works, in the form of Guides and Manuals. Among the earliest valuable specimens of Spanish literature, may be mentioned the true spirit-stirring ballads illustrative of the history of the Cid, already familiar to the English reader through the admirable translation of Mr. Lockhart. Spain has produced no really great poet, if we except the dramatists; although many of the effusions of Boscan, Garcilaso, Mendoza, and Ponce de Leon, are exquisite in their way. As to

enshrined evermore in our memories.

"Don Quixote" has not only attained an unrivalled popularity in Spain; it has, moreover, `achieved a world-wide reputation, and found a welcome and a home amongst all people in all classes, whatever their age or country. There can be no better proof of its intrinsic worth than this. Some one has well said, that Genius is cosmopolitan; that its utterances are expressed in one broadly comprehensive and universal language: that its dictates are inscribed upon one fair and far-flashing scroll, raised high in the sight of all the nations, like the unfurled banner of the regal night with the profusion of its starry splendours. We do, indeed, find that the revelations of genius meet with recognition and sympathy, not only in the land where they first arose, but amid all people, wherever there is a heart to love and appreciate, and a soul to comprehend.

The early history of MIGUEL DE CERVANTES SAAVEDRA is involved in some obscurity. His family, although poor, appears to have been originally noble; for according to the learned Marquis de Mondejar, it was equal in distinction to any in Europe. Of little consequence this truly; we ever hold to our faith that genius is the best patent of nobility, and shall not, therefore, trouble ourselves to trace our author's genealogical tree, through interminable ramifications. The subject of our memoir was the younger son of Rodrigo de Cervantes, and his wife, Dona Leonor de Cortinas. He was born in Alcala de Henares, in October, 1547. Madrid, Seville, and other cities, have disputed

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as to which of them might claim the it is most natural to conclude that his honour of having been his birth-place. instructions were anterior to this period; It seems, however, that he was baptized and that either as a private master, or on the 9th of October, in the parish out of Madrid, he had taught his celechurch of Alcala, dedicated to Santa brated scholar, so far as to call him Maria la Mayor. This fact has been with propriety his disciple, after he had established in the most authentic and been only eight months presiding in convincing manner-" del modo mas the above-mentioned chair-a conjecture autentico y convincente." It is sup- that admits of entire confirmation, it posed that the early education of Cer- being certain that Cervantes, as he has vantes was conducted beneath the pa- himself informed us, studied two years rental roof; but this is not certainly in Salamanca, and matriculated in that known. He displayed a deep love of University, and resided in the Calle de poetry and the drama from childhood; los Moros." Hence his intimate acand so great a passion for reading, that quaintance with the peculiar features he treasured carefully the torn frag- of that city and its student-life, so ments of written paper which he found graphically delineated in the second in the streets. Notwithstanding these part of the "Don Quixote," in the indications of the student, we ever fancy story of the "Licentiate of Glass" and the young Cervantes, as a boy among other portions of his writings. His boys, simple, frank, good-natured, a first poetical efforts meeting with approhearty lover of fun, and ready at all bation, Cervantes was induced to give times for frolic and adventure. to the world further specimens in the form of sonnets, romances, and a pastoral called "Filena," which has been lost.

He studied grammar and the belleslettres, under Juan Lopez de Hoyas, a learned ecclesiastic of Madrid; and made considerable progress while under the tuition of this master, advancing also in the development of his poetical faculties. It appears that Juan Lopez, "being charged with the arrangement of the histories, allegories, emblems and inscriptions, which were directed to be placed in the church of the Descalzas Reales in celebration of the magnificent obsequies of the Queen Isabel de Valois, in that town, on the 24th of October, 1568, employed his scholars in these compositions. Some were in Latin, and others in Castilian. Among these scholars, Cervantes was one of the most distinguished." The history published by Lopez, detailing the circumstances of the last illness, death, and funeral of this princess, contains many tributes to her memory from the pen of the young poet; and among these an elegy of considerable merit, dedicated to the Cardinal Espinosa, inquisitor general. In the course of the work, Hoyas frequently refers to his pupil, affectionately designating him as, su caro y amado discipulo."


"The common opinion has been that it was at Madrid that Cervantes prosecuted his studies with Juan Lopez; but considering that Lopez did not obtain the chair of grammar and belleslettres in that city until the 29th of January, 1568, when Cervantes was already more than twenty years of age,

These first flowerings of genius doubtless attracted some notice in the literary circles of Madrid. In the autumn of 1568, at the period of the queen's funeral, Cervantes visited the capital. About the same time the papal legate, Aquaviva, arrived, with compliments of condolence from Pope Pius V. to Philip II., on the death of the Prince Don Carlos, who had perished in prison the previous July. The court of Rome had also given instructions to the legate, for the purpose of obtaining redress in some case in which the king's ministers had trespassed upon the ecclesiastical jurisdiction. Neither mission was agreeable to Philip. He had expressly commanded that no one should presume to condole with him on the decease of his son, whose mysterious death, so shortly followed by that of the queen, gave much reason for conjecture and suspicion. Certain it is that Monseignor Aquaviva received his passport on the 2nd of December, with an order that he should depart for Italy within sixty days. He did go accord· ingly, taking with him in his suite, as chamberlain, our Cervantes, who had probably gained his attention through his copy of verses dedicated to the Cardinal Espinosa, for the legate was a decided lover of literature and delighted to encourage genius. The young Spanish nobility considered it no de

gradation to serve thus in the households of the high ecclesiastical dignitaries. It was a means of attaining to church preferments. By so doing, Diego Hurtado de Mendoza, and Francisco Pacheco, were enabled to prosecute their studies in Rome; and it is most probable that our author accompanied Aquaviva chiefly in order to see the world, and gain that practical knowledge of society in all its varieties which he afterwards turned to so valuable an account. Every town and city of note through which he passed, formed the subject of his minute observation; and he deemed nothing with reference to scenery and character beneath his notice to remark and to remember. And so should all artists regard life. In every situation, however apparently mean, in the by-paths and hedges as well as by the broad high-ways, the "watching mind" may garner up in the vast treasure-house of memory, stores of thought, association and incident, for future use and future triumphs.

Cervantes did not remain long under the roof of Aquaviva. His ardent, restless spirit, soon sought some more congenial occupation. In the following year we learn, he entered into the Spanish military service in Italy; thus embracing a profession according to his idea more noble and suited to his birth. To use his own expressions, "the exercise of arms, although honourable in all, is yet more peculiarly adapted to those of illustrious birth and of gentle blood."

He was soon called into active service, for the Grand Turk having broken his treaty with the Venetian republic, by an attack upon the island of Cyprus, the Venetians implored assistance from all Christian princes; and more especially from his holiness the pope, who forthwith despatched an expedition to the rescue, under the command of Marco Antonio Colonna, Duke of Paliano. The united forces, those of Venice, Spain and the Papal States, set sail from Italy, in the summer of 1570. Miguel de Cervantes served as private soldier in the company of the Captain Diego de Urbino. Dissensions among the commanding generals seem to have been the cause of the unsuccessful issue of this expedition. The Turks took Nicosia by assault, and tempestuous weather obliged the allies to put back to their respective ports. Far from being

discouraged by this untoward result, the following year the pope entered into a league with the king of Spain and the republic of Venice, and more troops were sent out against the Turks in the summer of 1571, under the conduct of Don John of Austria.

In October of the same year, the famous decisive battle of Lepanto was fought, in which the Christians obtained a signal victory. Cervantes being ill with ague, just before the contest, his captain and comrades wished to dissuade him from taking part in the engagement. He replied with generous pride, that he would “rather die fighting for God and his king, than conserve his health at the price of an action so cowardly in seeming." He fought most heroically in the hottest of the conflict, and carried with him to the grave the memorials of that famous day; for, besides several other wounds, it was in this engagement that Cervantes lost his left hand. These honourable wounds were highly valued by our hero as testimonials of his bravery, and he ever remembered with pride and pleasure the victory of Lepanto, esteeming it better for the soldier "to die nobly on the battle-field, than to secure his life through abandonment of duty."

On the night following the battle, the fleet retired to the adjacent port of Petela to repair the damages sustained by the vessels, and to attend to the necessities of the sick and wounded. The weak state of health, from which Cervantes then suffered, of course greatly aggravated the irritation occasioned by his wounds. The next day Don John visited the invalid soldiers, and rewarded all who had distinguished themselves, ordering three crowns above his ordinary pay to be given to Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

The Christians took advantage of their victory by endeavouring to blockade the Turks in the Dardanelles. They took possession of the castles of Lepanto and Santa Maura; after which, in consequence of the advancing season, and the number of their invalids, they returned to Messina on the 31st of October, and were received with all solemnities and demonstrations of gladness, due to so glorious a triumph. Cervantes entered the hospital of Messina, and continued there until the spring of 1572, when he joined the regiment of Don Lope de Figueroa, at Corfu.


In the September of this year, the In the course of these campaigns, our confederates directed their forces against author visited all the principal cities of Algiers; their league with the Venetians Italy, and acquired an intimate acbeing dissolved on account of the dis-quaintance with the Italian lauguage honourable conduct of the latter. Don and literature; a knowledge he turned John, with twenty thousand soldiers, to excellent account in his writings, among whom was Cervantes, set sail for thus increasing the resources of his own Tunis, on the 24th. The object of the native Castilian. He also studied well Prince was to dethrone Aluch-Ali, and the best models of antiquity, and his to restore Muley Mahomet, "thus de- mind was stored with varied experiences priving the Corsairs of their favourite and richest thought, more to be prized stronghold." Philip II., however, had than all the subtleties and abstractions far different ends in view, in sanctioning of the schools. Notwithstanding these this expedition. He coveted for him- undoubted acquirements, there self the sovereignty of Algiers. The many envious contemporaries of Cerforces landed at Goleta in October, and vantes (accomplished sciolists, truly!) finding the garrison abandoned they who dignified him with the title of took possession of the fortress. Tunis" ignoramus," because he was not learned was also taken. Here again our hero in the sense in which they, forsooth! ungreatly distinguished himself, and was derstood the term. Their idea of a appointed to a station in the island of savant being limited to one who had Cerdena. Don John having obtained obtained a doctor's degree, and other permission to return to Spain, was on high university honours. his way thither, when he received notice that his presence was required in Italy. This was in the early part of 1574. During his absence the Turks arrived with fresh forces, to reconquer Goleta and Tunis. They succeeded in both attempts. Goleta was taken by assault, after a long and cruel siege, and most vigorous defence, Tunis was re-captured in twenty days. The news of these reverses occasioned much annoyance to Don John. He sent reinforcements, but violent storms compelled the fleet to take refuge in the Sicilian ports. It appears that Cervantes remained in garrison with his regiment at Cerdena, from the end of 1573, to the May of the succeeding year; that "thence he sailed to Genoa, in the ships of Marcello Doria, to await in Lombardy the orders of Don John of Austria, who at the be- The bright home-visions of the reginning of August, when he sailed from turning Spaniards were soon dashed to Spain, took with him that regiment to earth. They were attacked by pirates, Naples and Majorca, and reinforced and after a gallant defence were obliged with his best soldiers, the ships, with to surrender to superior numbers. All which he had intended to succour were taken prisoners and conveyed to Goleta; that after that occurrence Algiers. Cervantes fell to the share of Cervantes waited with the same regiment the Captain, Dali Mami, a Greek renein Sicily, the orders of the Duke of Sesa, gade, who finding his captive's recomwhen he incorporated his regiment with mendatory dispatches from the Prince, the forces of that country in the absence Don John and the Duke of Sesa, of of his master of the camp; and that the course judged thence that he was a perPrince Don John on his return to son of distinction, and that he might Naples, in June, 1575, gave leave a little consequently hope for a large ransom. time afterwards to Cervantes to return He was loaded with chains, rigorously to his native country, after so long an guarded, and treated with severity, in absence, and so long-continued merito-order that he might, with the greater rious services." instance, importune his friends to make

Such is a slight sketch of the military career of Cervantes, during the time he fought, to use his own words, "beneath the conquering banners of the son of that thunderbolt of war, Charles V., of happy memory." Finding that his services were far from being adequately remunerated, he resolved to solicit in Spain the recompense he so richly deserved. He accordingly set sail from Naples, in company with his brother Rodrigo, the late Governor of Goleta, and other distinguished officers. Don John gave him letters of recommendation to Philip II., praying his majesty to confer upon him the command of a company, in some regiment, as a reward due to his signal bravery. Don Carlos de Aragon, Duke of Sesa, presented him also with testimonials to the king.

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