| John Johnson - Bible - 1706 - 464 pages
...So the Ancients life to exprefsthemfelves, See Jan. i. 3. For 250 The Tfalms Explain d. ^^cl Day. zy For at his word the ftormy wind arifeth: which lifteth up the waves thereof. 26 They are carried up to the heaven, and down again tothe deep : their foul me-lteth away becaufe... | |
| 1718 - 360 pages
...have ever met with. They that go down to the Sea in Shifs, that do Bufinefs in great Waters : Thefe fee the Works of the Lord, and his Wonders in the. Deep. For he commandeth and raifeth the ftormy Wind, which lifteth up the Waters thereof. They mount uf to the... | |
| 1737 - 354 pages
...have ever met with. They that go dewn to the Sea iu Ships, that do Bufincfs in great Waters : Thefe fee the Works of the Lord, and his Wonders in the Deep. For he tommandeth and raifl-th the ftormy Wind, 'which lifteth up the Waters theresf. They mount up to... | |
| Collection - Anthems - 1749 - 236 pages
...the JL fea in fhips : thefe men fee tenor"' the works of the LORD, and his wonders in the deep. 25. For at his word the ftormy wind arifeth : which lifteth up the waves thereof. 26. They are carried up to heaven, and • down again to the deep : their foul melteth away becaufe... | |
| William Whiston - Liturgics - 1753 - 380 pages
...gladnefs ! : They that go down to the fea in (hips, and occupy their .bufinefs in great waters. •, < Thefe men fee the works of the Lord, and his wonders in the deep. For at his word the flormy wind arifeth, which lift* efh up the waves thereof. They are carried up to the heaven, and down... | |
| William Dodd - English essays - 1764 - 330 pages
...to the thought. *' They who go down to the fea in fhips, and occupy their bufmefs in great waters ; thefe men fee the works of the Lord, and his wonders...arifeth, which lifteth up the waves thereof. They mount up to the heavens; they go down again to the depths: their foul is melted becaufe of trouble.... | |
| 1764 - 326 pages
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| 1765 - 512 pages
...their bufinefs in great waters, 24 Thefe men fee the works of the Lord: and his wonders in the deep. 25 For at his word the ftormy wind arifeth: which lifteth up the waves thereof. 26 They are carried up to the heaven, and down again to the deep: their foul melteth away becaufe of... | |
| John Flavel - 1770 - 488 pages
...them ; the wind is ocu of the Lord's wonders, Pfal. cv'ii. 24, 23. " They that go dowa to the Tea, fee the works of the " Lord, and his [wonders] in the deep ; for he commandeth " and raifcth the ftormy winds." Yea, ver. 18. God appropropiiates it as a peculiar tforkof... | |
| John Gill - Baptists - 1773 - 678 pages
...Pfalmift ; when he fays, They that go down to the fea inßips, that do buftnefs in great waters : thefe fee the works of the Lord, and his -wonders in the deep ; for he commandeth, and raifetb theßormy wind, which liftetb up the -waves thereof : They mount up to the... | |
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