of every man's life which is most susceptible of the strongest impressions, is necessarily under female direction; as there are few instances, perhaps, in which that sex is not one of the secret springs which regulates the most important movements of private or public transactions. What Cato observed of his countrymen, is in one respect true of every nation under the fun : "The Romans, said he, govern the "world, but it is the women that govern "the Romans." Let not, however, a certain pretended Cato of your acquaintance take occasion from this maxim to infult a second time that innocence he has so often injured: for I will tell him another maxim as true as the former, that “there are cir"cumstances wherein no woman has power " enough to controle a man of spirit." If it be true then (as true beyond all peradventure it is) that female influence is thus extensive; nothing, certainly, can be of more importance, than to give it a proper tendency, by the assistance of a welldirected education. Far am I from recommending any attempts to render women learned; yet furely it is necessary they Gould 03 should be raised above ignorance. Such a general tincture of the most useful sciences as may serve to free the mind from vulgar prejudices, and give it a relish for the rational exercise of its powers, might very justly enter into the plan of female erudition. That sex might be taught to turn the course of their reflections into a proper and advantageous channel, without any danger of rendering them too elevated for the feminine duties of life. In a word, I would have them confidered as designed by Providence for use as well as shew, and trained up, not only as women, but as rational creatures. I am, &c. W LETTER XLII. TO PALEΜΟΝ. HILST you are engaged in turning over the records of past ages, and tracing our constitution from its rise, thro' all its several periods; I sometimes amuse myself with reviewing certain annals of an humbler kind, and confidering the various various turns and revolutions that have happened in the sentiments and affections of those with whom I have been most connected. A history of this fort is not, indeed, so striking as that which exhibits kings and heroes to our view; but may it not be contemplated, Palemon, with more private advantage ? METHINKS we should scarce be so imbittered against those who differ from us in principle or practice, were we oftener to reflect how frequently we have varied from ourselves in both those articles. It was but yesterday that Lucius, whom I once knew a very zealous advocate for the most controverted points of faith, was arguing with equal warmth and vehemence on the principles of Deism; as Bathillus, who set out in the world a cool infidel, has lately drawn up one of the most plausible defences of the mystic devotees, that, perhaps, was ever written. The truth is, a man must either have passed his whole life without reflecting, or his thoughts must have run in a very limited channel, who has not often experienced many remarkable revolutions of mind. 1 THE same kind of inconstancy is observ able in our pursuits of happiness as well as truth. Thus our friend Curio, whom we both remember in the former part of his life, enamored of every fair face he met and enjoying every woman he could purchase; has at last collected this diffusive flame into a fingle point, and could not be tempted to commit an infidelity to his marriage vow, tho' a form as beautiful as the Venus of Apelles were to court his embrace; whilst Apemanthes, on the other hand, who was the most sober and domestic man I ever knew till he lost his wife, commenced a rake at five and forty, and iş now for ever in a tavern or a stew. WHO knows, Palemon, whether even this humor of moralizing, which, as you often tell me, so strongly marks my character, may not wear out in time, and be succeeded by a brighter and more lively vein? who knows but I may court again the mistress I have forsaken, and die at last in the arms of ambition? Cleora, at least, who frequently rallies me upon that fever of my youth, affures me I am only in the intermiffion of a fit, which will certainly return. 1 return. But tho' there may be some excuse, perhaps, in exchanging our follies or our errors, there can be none in resuming those we have once happily quitted: for surely he must be a very injudicious sportsman, who can be attempted to beat over those fields again which have ever disappointed him of his game. Farewel. Tis LETTER XLIII. To EUPHRONIUS, I a pretty observation, which I have somewhere met, that "the most " pleasing of all harmony arises from the " censure of a single person, when mix"ed with the general applauses of the " world." I almost suspect, therefore, that you are confidering the interest of your admired author, when you call upon me for my farther objections to his performance : and are for joining me, perhaps, to the number of those who advance his reputation, by opposing it. The truth, however, is, you could not have chosen a critic (if a critic I might |