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The division of the Bible into chapters and verses (not however such small portions as the present verses) was made by cardinal Hugo, about A. D. 1240. The plan of Hugo having become known to Rabbi Nathan in the fifteenth century, he made a Hebrew concordance to the Old Testament, retaining the chapters, but improving the order of the verses. The New Testament was divided into verses, and numbered A. D. 1545, by Robert Stephens, a very learned Frenchman, who was printer to the king of France. These divisions were made for the convenience of more readily finding the different passages of the Scriptures; and they are of incalculable advantage to us; but in some cases they rather interrupt the connexion between one part and another; it is, therefore, especially necessary, in seeking correctly to understand any chapter or passage, to consider the whole design of the writer, as it may be perceived by means of the preceding and following parts of the book.

The following table has been published, as containing accurate particulars of the English version of the Bible; and which will probably be interesting to most readers.

In the Old Testament. (In the New Testament.


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Letters... 2,728,100 Letters... 838,380 Letters ... 3,566,480

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The middle chapter, and the shortest in the hundred and seventeenth Psalm; the middle eighth of the hundred and eightieth Psalm. The twentyfirst verse of the seventh chapter of Ezra, in the English version, has all the letters of the alphabet in it. The nineteenth chapter of the second book of Kings, and the thirtyseventh chapter of Isaiah are alike.




GENESIS is a Greek word, which signifies creation or production, and the first book in the Bible is so called, because it relates the history of the creation or production of all things by the word of Almighty God, and of the peopling of the earth by his blessing and providence. The book of Genesis is the oldest volume in the world, and contains the most information; it was written by Moses, the deliverer of the Israelites from Egypt, and it embraces a period of about two thousand, three hundred and sixtynine years, from the creation of the world to the death of Joseph in Egypt.


Exodus is a Greek word, which signifies going out, or departure; and this book is so named, because it relates the departure of the children of Israel from Egypt. The book of Exodus was written by Moses. It was designed to serve as a memorial, 1. Of the wonderful deliverance of the Israelites from the horrors of Egyptian slavery; 2. Of their being formed, in the wilderness, into a religious community for the support of the public and constant worship of God; 3. Of the divine origin and obligation of their religious and political institutions, God graciously condescending to acknowledge himself as their King and Father. The book of Exodus was further designed to show the exact fulfilment of the prophecies and promises delivered to Abraham, that his descendants would be afflicted in a strange land, whence they should depart in the fourth generation with great sub



The third book in the Bible is called Leviticus, because it contains the laws relating to the ceremonies

and offices of divine worship, to be observed by the Israelites, among whom the Levites were divinely appointed to be the ministers of religion. Leviticus was written by Moses.

Numbers. Numbers is the fourth book of the Bible; and it derives its title from its relating the numberings of the Israelites, and their several marches in the wilderness, for the space of about thirtynine years. Numbers was written by Moses.

Deuteronomy. Deuteronomy signifies the second law; the fifth book in the Bible is so called, because it contains a repetition of the moral law, with various and particular explanations of it. Deuteronomy was written by Moses.


The book of Joshua is so called, because it is a record of the affairs of the Israelites under the government of Joshua, the successor of Moses. It comprises the history of about thirty years from the death of Moses, and must be regarded as a most necessary and valuable continuation of the national records of Israel. It is to the books of Moses what the Acts of the Apostles are to the gospels. It is believed to have been written by Joshua, except a small addition to the last chapter by a later prophet; and it was designed to show the faithfulness of God, in the perfect accomplishment of the promises made to the patriarchs; and the avenging justice of God in destroying the very guilty, corrupt, and abominable nations of Canaan.


The book of Judges is so named on account of its recording the history of the Israelites under thirteen judges. This book includes a period of 305 years, from the death of Joshua to the death of Samson. The judges were persons whom God at different times raised up from the several

tribes, and endowed with extraordinary courage, wisdom, and piety, qualifying them to be deliverers and governors of the people of Israel.


Ruth. The book of Ruth is so called, because it contains the history of a woman of that name. She was a native of the country of Moab, whither an Israelitish family retired in a season of famine, and into which she was married. On the death of her husband, influenced by affection for her mother-in-law, and love of true religion, she forsook her own country to unite with the people of God in Israel. The book of Ruth is supposed to have been written by the prophet Samuel: it must be regarded as a necessary supplement to the book of Judges, to which it was appended by the ancient Jews as a part of that book; and it is a proper introduction to the books of Samuel.

Samuel I. The books of Samuel are so called, because that prophet commenced them and wrote twentyfour chapters of the first book. They are supposed to have been completed by the prophets Nathan and Gad. These books are part of the national records of the Israelites, preserved by the several prophets whom God raised up for the instruction of the people.

Samuel II. The second book of Samuel is a continuation of the national records of Israel under David, who was elevated to the throne on the death of Saul, as king over the tribe of Judah, and seven years afterwards as king over the whole people, on the assassination of Ishbosheth, Saul's



Kings. The books of the Kings contain the national records of the Israelites, continued during the reigns of their sovereigns, and embracing a period of about 426 years, from

the anointing of Solomon, to the destruction of Jerusalem. They describe the glory of Israel under Solomon; the division of the nation under Rehoboam; the decline of the two kingdoms; the total destruction of Israel, and the subversion and captivity of Judah.

Chronicles I., II. The two books of Chronicles are registers of the times, which their title signifies; they were compiled by Ezra from the national records. These registers contain an abstract, in order of time, of the whole sacred history; and records of the whole Bible, from the creation down to the Babylonish captivity, embracing a period of 3468 years.

The design of the Chronicles is to furnish a continued course of ancient authentic history; and to supply many important matters relating both to persons and things, which are omitted in the other inspired historical books. They afford an affecting illustration of the dispensations of God towards this highly favored, yet ungrateful people: they show the unspeakable advantages to nations arising from pious sovereigns, as seen in the cases of David, Jehoshaphat, and Hezekiah, and the dreadful evils of national depravity and irreligion.



Ezra. The book of Ezra is so called from the name of the priest who wrote it. It is an important continuation of the Jewish history, after the return of that people from their seventy years' captivity in Babylon; embracing a period of about 100 years.

Nehemiah. The book of Nehemiah is a valuable record of the improvements in the city of Jerusalem, and of the reformation among the people, which were promoted and carried on by an inspired ruler of that name. This eminent man was one of the Jewish captives, selected from among them, and retained by the Persian monarch to fill the office

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