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in such cases; and thus explained, so far as an empirical law of phenomena went, the curious and various forms of the colored curves. This law, when simplified by M. Biot, made the tint proportional to the product of the distances of the point from the two poles. In the following year, Sir J. Herschel confirmed this law by showing, from actual measurement, that the curve of the isochromatic lines in these cases was the curve termed the lemniscata, which has, for each point, the product of the distances from two fixed poles equal to a constant quantity.* He also reduced to rule some other apparent anomalies in phenomena of the same class.


M. Biot, too, gave a rule for the directions of the planes of polarization of the two rays produced by double refraction in biaxal crystals, a circumstance which has a close bearing upon the phenomena of dipolarization. His rule was, that the one plane of polarization bisects the dihedral angle formed by the two planes which pass through the optic axes, and that the other is perpendicular to such a plane. When, however, Fresnel had discovered from the theory the true laws of double refraction, it appeared that the above rule is inaccurate, although in a degree which observation could hardly detect without the aid of theory.5

There were still other classes of optical phenomena which attracted notice; especially those which are exhibited by plates of quartz cut perpendicular to the axis. M. Arago had observed, in 1811, that this substance produced a twist of the plane of polarization to the right or left hand, the amount of this twist being different for different colors; a result which was afterwards traced to a modification of light different both from common and from polarized light, and subsequently known as circular polarization. Sir J. Herschel had the good fortune and sagacity to discover that this peculiar kind of polarization in quartz was connected with an equally peculiar modification of crystallization, the plagihedral faces which are seen, on some crystals, obliquely disposed, and, as it were, following each other round the crystal from left to right, or from right to left. Sir J. Herschel found that the right-handed or left-handed character of the circular polarization corresponded, in all cases, to that of the crystal.

In 1815, M. Biot, in his researches on the subject of circular polarization, was led to the unexpected and curious discovery, that this pro

Mém. Inst. 1818, p. 192.

4 Phil. Trans. 1819. 5 Fresnel, Mém. Inst. 1827, p. 162.

perty, which seemed to require for its very conception a crystalline structure in the body, belonged nevertheless to several fluids, and in different directions for different fluids. Oil of turpentine, and an essential oil of laurel, gave the plane of polarization a rotation to the left hand; oil of citron, syrup of sugar, and a solution of camphor, gave a rotation to the right hand. Soon after, the like discovery was made independently by Dr. Seebeck, of Berlin.

It will easily be supposed that all these brilliant phenomena could not be observed, and the laws of many of the phenomena discovered, without attempts on the part of philosophers to combine them all under the dominion of some wide and profound theory. Endeavors to ascend from such knowledge as we have spoken of, to the general theory of light, were, in fact, made at every stage of the subject, and with a success which at last won almost all suffrages. We are now arrived at the point at which we are called upon to trace the history of this theory; to pass from the laws of phenomena to their causes;— from Formal to Physical Optics. The undulatory theory of light, the only discovery which can stand by the side of the theory of universal gravitation, as a doctrine belonging to the same order, for its generality, its fertility, and its certainty, may properly be treated of with that ceremony which we have hitherto bestowed only on the great advances of astronomy; and I shall therefore now proceed to speak of the Prelude to this epoch, the Epoch itself, and its Sequel, according to the form of the preceding Book which treats of astronomy.

[2nd Ed.] [I ought to have stated, in the beginning of this chapter, that Malus discovered the depolarization of white light in 1811. He found that a pencil of light which, being polarized, refused to be reflected by a surface properly placed, recovered its power of being reflected after being transmitted through certain crystals and other transparent bodies. Malus intended to pursue this subject, when his researches were terminated by his death, Feb. 7, 1812. M. Arago, about the same time, announced his important discovery of the depolarization of colors by crystals.

I may add, to what is above said of M. Biot's discoveries respecting the circular polarizing power of fluids, that he pursued his researches so as to bring into view some most curious relations among the elements of bodies. It appeared that certain substances, as sugar of canes, had a right-handed effect, and certain other substances, as gum, a left-handed effect; and that the molecular value of this effect was not altered by dilution. It appeared also that a certain element of the

substance of fruits, which had been supposed to be gum, and which is changed into sugar by the operation of acids, is not gum, and has a very energetic right-handed effect. This substance M. Biot called dextrine, and he has since traced its effects into many highly curious and important results.






Y Physical Optics we mean, as has already been stated, the theories which explain optical phenomena on mechanical principles. No such explanation could be given till true mechanical principles had been obtained; and, accordingly, we must date the commencement of the essays towards physical optics from Descartes, the founder of the modern mechanical philosophy. His hypothesis concerning light is, that it consists of small particles emitted by the luminous body. He compares these particles to balls, and endeavors to explain, by means of this comparison, the laws of reflection and refraction.1 In order to account for the production of colors by refraction, he ascribes to these balls an alternating rotatory motion. This form of the emission theory, was, like most of the physical speculations of its author, hasty and gratuitous; but was extensively accepted, like the rest of the Cartesian doctrines, in consequence of the love which men have for sweeping and simple dogmas, and deductive reasonings from them. In a short time, however, the rival optical theory of undulations made its appearance. Hooke in his Micrographia (1664) propounds it, upon occasion of his observations, already noticed, (chap. viii.,) on the colors of thin plates. He there asserts light to consist in a "quick, short, vibrating motion," and that it is propagated in a homogeneous medium, in such a way that "every pulse or vibration of the luminous body will generate a sphere, which will continually increase and grow bigger, just after the same manner (though indefinitely swifter) as the waves or rings on the surface of water do swell into bigger and bigger circles about a point in it." He applies this to the explanation of refraction,

1 Diopt. c. ii. 4.



[blocks in formation]

Micrographia, p. 57.

by supposing that the rays in a denser medium move more easily, and hence that the pulses become oblique; a far less satisfactory and consistent hypothesis than that of Huyghens, of which we shall next have to speak. But Hooke has the merit of having also combined with his theory, though somewhat obscurely, the Principle of Interferences, in the application which he makes of it to the colors of thin plates. Thus he supposes the light to be reflected at the first surface of such plates; and he adds, "after two refractions and one reflection (from the second surface) there is propagated a kind of fainter ray," which comes behind the other reflected pulse; "so that hereby (the surfaces AB and EF being so near together that the eye cannot discriminate them from one), this compound or duplicated pulse does produce on the retina the sensation of a yellow." The reason for the production of this particular color, in the case of which he here speaks, depends on his views concerning the kind of pulses appropriate to each color; and, for the same reason, when the thickness is different, he finds that the result will be a red or a green. This is a very remarkable anticipation of the explanation ultimately given of these colors; and we may observe that if Hooke could have measured the thickness of his thin plates, he could hardly have avoided making considerable progress in the doctrine of interferences.

But the person who is generally, and with justice, looked upon as the great author of the undulatory theory, at the period now under notice, is Huyghens, whose Traité de la Lumière, containing a developement of his theory, was written in 1678, though not published till 1690. In this work he maintained, as Hooke had done, that light consists in undulations, and expands itself spherically, nearly in the same manner as sound does; and he referred to the observations of Römer on Jupiter's satellites, both to prove that this difference takes place successively, and to show its exceeding swiftness. In order to trace the effect of an undulation, Huyghens considers that every point of a wave diffuses its motion in all directions; and hence he draws the conclusion, so long looked upon as the turning-point of the combat between the rival theories, that the light will not be diffused beyond the rectilinear space, when it passes through an aperture; "for," says he," although the partial waves, produced by the particles comprised in the aperture, do diffuse themselves beyond the rectilinear space, these waves do not concur anywhere except in front of the


Micrographia, p. 66.

• Tracts on Optics, p. 209.

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