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portion of Haüy's doctrine which most riveted popular attention and applause, was his dissection of crystals, in a manner which was supposed to lead actually to their ultimate material elements. Yet it is clear, that since the solids given by cleavage are, in many cases, such as cannot make up a solid space, the primary conception of a necessary geometrical identity between the results of division and the elements of composition, which is the sole foundation of the supposition that crystallography points out the actual elements, disappears on being scrutinized: and when Haüy, pressed by this difficulty, as in the case of fluor-spar, put his integrant octohedral molecules together, touching by the edges only, his method became an empty geometrical diagram, with no physical meaning.

The real fact, divested of the hypothesis which was contained in the fiction of decrements, was, that when the relation of the derivative to the primary faces is expressed by means of numerical indices, these numbers are integers, and generally very small ones; and this was the form which the law gradually assumed, as the method of derivation was made more general and simple by Weiss and others.

"When, in 1809, I published my Dissertation," says Weiss,' "I shared the common opinion as to the necessity of the assumption and the reality of the existence of a primitive form, at least in a sense not very different from the usual sense of the expression. While I sought," he adds, referring to certain doctrines of general philosophy which he and others entertained, "a dynamical ground for this, instead of the untenable atomistic view, I found that, out of my primitive forms, there was gradually unfolded to my hands, that which really governs them, and is not affected by their casual fluctuations, the fundamental relations of those Dimensions according to which a multiplicity of internal oppositions, necessarily and mutually interdependent, are developed in the mass, each having its own polarity; so that the crystalline character is co-extensive with these polarities."

The "Dimensions" of which Weiss here speaks, are the Axes of Symmetry of the crystal; that is, those lines in reference to which, every face is accompanied by other faces, having like positions and properties, Thus a rhomb, or more properly a rhombohedron," of


Mem. Acad. Berl. 1816, p. 307.

2 I use this name for the solid figure, since rhomb has always been used for a plane figure.

calcspar may be placed with one of its obtuse corners uppermost, so that all the three faces which meet there are equally inclined to the vertical line. In this position, every derivative face, which is obtained by any modification of the faces or edges of the rhombohedron, implies either three or six such derivative faces; for no one of the three upper faces of the rhombohedron has any character or property different from the other two; and, therefore, there is no reason for the existence of a derivative from one of these primitive faces, which does not equally hold for the other primitive faces. Hence the derivative forms will, in all cases, contain none but faces connected by this kind of correspondence. The axis thus made vertical will be an Axis of Symmetry, and the crystal will consist of three divisions, ranged round this axis, and exactly resembling each other. According to Weiss's nomenclature, such a crystal is "three-and-three-membered."

But this is only one of the kinds of symmetry which crystalline forms may exhibit. They may have three axes of complete and equal symmetry at right angles to each other, as the cube and the regular octohedron; or, two axes of equal symmetry, perpendicular to each other and to a third axis, which is not affected with the same symmetry with which they are; such a figure is a square pyramid;-or they may have three rectangular axes, all of unequal symmetry, the modifications referring to each axis separately from the other two.

These are essential and necessary distinctions of crystalline form; and the introduction of a classification of forms founded on such relations, or, as they were called, Systems of Crystallization, was a great improvement upon the divisions of the earlier crystallographers, for those divisions were separated according to certain arbitrarily-assumed primary forms. Thus Romé de Lisle's fundamental forms were, the tetrahedron, the cube, the octohedron, the rhombic prism, the rhombic octohedron, the dodecahedron with triangular faces: Haüy's primary forms are the cube, the rhombohedron, the oblique rhombic prism, the right rhombic prism, the rhombic dodecahedron, the regular octohedron, tetrahedron, and six-sided prism, and the bipyramidal dodecahedron. This division, as I have already said, errs both by excess and defect, for some of these primary forms might be made derivatives from others; and no solid reason could be assigned why they were not. Thus the cube may be derived from the tetrahedron, by truncating the edges; and the rhombic dodecahedron again from the cube, by truncating its edges; while the square pyramid could not be legitimately identified with the derivative of any of these forms; for if we were to

derive it from the rhombic prism, why should the acute angles always suffer decrements corresponding in a certain way to those of the obtuse angles, as they must do in order to give rise to a square pyramid?


The introduction of the method of reference to Systems of Crystallization has been a subject of controversy, some ascribing this valuable step to Weiss, and some to Mohs. It appears, I think, on the whole, that Weiss first published works in which the method is employed; but that Mohs, by applying it to all the known species of minerals, has had the merit of making it the basis of real crystallography. Weiss, in 1809, published a Dissertation On the mode of investigating the principal geometrical character of crystalline forms, in which he says,* "No part, line, or quantity, is so important as the axis; no consideration is more essential or of a higher order than the relation of a crystalline plane to the axis;" and again, "An axis is any line governing the figure, about which all parts are similarly disposed, and with reference to which they correspond mutually." This he soon followed out by examination of some difficult cases, as Felspar and Epidote. In the Memoirs of the Berlin Academy," for 1814-15, he published An Exhibition of the natural Divisions of Systems of Crystallization. In this Memoir, his divisions are as follows:-The regular system, the fourmembered, the two-and-two-membered, the three-and-three-membered, and some others of inferior degrees of symmetry. These divisions are by Mohs (Outlines of Mineralogy, 1822), termed the tessular, pyramidal, prismatic, and rhombohedral systems respectively. Hausmann, in his Investigations concerning the Forms of Inanimate Nature, makes a nearly corresponding arrangement; the isometric, monodimetric, trimetric, and monotrimetic; and one or other of these sets of terms have been adopted by most succeeding writers.


In order to make the distinctions more apparent, I have purposely omitted to speak of the systems which arise when the prismatic system loses some part of its symmetry ;-when it has only half or a quarter its complete number of faces;--or, according to Mohs's phraseology, when it is hemihedral or tetartohedral. Such systems are represented by the singly-oblique or doubly-oblique prism; they are termed by Weiss two-and-one-membered, and one-and-one-membered; by other writers, Monoklinometric, and Triklinometric Systems. There are also other

3 Edin. Phil. Trans. 1823, vols. xv. and xvi.
6 Göttingen, 1821.

5 Ibid.


pp. 16, 42.

peculiarities of Symmetry, such, for instance, as that of the plagihedral faces of quartz, and other minerals.

The introduction of an arrangement of crystalline forms into systems, according to their degree of symmetry, was a step which was rather founded on a distinct and comprehensive perception of mathematical relations, than on an acquaintance with experimental facts, beyond what earlier mineralogists had possessed. This arrangement was, however, remarkably confirmed by some of the properties of minerals which attracted notice about the time now spoken of, as we shall see in the next chapter.





systems of crystallization was so far founded on obviously true views, that it was speedily adopted by most mineralogists. I need not dwell on the steps by which this took place. Mr. Haidinger's translation of Mohs was a principal occasion of its introduction in England. As an indication of dates, bearing on this subject, perhaps I may be allowed to notice, that there appeared in the Philosophical Transactions for 1825, A General Method of Calculating the Angels of Crystals, which I had written, and in which I referred only to Haüy's views; but that in 1826,' I published a Memoir On the Classification of Crystalline Combinations, founded on the methods of Weiss and Mohs, especially the latter; with which I had in the mean time become acquainted, and which appeared to me to contain their own evidence and recommendation. General methods, such as was attempted in the Memoir just quoted, are part of that process in the history of sciences, by which, when the principles are once established, the mathematical operation of deducing their consequences is made more and more general and symmetrical: which we have seen already exemplified in the history of celestial mechanics after the time of Newton. It does not enter into our plan, to dwell upon the varions steps in this way

1 Camb. Trans. vol. ii. p. 391.

made by Levy, Naumann, Grassmann, Kupffer, Hessel, and by Professor Miller among ourselves. I may notice that one great improvement. was, the method introduced by Monteiro and Levy, of determining the laws of derivation of forces by means of the parallelisms of edges; which was afterwards extended so that faces were considered as belonging to zones. Nor need I attempt to enumerate (what indeed it would be difficult to describe in words) the various methods of notation by which it has been proposed to represent the faces of crystals, and to facilitate the calculations which have reference to them.

[2nd Ed.] [My Memoir of 1825 depended on the views of Haüy in so far as that I started from his "primitive forms;" but being a general method of expressing all forms by co-ordinates, it was very little governed by these views. The mode of representing crystalline forms which I proposed seemed to contain its own evidence of being more true to nature than Haüy's theory of decrements, inasmuch as my method expressed the faces at much lower numbers. I determine a face by means of the dimensions of the primary form divided by certain numbers; Haüy had expressed the face virtually by the same dimensions multiplied by numbers. In cases where my notation gives such numbers as (3, 4, 1), (1, 3, 7), (5, 1, 19), his method involves the higher numbers (4, 3, 12), (21, 7, 3), (19, 95, 5). My method however has, I believe, little value as a method of "calculating the angles of crystals."

M. Neumann, of Königsberg, introduced a very convenient and elegant mode of representing the position of faces of crystals by corresponding points on the surface of a circumscribing sphere. He gave (in 1823) the laws of the derivation of crystalline faces, expressed geometrically by the intersection of zones, (Beiträge zur Krystallonomie.) The same method of indicating the position of faces of crystals was afterwards, together with the notation, re-invented by M. Grassmann, (Zur Krystallonomie und Geometrischen Combinationslehre, 1829.) Aiding himself by the suggestions of these writers, and partly adopting my method, Prof. Miller has produced a work on Crystallography remarkable for mathematical elegance and symmetry; and has given expressions really useful for calculating the angles of crystalline faces, (A Treatise on Crystallography. Cambridge, 1839.)]

Confirmation of the Distinction of Systems by the Optical Properties of Minerals.—Brewster.-I must not omit to notice the striking confirmation which the distinction of systems of crystallization received from optical discoveries, especially those of Sir D. Brewster. Of the

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