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gous to that in which mechanical forces are balanced against each other by the intervention of the lever. It is impossible to him3 to resist the idea, that the voltaic current must be preceded by a state of tension in its interrupted condition, which is relieved when the circuit is completed. He appears to possess the idea of this kind of force with the same eminent distinctness with which Archimedes in the ancient, and Stevinus in the modern history of science, possessed the idea of pressure, and were thus able to found the science of mechanics.3 And when he cannot obtain these distinct modes of conception, he is dissatisfied, and conscious of defect. Thus in the relation between magnetism and electricity," "there appears to be a link in the chain of effects, a wheel in the physical mechanism of the action, as yet unrecognized." All this variety of expression shows how deeply seated is the thought. This conception of Chemical Affinity as a peculiar influence of force, which, acting in opposite directions, combines and resolves bodies;—which may be liberated and thrown into the form of a voltaic current, and thus be transferred to remote points, and applied in various ways; is essential to the understanding, as it was to the making, of these discoveries.

By those to whom this conception has been conveyed, I venture to trust that I shall be held to have given a faithful account of this important event in the history of science. We may, before we quit the subject, notice one or two of the remarkable subordinate features of Faraday's discoveries.

Sect. 3.-Consequences of Faraday's Discoveries.

FARADAY'S volta-electrometer, in conjunction with the method he had already employed, as we have seen, for the comparison of voltaic and common electricity, enabled him to measure the actual quantity of electricity which is exhibited, in given cases, in the form of chemical affinity. His results appeared in numbers of that enormous amount which so often comes before us in the expression of natural laws. One grain of water1o will require for its decomposition as much electricity as would make a powerful flash of lightning. By further calculation, he finds this quantity to be not less than 800,000 charges of his Leyden battery; and this is, by his theory of the identity of the combining with the decomposing force, the quantity of electricity

[blocks in formation]

which is naturally associated with the elements of the grain of water, endowing them with their mutual affinity.

Many of the subordinate facts and laws which were brought to light by these researches, clearly point to generalizations, not included in that which we have had to consider, and not yet discovered: such laws do not properly belong to our main plan, which is to make our way up to the generalizations. But there is one which so evidently promises to have an important bearing on future chemical theories, that I will briefly mention it. The class of bodies which are capable of electrical decomposition is limited by a very remarkable law: they are such binary compounds only as consist of single proportionals of their elementary principles. It does not belong to us here to speculate on the possible import of this curious law; which, if not fully established, Faraday has rendered, at least, highly probable:42 but it is impossible not to see how closely it connects the Atomic with the Electro-chemical Theory; and in the connexion of these two great members of Chemistry, is involved the prospect of its reaching wider generalizations, and principles more profound than we have yet caught sight of.


As another example of this connexion, I will, finally, notice that Faraday has employed his discoveries in order to decide, in some doubtful cases, what is the true chemical equivalent; "I have such conviction,” he says, "that the power which governs electro-decomposition and ordinary chemical attractions is the same; and such confidence in the overruling influence of those natural laws which render the former definite, as to feel no hesitation in believing that the latter must submit to them too. Such being the case, I can have no doubt that, assuming hydrogen as 1, and dismissing small fractions for the simplicity of expression, the equivalent number or atomic weight of oxygen is 8, of chlorine 36, of bromine 78.4, of lead 103.5, of tin 59, &c.; notwithstanding that a very high authority doubles several of these numbers."

Sect. 4.-Reception of the Electro-chemical Theory.

THE epoch of establishment of the electro-chemical theory, like other great scientific epochs, must have its sequel, the period of its reception and confirmation, application and extension. In that period we

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are living, and it must be the task of future historians to trace its



We may, however, say a word on the reception which the theory met with, in the forms which it assumed, anterior to the labors of Faraday. Even before the great discovery of Davy, Grotthuss, in 1805, had written upon the theory of electro-chemical decomposition; but he and, as we have seen, Davy, and afterwards other writers, as Riffault and Chompré, in 1807, referred the effects to the poles.** But the most important attempt to appropriate and employ the generalization which these discoveries suggested, was that of Berzelius; who adopted at once the view of the identity, or at least the universa. connexion, of electrical relations with chemical affinity. He considered, that in all chemical combinations the elements may be considered as electro-positive and electro-negative; and made this opposition the basis of his chemical doctrines; in which he was followed by a large body of the chemists of Germany. He held too that the heat and light, evolved during cases of powerful combination, are the consequence of the electric discharge which is at that moment taking place a conjecture which Faraday at first spoke of with praise.** But at a later period he more sagely says," that the flame which is produced in such cases exhibits but a small portion of the electric power which really acts. "These therefore may not, cannot, be taken as evidences of the nature of the action; but are merely incidental results, incomparably small in relation to the forces concerned, and supplying no information of the way in which the particles are active on each other, or in which their forces are finally arranged." And comparing the evidence which he himself had given of the principle on which Berzelius's speculations rested, with the speculations themselves, Faraday justly conceived, that he had transferred the doctrine. from the domain of what he calls doubtful knowledge, to that of inductive certainty.

Now that we are arrived at the starting-place, from which this wellproved truth, the identity of electric and chemical forces, must make its future advances, it would be trifling to dwell longer on the details of the diffusion of that doubtful knowledge which preceded this more certain science. Our history of chemistry is, therefore, here at an end. I have, as far as I could, executed my task; which was, to mark all the

44 Faraday (Researches, Art. 481, 492). 45 Ann. Chim. lxxxvi. 146, for 1813. 46 Researches, Art. 870. 47 960.

great steps of its advance, from the most unconnected facts and the most imperfect speculations, to the highest generalization at which chemical philosophers have yet arrived.

Yet it will appear to our purpose to say a few words on the connexion of this science with those of which we are next to treat; and that I now proceed to do.




T is the object and the boast of chemistry to acquire a knowledge of bodies which is more exact and constant than any knowledge borrowed from their sensible qualities can be; since it penetrates into their intimate constitution, and discloses to us the invariable laws of their composition. But yet it will be seen, on a little reflection, that such knowledge could not have any existence, if we were not also attentive to their sensible qualities.

The whole fabric of chemistry rests, even at the present day, upon the opposition of acids and bases: an acid was certainly at first known by its sensible qualities, and how otherwise, even now, do we perceive its quality? It was a great discovery of modern times that earths and alkalies have for their bases metals: but what are metals? or how, except from lustre, hardness, weight, and the like, do we recognize a body as a metal? And how, except by such characters, even before its analysis, was it known to be an earth or an alkali? We must suppose some classification established, before we can make any advance by experiment or observation.

It is easy to see that all attempts to avoid this difficulty by referring to processes and analogies, as well as to substances, bring us back to the same point in a circle of fallacies. If we say that an acid and alkali are known by combining with each other, we still must ask, What is the criterion that they have combined? If we say that the distinctive qualities of metals and earths are, that metals become earths by oxidation, we must still inquire how we recognize the process of oxidation? We have seen how important a part combustion plays in the history of chemical speculation; and we may usefully form such classes of

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bodies as combustibles and supporters of combustion. But even combustion is not capable of being infallibly known, for it passes by insensible shades into oxidation. We can find no basis for our reasonings, which does not assume a classification of obvious facts and qualities.

But any classification of substances on such grounds, appears, at first sight, to involve us in vagueness, ambiguity, and contradiction. Do we really take the sensible qualities of an acid as the criterion of its being an acid ?—for instance, its sourness? Prussic acid, arsenious acid, are not sour. "I remember," says Dr. Paris,1 "a chemist having been exposed to much ridicule from speaking of a sweet acid,-why not?" When Davy had discovered potassium, it was disputed whether it was a metal; for though its lustre and texture are metallic, it is so light as to swim on water. And if potassium be allowed to be a metal, is silicium one, a body which wants the metallic lustre, and is a non-conductor of electricity? It is clear that, at least, the obvious application of a classification by physical characters, is attended with endless perplexity.

But since we cannot even begin our researches without assuming a classification, and since the forms of such a classification which first occur, end in apparent confusion, it is clear that we must look to our philosophy for a solution of this difficulty; and must avoid the embarrassments and contradictions of casual and unreflective classification, by obtaining a consistent and philosophical arrangement. We must employ external characters and analogies in a connected and systematic manner; we must have Classificatory Sciences, and these must have a bearing even on Chemistry.

Accordingly, the most philosophical chemists now proceed upon this principle. "The method which I have followed," says M. Thenard, in his Traité de Chimie, published in 1824, "is, to unite in one group all analogous bodies; and the advantage of this method, which is that employed by naturalists, is very great, especially in the study of the metals and their compounds." In this, as in all good systems of chemistry, which have appeared since the establishment of the phlogistic theory, combustion, and the analogous processes, are one great element in the arrangement, while the difference of metallic and non-metallic, is another element. Thus Thenard, in the first place, speaks of Oxygen; in the next place, of the Non-metallic Combustibles, as Hydrogen, Carbon, Sulphur, Chlorine; and in the next place, of Metals. But the Metals are again divided into six Sections, with reference, princi


Life of Davy, i. 263.

2 Pref.,

p. viii.

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