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ject of speculation, that we may with advantage dwell a little upon them. The part of science in which this is done may be called, as we have said, Atmology; and to that division of Thermotics the following chapters belong.





Sect. 1.-The Boylean Law of the Air's Elasticity.

the Sixth Book (Chap. iv. Sect. 1.) we have already seen how the conception on the laws of fluid equilibrium was, by Pascal and others, extended to air, as well as water. But though air presses and is pressed as water presses and is pressed, pressure produces upon air an effect which it does not, in any obvious degree, produce upon water. Air which is pressed is also compressed, or made to occupy a smaller space; and is consequently also made more dense, or condensed; and on the other hand, when the pressure upon a portion of air is diminished, the air expands or is rarefied. These broad facts are evident. They are expressed in a general way by saying that air is an elastic fluid, yielding in a certain degree to pressure, and recovering its previous dimensions when the pressure is removed.

But when men had reached this point, the questions obviously offered themselves, in what degree and according to what law air yields to pressure; when it is compressed, what relation does the density bear to the pressure? The use which had been made of tubes containing columns of mercury, by which the pressure of portions of air was varied and measured, suggested obvious modes of devising experiments by which this question might be answered. Such experiments accordingly were made by Boyle about 1650; and the result at which he arrived was, that when air is thus compressed, the density is as the pressure. Thus if the pressure of the atmosphere in its common state be equivalent to 30 inches of mercury, as shown by the barometer; if air included in a tube be pressed by 30 additional inches of

mercury, its density will be doubled, the air being compressed into one half the space. If the pressure be increased threefold, the density is also trebled; and so on. The same law was soon afterwards (in 1676) proved experimentally by Mariotte. And this law of the air's elasticity, that the density is as the pressure, is sometimes called the Boylean Law, and sometimes the Law of Boyle and Mariotte.

Air retains its aerial character permanently; but there are other aerial substances which appear as such, and then disappear or change into some other condition. Such are termed vapors. And the discovery of their true relation to air was the result of a long course of researches and speculations.

[2nd Ed.] [It was found by M. Cagniard de la Tour (in 1823), that at a certain temperature, a liquid, under sufficient pressure, becomes clear transparent vapor or gas, having the same bulk as the liquid. This condition Dr. Faraday calls the Cagniard de la Tour state, (the Tourian state?) It was also discovered by Dr. Faraday that carbonicacid gas, and many other gases, which were long conceived to be permanently elastic, are really reducible to a liquid state by pressure.' And in 1835, M. Thilorier found the means of reducing liquid carbonic acid to a solid form, by means of the cold produced in evaporation. More recently Dr. Faraday has added several substances usually gaseous to the list of those which could previously be shown in the liquid state, and has reduced others, including ammonia, nitrous oxide, and sulphuretted hydrogen, to a solid consistency. After these discoveries, we may, I think, reasonably doubt whether all bodies are not capable of existing in the three consistencies of solid, liquid, and air.


We e may note that the law of Boyle and Mariotte is not exactly true near the limit at which the air passes to the liquid state in such cases as that just spoken of. The diminution of bulk is then more rapid than the increase of pressure.

The transition of fluids from a liquid to an airy consistence appears to be accompanied by other curious phenomena. See Prof. Forbes's papers on the Color of Steam under certain circumstances, and on the Colors of the Atmosphere, in the Edin. Trans. vol. xiv.]

1 Phil. Trans. 1823.

2 Ib. Pt. r. 1845.

Sect. 2.-Prelude to Dalton's Doctrine of Evaporation.


VISIBLE clouds, smoke, distillation, gave the notion of Vapor; vapor was at first conceived to be identical with air, as by Bacon. It was easily collected, that by heat, water might be converted into vapor. It was thought that air was thus produced, in the instrument called the colipile, in which a powerful blast is caused by a boiling fluid; but Wolfe showed that the fluid was not converted into air, by using camphorated spirit of wine, and condensing the vapor after it had been formed. We need not enumerate the doctrines (if very vague hypotheses may be so termed) of Descartes, Dechales, Borelli. The latter accounted for the rising of vapor by supposing it a mixture of fire and water; and thus, fire being much lighter than air, the mixture also was light. Boyle endeavored to show that vapors do not permanently float in vacuo. He compared the mixture of vapor with air to that of salt with water. He found that the pressure of the atmosphere affected the heat of boiling water; a very important fact. Boyle proved this by means of the air-pump; and he and his friends were much surprised to find that when air was removed, water only just warm boiled violently. Huyghens mentions an experiment of the same kind made by Papin about 1673.

The ascent of vapor was explained in various ways in succession, according to the changes which physical science underwent. It was a problem distinctly treated of, at a period when hydrostatics had accounted for many phenomena; and attempts were naturally made to reduce this fact to hydrostatical principles. An obvious hypothesis, which brought it under the dominion of these principles, was, to suppose that the water, when converted into vapor, was divided into small hollow globules;-thin pellicles including air or heat. Halley gave such an explanation of evaporation; Leibnitz calculated the dimensions of these little bubbles; Derham managed (as he supposed) to examine them with a magnifying glass; Wolfe also examined and calculated on the same subject. It is curious to see so much confidence in so lame a theory; for if water became hollow globules in order to rise as vapor, we require, in order to explain the formation of these globules, new laws of nature, which are not even hinted at by

3 Bacon's Hist. Nat. Cent. i. p. 27.

4 They may be seen in Fischer, Geschichte der Physik, vol. ii. p. 175.

the supporters of the doctrine, though they must be far more complex than the hydrostatical law by which a hollow sphere floats.


Newton's opinion was hardly more satisfactory; he explained evaporation by the repulsive power of heat; the parts of vapors, according to him, being small, are easily affected by this force, and thus become lighter than the atmosphere.

Muschenbroek still adhered to the theory of globules, as the explanation of evaporation; but he was manifestly discontented with it; and reasonably apprehended that the pressure of the air would destroy the frail texture of these bubbles. He called to his aid a rotation of the globules (which Descartes also had assumed); and, not satisfied with this, threw himself on electrical action as a reserve. Electricity, indeed, was now in favor, as hydrostatics had been before; and was naturally called in, in all cases of difficulty. Desaguliers, also, uses this agent to account for the ascent of vapor, introducing it into a kind of sexual system of clouds; according to him, the male fire (heat) does a part, and the female fire (electricity) performs the rest. These are speculations of small merit and no value.

In the mean time, Chemistry made great progress in the estimation of philosophers, and had its turn in the explanation of the important facts of evaporation. Bouillet, who, in 1742, placed the particles of water in the interstices of those of air, may be considered as approaching to the chemical theory. In 1743, the Academy of Sciences of Bourdeaux proposed the ascent of vapors as the subject of a prize; which was adjudged in a manner very impartial as to the choice of a theory; for it was divided between Kratzenstein, who advocated the bubbles, (the coat of which he determined to be 1-50,000th of an inch thick,) and Hamberger, who maintained the truth to be the adhesion. of particles of water to those of air and fire. The latter doctrine had become much more distinct in the author's mind when seven years afterwards (1750) he published his Elementa Physices. He then gave the explanation of evaporation in a phrase which has since been adopted, the solution of water in air; which he conceived to be of the same kind as other chemical solutions.

This theory of solution was further advocated and developed by Le Roi; and in his hands assumed a form which has been extensively adopted up to our times, and has, in many instances, tinged the language commonly used. He conceived that air, like other solvents,

Opticks, Qu. 31.

• Ac. R. Sc. Paris, 1750.

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