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Sect. 2.-Introduction of the Doctrine of Radiation.

A HOт body, as a mass of incandescent iron, emits heat, as we perceive by our senses when we approach it; and by this emission of heat the hot body cools down. The first step in our systematic knowledge of the subject was made in the Principia. "It was in the destiny of that great work," says Fourier, "to exhibit, or at least to indicate, the causes of the principal phenomena of the universe.” Newton assumed, as we have already said, that the rate at which a body cools, that is, parts with its heat to surrounding bodies, is proportional to its heat; and on this assumption he rested the verification of his scale of temperatures. It is an easy deduction from this law, that if times of cooling be taken in arithmetical progression, the heat will decrease in geometrical progression. Kraft, and after him Richman, tried to verify this law by direct experiments on the cooling of vessels of warm water; and from these experiments, which have since been repeated by others, it appears that for differences of temperature which do not exceed 50 degrees (boiling water being 100), this geometrical progression represents, with tolerable (but not with complete) accuracy, the process of cooling.

This principle of radiation, like that of conduction, required to be followed out by mathematical reasoning. But it required also to be corrected in the first place, for it was easily seen that the rate of cooling depended, not on the absolute temperature of the body, but on the excess of its temperature above the surrounding objects to which it communicated its heat in cooling. And philosophers were naturally led to endeavor to explain or illustrate this process by some physical notions. Lambert in 1755 published an Essay on the Force of Heat, in which he assimilates the communication of heat to the flow of a fluid out of one vessel into another by an excess of pressure; and mathematically deduces the laws of the process on this ground. But some additional facts suggested a different view of the subject. It was found that heat is propagated by radiation according to straight lines, like light; and that it is, as light is, capable of being reflected by mirrors, and thus brought to a focus of intenser action. In this manner the radiative effect of a body could be more precisely traced. A fact, however, came under notice, which, at first sight, appeared to

Act. Helvet. tom. ii. p. 172.

offer some difficulty. It appeared that cold was reflected no less than heat. A mass of ice, when its effect was concentrated on a thermometer by a system of mirrors, made the thermometer fall, just as a vessel of hot water placed in a similar situation made it rise. Was cold, then, to be supposed a real substance, no less than heat?

The solution of this and similar difficulties was given by Pierre Prevost, professor at Geneva, whose theory of radiant heat was proposed about 1790. According to this theory, heat, or caloric, is constantly radiating from every point of the surface of all bodies in straight lines; and it radiates the more copiously, the greater is the quantity of heat which the body contains. Hence a constant exchange of heat is going on among neighboring bodies; and a body grows hotter or colder, according as it receives more caloric than it emits, or the contrary. And thus a body is cooled by rectilinear rays. from a cold body, because along these paths it sends rays of heat in greater abundance than those which return the same way. This theory of exchanges is simple and satisfactory, and was soon generally adopted; but we must consider it rather as the simplest mode of expressing the dependence of the communication of heat on the excess of temperature, than as a proposition of which the physical truth is clearly established.

A number of curious researches on the effect of the different kinds of surface of the heating and of the heated body, were made by Leslie and others. On these I shall not dwell; only observing that the relative amount of this radiative and receptive energy may be expressed by numbers, for each kind of surface; and that we shall have occasion to speak of it under the term exterior conductivity; it is thus distinguished from interior conductivity, which is the relative rate at which heat is conducted in the interior of bodies. 6

Sect. 3.— Verifications of the Doctrines of Conduction and Radiation. THE interior and exterior conductivity of bodies are numbers, which enter as elements, or coefficients, into the mathematical calculations founded on the doctrines of conduction and radiation. These coeffi

6 The term employed by Fourier, conductibility or conducibility, suggests expressions altogether absurd, as if the bodies could be called conductible, or conducible, with respect to heat: I have therefore ventured upon a slight alteration of the word, and have used the abstract term which analogy would suggest, if we suppose bodies to be conductive in this respect.

cients are to be determined for each case by appropriate experiments: when the experimenters had obtained these data, as well as the mathematical solutions of the problems, they could test the truth of their fundamental principles by a comparison of the theoretical and actual results in properly-selected cases. This was done for the law of conduction in the simple cases of metallic bars heated at one end, by M. Biot," and the accordance with experiment was sufficiently close. In the more complex cases of conduction which Fourier considered, it was less easy to devise a satisfactory mode of comparison. But some rather curious relations which he demonstrated to exist among the temperatures at different points of an armille, or ring, afforded a good criterion of the value of the calculations, and confirmed their correctness.&

We may therefore presume these doctrines of radiation and conduction to be sufficiently established; and we may consider their application to any remarkable case to be a portion of the history of science. We proceed to some such applications.

Sect. 4.-The Geological and Cosmological Application of Thermotics.

By far the most important case to which conclusions from these doctrines have been applied, is that of the globe of the earth, and of those laws of climate to which the modifications of temperature give rise; and in this way we are led to inferences concerning other parts of the universe. If we had any means of observing these terrestrial and cosmical phenomena to a sufficient extent, they would be valuable facts on which we might erect our theories; and they would thus form part, not of the corollaries, but of the foundations of our doctrine of heat. In such a case, the laws of the propagation of heat, as discovered from experiments on smaller bodies, would serve to explain these phenomena of the universe, just as the laws of motion explain the celestial movements. But since we are almost entirely without any definite indications of the condition of the other bodies in the solar system as to heat; and since, even with regard to the earth, we know only the temperature of the parts at or very near the surface, our knowledge of the part which heat plays in the earth and the heavens must be in a great measure, not a generalization of observed facts, but a deduction from theoretical principles. Still, such knowledge, whether obtained

Tr. de Phys. iv. 671.

8 Mém. Inst. 1819, p. 192, published 1824.

from observation or from theory, must possess great interest and importance. The doctrines of this kind which we have to notice refer principally to the effect of the sun's heat on the earth, the laws of climate, the thermotical condition of the interior of the earth,-and that of the planetary spaces.

1. Effect of Solar Heat on the Earth.-That the sun's heat passes into the interior of the earth in a variable manner, depending upon the succession of days and nights, summers and winters, is an obvious consequence of our first notions on this subject. The mode in which it proceeds into the interior, after descending below the surface, remained to be gathered, either from the phenomena, or from reasoning. Both methods were employed.' Saussure endeavored to trace its course by digging, in 1785, and thus found that at the depth of about thirty-one feet, the annual variation of temperature is about 1-12th what it is at the surface. Leslie adopted a better method, sinking the bulbs of thermometers deep in the earth, while their stems appeared above the surface. In 1813, '16, and '17, he observed thus the temperatures at the depths of one, two, four, and eight feet, at Abbotshall, in Fifeshire. The results showed that the extreme annual oscillations of the temperature diminish as we descend. At the depth of one foot, the yearly range of oscillation was twenty-five degrees (Fahrenheit); at two feet it was twenty degrees; at four feet it was fifteen degrees ; at eight feet it was only nine degrees and a half. And the time at which the heat was greatest was later and later in proceeding to the lower points. At one foot, the maximum and minimum were three weeks after the solstice of summer and of winter; at two feet, they were four or five weeks; at four feet, they were two months; and at eight feet, three months. The mean temperature of all the thermometers was nearly the same. Similar results were obtained by Ott at Zurich in 1762, and by Herrenschneider at Strasburg in 1821, '2, '3.10

These results had already been explained by Fourier's theory of conduction. He had shown" that when the surface of a sphere is affected by a periodical heat, certain alternations of heat travel uniformly into the interior, but that the extent of the alternation diminishes in geometrical progression in this descent. This conclusion applies to the effect of days and years on the temperature of the earth, and shows that such facts as those observed by Leslie are both exemplifications of


Leslie, art. Climate, Supp. Enc. Brit. 179. 10 Pouillet, Météorol. t. ii. 11 Mém. Inst. for 1821 (published 1826), p. 162.

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the general circumstances of the earth, and are perfectly in accordance with the principles on which Fourier's theory rests.

2. Climate. The term climate, which means inclination, was applied by the ancients to denote that inclination of the axis of the terrestrial sphere from which result the inequalities of days in different latitudes. This inequality is obviously connected also with a difference of thermotical condition. Places near the poles are colder, on the whole, than places near the equator. It was a natural object of curiosity to determine the law of this variation.

Such a determination, however, involves many difficulties, and the settlement of several preliminary points. How is the temperature of any place to be estimated? and if we reply, by its mean temperature, how are we to learn this mean? The answers to such questions require very multiplied observations, exact instruments, and judicious generalizations; and cannot be given here. But certain first approximations may be obtained without much difficulty; for instance, the mean temperature of any place may be taken to be the temperature of deep springs, which is probably identical with the temperature of the soil below the reach of the annual oscillations. Proceeding on such facts, Mayer found that the mean temperature of any place was nearly proportional to the square of the cosine of the latitude. This, as a law of phenomena, has since been found to require considerable correction; and it appears that the mean temperature does not depend on the latitude alone, but on the distribution of land and water, and on other causes. M. de Humboldt has expressed these deviations12 by his map of isothermal lines, and Sir D. Brewster has endeavored to reduce them to a law by assuming two poles of maximum cold.

The expression which Fourier finds13 for the distribution of heat in a homogeneous sphere, is not immediately comparable with Mayer's empirical formula, being obtained on a certain hypothesis, namely, that the equator is kept constantly at a fixed temperature. But there is still a general agreement; for, according to the theory, there is a diminution of heat in proceeding from the equator to the poles in such a case; the heat is propagated from the equator and the neighboring parts, and radiates out from the poles into the surrounding space. And thus, in the case of the earth, the solar heat enters in the tropical

12 British Assoc. 1833. Prof. Forbes's Report on Meteorology, p. 215.

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13 Fourier. Mém. Inst. tom. v. p. 173.

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