mon to human nature, would generally make them prefer their own condition. We have obliged some persons :-very well!-what would we have more? Is not the consciousness of doing good, a sufficient reward? Do not hurt yourselves or others, by the pursuit of pleasure. Consult your whole nature. Consider yourselves not only as sensitive, but as rational beings; not only as rational, but social; not only as social, but immortal. Art thou poor? Show thyself active and industrious, peacesble and contented. Art thou wealthy? show thyself beneficent and charitable, condescending and humane. Though religion removes not all the evils of life; though it promises no continuance of undisturbed prosperity; (which indeed it were not salutary for man always to enjoy ;) yet, if it mitigates the evils which necessarily belong to our state, it may justly be said to give "rest to them who labour and are heavy laden." What a smiling aspect does the love of parents and children, of brothers and sisters, of friends and relations give to every surrounding object, and every returning day! With what a lustre does it gild even the small habitation, where this placid interecurse dwells! where such scenes of heartfelt satisfaction sueceed uninterruptedly to one another! How many clear marks of benevolent intention appear every where around us! What a profusion of beauty and ornament is poured forth on the face of nature! What a magnificent spectacle presented to the view of man! What supply contrived for his wants! What a variety of objects set before him, to gratify his senses, to employ his understanding, to entertain his imagination, to cheer and gladden his heart: The hope of future happiness is a perpetual source of consolation to good men. Under trouble, it sooths their minds; amidst temptation, it supports their virtue; and, in their dying moments, enables them to say, "O death! where is thy sting? O grave! where is thy victory ?" SECTION VII. AGESILAUS, king of Sparta, being asked, "What things he thought most proper for boys to learn," answered; "Those which they ought to practice when they come to be men.' A wiser than Agesilaus has inculcated the same sentiment :~ "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it, An Italian philosopher expressed in his motto, that " time was his estate." An estate, which will, indeed, produce nothing without cultivation; but which will always abundantly repay the labours of industry, and satisfy the most extensive desires, if no part of it be suffered to lie waste by negligence: to be overrun with noxious plants; or laid out for show, rather than use. When Aristotle was asked, "What a man could gain by telling a falsehood," he replied, "Not to be credited when he speaks the truth." L'Estrange, in his fables, tells us, that a number of frolicsome boys were one day watching frogs at the side of a pond; and that, as any of them put their heads above the water, they pelted them down again with stones. One of the frogs, appealing to the humanity of the boys, made this striking observation : "Children, you do not consider, that though this may be sport to yon, it is death to us." Sully, the great statesman of France, always retained at his. table, in his most prosperous days, the same frugality, to which he had been accustomed in early life. He was frequently reproached, by his courtiers, for this simplicity, but he used to reply to them, in the words of an ancient philosopher: "If the guests are men of sense, there is sufficient for them: If they are not, I can very well dispense with their company.' Socrates, though primarily attentive to the culture of his. mind, was not negligent of his external appearance. His cleanliness resulted from those ideas of order and decency, which governed all his actions; and the care which he took of his health, from his desire to preserve his mind free and tranquil. Eminently pleasing and honourable was the friendship between David and Jonathan. "I am distressed for thee, my brother Jonathan," said the plaintive and surviving David; "very pleasant hast thou been to me: thy love for me was wonderful: passing the love of women." Şir Philip Sidney, at the battle near Zutphen, was wounded by a musket-ball, which broke the bone of his thigh. He was carried about a mile and a half, to the camp; and being faint with the loss of blood, and probably parched with thirst through the heat of the weather, he called for drink. It was immediately brought to him; but as he was putting the vessel to his mouth, a poor wounded soldier, who happened at that instant to be carried by him, looked up to it with wishful eyes. The gallant and generous Sidney took the bottle from his mouth, and delivered it to the soldier, saying, "thy necessity is yet greater than mine." Alexander the Great demanded of a pirate whom he had taken, by what right he infested the seas?"By the same right," replied he, "that Alexander enslaves the world. But I am called a robber, because I have only one small vessel; and he is styled a conqueror, because he commands great fleets and armies." We too often judge of men by the splendour and not by the merit of their actions. Antonius Pius, the Roman Emperor, was an amiable and good man. When any of his courtiers attempted to inflame him with a passion for military glory, he used to auswer," that he more desired the preservation of one subject, than the destruction of a thousand enemies." Men are too often ingenious in making themselves miserable, by aggravating to their own fancy, beyond bounds, all the evils which they endure. They compare themselves with none but those whom they imagine to be more happy; and complain, that upon them alone has fallen the whole load of human sorrows. Would they look with a more impartial eye on the world, they would see themselves surrounded with sufferers; and find that they are only drinking out of that mixed cup, which Providence has prepared for all. “I will restore thy daughter again to life," said the eastern sage, to a prince who grieved immoderately for the loss of a beloved child, "provided thou art able to engrave on her tomb the Dames of three persons who have never mourned." The prince made enquiry after such persons; but found the inquiry vain, and was silent. SECTION VIII. He that hath no rule over his own spirit, is like a city that is broken down, and without walls. A soft answer turneth away wrath, but grievous words sti np anger. Better is a dinner of herbs where love is, than a stalled ox and hatred therewith. Pride goeth before destruction; and a haughty spirit before a fall. Hear counsel, and receive instruction, that thou mayest be truly wise. Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an encmy are deceitful. Open rebuke is better than secret lovc. Seest thou a man wise in his own conceit? There is more hope of a fool than of him, He that is slow to anger, is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit, than he that taketh a city. He that hath pity on the poor, lendeth to the Lord; that which he hath given, will he pay him again. If thine enemy be hungry, give him bread to eat; and if he be thirsty, give him water to drink. He that planted the ear, shall be not hear? He that formed the eye, shall be not see? I have been young, and now I am old; y ve I never seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging brad. It is better to be a door-keeper in the hours of the Lord, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness. I have seen the wicked in great power; and spreading him, self like a green bay-tree. Yet he passed away, I sought him, but he could not be found. Happy is the man that findeth wisdom. Length of days is in her right hand; and in her left hand, riches and honour. Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace. How good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell to gether in unity! It is like precious ointment:-Like the dew of Hermon and the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion. The sluggard will not plough by reason of the cold; he shall therefore beg in harvest, and have nothing. I went by the field of the slothful, and by the vineyard of the man void of understanding; and lo! it was all grown over with thorus; nettles had covered its face; and the stone wall was broken down. Then I saw, and considered it well; I looked upon it, and received instruction. Honourable age is not that which standeth in length of time; nor that which is measured by number of years;-But wisdom is the grey hair to man; and an unspotted life is old age. Solomon, my son, know thou the God of thy fathers; and serve him with a perfect heart and with a willing mind--If thou seek him, he will be found of thee; but if thou forsake him, he will cast thee off forever. SECTION IX. THAT every day has its pains and sorrows, is universally experienced, and almost universally confessed.-But let us not attend only to mournful truths, if we look impartially about' all find, that every day has likewise its pleasures and ould cherish sentiments of charity towards all men. or of all good nourishes much piety and virtue in at are unknown to us; and beholds repentance ready up among many, whom we consider as reprobates. e ought to consider himself as insignificant in the sight eator. In our several stations, we are all sent forth to ers in the vineyard of our heavenly Father. Every his work allotted, his talent committed to him; by the ovement of which he may, in one way or other, serve mote virtue, and be useful in the world. ve of praise should be preserved under proper suborto the principle of duty. In itself, it is a useful motion; but when allowed to extend its influence too far, Is the whole character; and produces guilt, disgrace y. To be entirely destitute of it, is a defect. To ed by it, is depravity. The proper adjustment of the rinciples of action in human nature, is a matter that our highest attention. For when any one of them beher too weak or too strong, it endangers both our virur happiness. esires and passions of a vicious man, having once obunlimited sway, trample him under their feet. They feel that he is subject to various, contradictory, and masters, who often pull him different ways. His soul ed the receptacle of many repugnant and jarring disand resembles some barbarous country, cantoned out rent principalities, which are continually waging war other. es, poverty, disappointment, and shame, are far from every instance, the unavoidable doom of man. They more frequently the offspring of his own misguided Intemperance engenders disease, sloth produces pode creates disappointments, and dishonesty exposes The ungoverned passions of men betray theni into d follies; their follies into crimes; and their crimes rtunes. we reflect on the many distresses which abound in e; on the scanty proportion of happiness which any re allowed to enjoy; on the small difference which ity of fortune makes on that scanty proportion: it is that envy should ever have been a prevalent passion |