of STERNE: with OTHER ESSAYS AND VERSES. BY JOHN FERRIAR, M.D. Peace be with the soul of that charitable and cour- SHAFTESBURY. PRINTED FOR CADELL AND DAVIES, LONDON, by George Nicholson, Manchester. M.DCC.XCVI11. MD ADVERTISEMENT. The following essays are of so familiar a nature, that they require no formal introduction. A part of the Comments on Sterne, which were published some years ago, has been incorporated with these Illustrations; but with the exception of those few pages, the work is entirely new. Tho' all the pieces of this miscellany may be considered as the fruit of " idle hours not idly spent," in the intervals of an active Profession, I hope it will be found that they have been composed with a degree of attention, proportioned to my respect for the opinion of the public; and that I have not been rendered presumptuous, or careless, by the indulgence which I have experienced on former occasions. |