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DALIBARD, success of experiments

of, with De Lor, brought Frank-
lin's letters on electricity into
notice, 333.

De Chaumont, M., 26.

—, Le Ray, 99.

De Foe's Robinson Crusoe; Moll
Flanders; Religious Courtship;
Family Instructor, 108.

Essay on Projects, 92.
De Lor, success of experiments
of with Dalibard, brought
Franklin's letters on electricity

into notice, 333.
Denham, Dr., befriends Frank-
lin, 137, 138, 139.



advice to Franklin, 152.
instance of his honesty,

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

ECTON, in England, Franklin's
family had lived there 300 years,

his grandfather was born
there, 76.
Edinburgh Review, on the charge
that Wm. Temple Franklin had
been hired by the British Gov-
ernment not to publish his
grandfather's works, 40–42.

engages Franklin as clerk, Electricity, origin of Franklin's

Denny, Captain, Governor of

Pennsylvania, 300.

disobeys instructions of the

Proprietaries, 300, 356.

arrival of, in the colony,335.
brings Franklin the Cop-

ley medal, 335.

advances to Franklin, 336.
disputes with the Assem-

bly, 337.

description of, 337.

indignation of Proprie-

taries toward, 358.

letter about, from Frank-

lin, 358.
Dilly, Mr., projects a new edition
of Dr. Franklin's writings, with
a life, 17.

Franklin objects to the
life sketched for Dr. Lettsom, 18.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

found a collection of pam-
phlets in London which this
uncle had made, 80.

family became Protestants
at an early period of the Refor-
mation, 82.

- anecdote about reading the
Bible during the reign of Queen
Mary, 82.

where born and when, 83.
put to a grammar-school
at eight years of age, 85.

at the head of his class, 85.
intended for the church, 85.
sent to a school for writ-
ing and arithmetic, 85.

discontented with tallow

chandlery, 91.

[blocks in formation]

places a marble inscription
over his parents' grave, 89.

reads Plutarch's Lives, De
Foe's Essay on Projects, and
Dr. Mather's Essays to do
Good, 92.

bound as a printer's ap-
prentice to his brother James, 92.
measures taken to gratify
his taste for reading, 93.

borrowed books of Mat-
thew Adams, 93.

-writes ballads, "The Light-
house Tragedy," 93.

is sent to hawk them about
the streets, 93.

discouraged by his father
from verse-making, 93.

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