A CATALOGUE of BOOKS printed for THOMAS TRYE, near Grays-Inn Gate in Holborn. The following thirty-four little Books of Devotion, written by the most reverend Dr. EDWARD SYNGE, late Lord Archbishop of Tuam in Ireland, are all fold feparate with the Allowance, as printed to each Book, to fuch well-difpofed Perfons as buy Numbers of each to give away to their Children, Servants, poor Neighbours, &c. Note, That no good-intentioned Perfon, defirous of difperfing of these little Books, may be difcouraged fending for them, imagining because they have not Occafion for 100 of each of them, they shall not have the Allowance, pleafe to observe that all PerSons who buy of each of the Books underneath, a Quarter, a Half, or three Quarters of a Hundred, they may have them at the fourth Part, half, or three-Quarter Part of the Price which is put to the 100 in the Catalogue underneath. I. •PLAIN Inftructions for the Young and Ignorant, comprized in a fhort and eafy Expofition of the Church Catechifm, adapted to the Understanding and Memory of those of the meaneft Capacity. The fe A venth venth Edition. Price 3d. or 20s. per Hundred. II. Some fhort and plain Directions for fpending one Day well, by which (if every Day carefully observed) a Man may be much enabled (through God's Grace) to Spend his whole Life well. The feventh Edition. Price id. or 6s per Hundred. III. An Essay towards making the Knowledge of Religion eafy to the meanest Capacity: Being a fhort and plain Account of the Doctrines and Rules of Chriftianity. The feventh Edition. Price 2d. or 12s. per Hundred. IV. An Answer to all the Excufes and Pretences which Men ordinarily make for their not coming to the Holy Communion: To which is added, A brief Account of the End and Defign of the Holy Communion, the Obligation to receive it, the way to prepare for it, and the Behaviour of ourselves both at and after it. The fixteenth Edition. Price 3d. or 20s. per Hundred. * This Book is also printed in this large Letter for the Curious, Aged, and fuch as cannot use a small Priut. V. A Help to the devout Performance of private Prayer. The fecond Edition. Price id. or 6s. per Hundred. VI. Some Rules for the Conduct of Human Life, fhewing the Way of Living: 1. Wifely. 2. Harmoniously. 3. Peaceably and Quietly. 4. In Business. 5. In much ́Bufi nefs Printed for T. TRYE. 3 nefs. 6. In the Intervals of Business. 7. In Travel, &c. Confider your Way, Hag. i. 5. Price 3d. or 20s. per Hundred. VII. The Way to Eternal Salvation plainly pointed out, Price 2d. or 12s. per Hundred. VIII. The Rule of Self-Examination, or the only way of banishing Doubts and Scruples, and directing the Confcience in the fatisfactory Practice of all Christian Duties. The fecond Edition. Price 4d. or 1l. 5s. per Hundred. IX. A plain and eafy Method, whereby a Man of moderate Capacity may arrive at full Satisfaction in all Things that concern his Everlasting Salvation: To which is added, a Paraphrafe on St. Athanafius's Creed. The fecond Edition. Price 6d. or 5s. per Dozen. X. A Perfuafive to the Study of the Holy Scriptures, in a Letter to a fober Gentleman of the Church of Rome. Price 4d. or 1. 55. per Hundred. X. Catholic Chriftianity, or an Effay toward leffening the Number of Controversies among Chriftians. The fecond Edition. Price 4d. or 11. 5s. per Hundred. XII. A Brief Difcourfe of the Fundamentals of Christianity, and the Ufe that is to be made of them. With an Appendix, in which, from the Principles laid down or fuggefted in the Difcourfe, an Answer is given to three important Queftions, the Determination whereof would much conduce to the reftoring Communion between different Churches. Price 4d. or 11. 5s. per Hundred. A 2 XIII. XIII. The true Nature of an Oath; a Letter to a fober Quaker concerning his folemn Affirmation, &c. Price 1d.or 6s. per Hundred. XIV. A Charitable Addrefs to all who are of the Communion of the Church of Rome. Price Is. XV. An Answer to two Objections made against the Charitable Addrefs, to all who are of the Communion of the Church of Rome. Price 6d. XVI. Free-Thinking in Matters of Religion stated and recommended. The fecond Edition. Price 4d. XVII. The Authority of the Church in Matters of Religion. The fecond Edition. Price 44. XVIII. Eternal Salvotion the only End and Defign of Religion. Price 3d. XIX. The Divine Authority of Church Government and Epifcopacy stated and afferted upon Principles common to all Chriftians. Price 4d. XX. A Sermon preached before the House of Commons at St. Andrew's Church, Dublin, October 23, 1711. Price 3d. XXI. The Wildom of being Religious. A Sermon preached at the Castle Chapel in Dublin, Feb. 20, 1703-4. Price 3d., or 20s. per Hundred. XXII. Honefty the best Policy; an Effay concerning the true Way of rendering a Nation happy, and its Government firm and lafting. Price 2d. or 125. per Hundred. Parts: |