By JOHN WESLEY, M.A. Whofoever beareth the Sound of the Trumpet, and The FOURTH EDITION. LONDON: Printed by W. STRAHAN, and fold by T.TRYE BODI RUS TO THE READER. IT T was not my Defign when I wrote, ever to print the latter Part of the following Sermon. But the falfe and fcurrilous Accounts of it which have been published, almost in every Corner of the Nation, conftrain me to publish the Whole, just as it was preached, that Men of Reafon may judge for them. felves. Octob. 20% JOHN WESLEY. ACTS iv. 31. And they were all filled with the Holy 1. T Ghoft. HE fame Expreffion occurs in the second Chapter, where we read, When the Day of Pentecoft was fully come, they were all (the Apostles, with the Women, and the Mother of Jefus, and his Brethren) with one Accord in one Place. And fuddenly there came a Sound from Heaven, as of a rushing mighty Wind. And there appeared unto them cloven Tongues, like as of Fire, and it fat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost +. One immediate Effect whereof was, They began to fpeak with other Tongues §. Infomuch that both the Parthians, Medes, Elamites, and the other Strangers who came together, when this was noifed abroad, heard them speak, in their several Tongues, the wonderful Works of GOD. 2. In this Chapter we read, that when the Apostles and Brethren had been praying and praifing GOD, the Place was shaken where they were aflembled together, and B they + As ii. 1, 2, 3, 4.9 Ver. 4. Ver. 6. |