Are we taught of GOD, that we may be able to teach others alfo? Do we know GOD? Do we know Jefus Chrift? Hath GOD revealed his Son in us? And hath he made us able Minifters of the New Covenant? Where then are the Seals of our Apostleship? Who that were dead in Trefpaffes and Sins, have been quickened by our Word? Have we a burning Zeal to fave Souls from Death? So that for their Sake we often forget even to eat our Bread? Do we speak plain? By Manifeftation of the Truth, commending ourselves to every Man's Confcience in the Sight of GOD? Are we dead to the World and the Things of the World, laying up all our Treafure in Heaven? Do we lord it over GOD's Heritage? Or are we the leaft, the Servants of all? When we bear the Reproach of Chrift, does it fit heavy upon us, or do we rejoice therein? When we are fmitten on the one Cheek, do we refent it? Are we impatient of Affronts? Or do we turn the other alfo; not refifting the Evil, but overcoming Evil with Good? Have we a bitter Zeal, inciting us to strive fharply and paffionately with them that are out of the Way? Or is our Zeal the Flame of Love? So as to direct all our Words with Sweetnefs, Lowlinefs and Meeknefs of Wisdom? 9. Once more: What fhall we fay concerning the Youth of this Place? Have you either the Form or the Power of ChriStian Godliness? Are you humble, teachable, advifeable; or ftubborn, felf-willed, heady and high-minded? Are you obedient to your Superiors as to Parents; or do you defpife thofe to whom you owe the tendereft Reverence? Are you diligent in your eafy Business, purfuing your Studies with all your Strength? Do you redeem the time, crowding as much Work into every Day as it can contain? Rather, are ye not confcious to yourselves, that you waste away day after day, either in reading what has no Tendency to Chriftianity, or in Gaming, or in you know not what? Are you better Managers of your Fortune than, of your time? Do you, our of Principle, take care to owe no Man any Thing? Do you remember the Sabbath-Day to keep it Holy; to fpend it in the more immediate Worship of GOD? When you are in his House, do you confider that GOD is there? Do you behave, as feeing Him that is invifible? Do you know, how to poffefs your Bodies, in Sanctification and Honour? Are not Drunkennels and Uncleannefs found among you? Yea, are there not of you, who glory in their Shame? Do not many of you take the Name of GOD in pain: Perhaps habitually, with without either Remorfe or Fear? Yea, are there not a Multitude of you that are For fworn? I fear, a fwiftly increafing Multitude. Be not furprized, Brethren; before GOD and this Congregation, I own myself to have been of that Number: Solemnly fwearing to obferve all thofe Customs, which I then knew nothing of; and thofe Statutes, which I did not fo much as read over, either then, or for fome Years after? What is Perjury, if this is not? But if it be, O what a Weight of Sin, yea Sin of no common Dye lieth upon us! And doth not the Moft High regard it? 10. May it not be one of the Confequences of this, that fo many of you are a Generation of Triflers; Triflers with GOD, with one another, and with your own Souls? For how few of you fpend, from one Week to another, a fingle Hour in private Prayer? How few, have any thought of GOD, in the general Tenor of your Conversation? Who of you is in any Degree acquainted with the Work of his Spirit? His fupernatural Work in the Souls of Men? Can you bear, unless now and then, in a Church, any Talk of the Holy Ghoft? Would you not take it for granted, if one began fuch a Converfation, that it was either Hypocrify or Enthufiafm? In the Name of the Lord GOD Almighty, I afk What Religion are you you of? Even the Talk of Christianity ye cannot, will not bear! O my Brethren! What a Chriftian City is this? It is time for thee, Lord, to lay to thine Hand! 11. For indeed, what Probability, what Poffibility rather, (fpeaking after the Manner of Men) is there that Christianity, fcriptural Chriftianity, fhould be again the Religion of this Place? That all Orders of Men among us fhould fpeak and live, as Men filled with the Holy Ghost? By whom fhould this Christianity be restored? By those of you that are in Authority? Are you convinced then, that this is Scriptural Chriftianity? Are you defirous it should be reftored? And do ye not count your Fortune, Liberty, Life, dear unto yourselves, fo ye may be inftrumental in the restoring it? But fuppofe ye have this Defire, who hath any Power proportioned to the Effect? Perhaps fome of you have made a few faint Attempts? But, with how fmall Succefs! Shall Chriftianity then be restored by young, unknown, inconfiderable Men? I know not, whether ye yourselves could fuffer it: Would not fome of you cry out, "Young Man! in fo doing Thou reproacheft us!" But there is no Danger of your being put to the Proof; fo hath Iniquity overfpread us like a Flood! Whom then fhall GOD fend? The Famine, the Peftilence? The (The laft Meffengers of GOD to a guilty Land?) or the Sword? The Armies of the Romish Aliens, to reform us into our first Love? Nay, rather let us fall into thy Hand O Lord, and let us not fall into the Hand of Man! Lord, fave or we perifh! Take us out of the Mire, that we fink not! O help us against these Enemies! For vain is the Help of Man. Unto thee all Things are poffible. According to the Greatnefs of thy Power, preferve thou thofe that are appointed to die. And preferve us in the manner that feemeft thee Good: Not as we will, but as Thou wilt! FINIS. |