for who knoweth but it is the laft? Who knoweth how foon the Righteous Judge may fay, I will no more be intreated for this People. Tho' Noah, Daniel, and Job were in this Land, they should but deliver their own Souls. And who will ufe this Plainnefs if I do not? Therefore I, even I, will speak. And I adjure you, by the Living GOD, that ye fteel not your Breafts against receiving at Bleffing at my Hands. Do not fay in your Heart, Non perfuadebis, etiamfi perfuafiris. Or in other Words, Lord, thou shalt not fend, by whom thou wilt fend! Let me rather perifh in my Blood, than be faved by this Man! 3. Brethren, I am perfuaded better Things of you, tho' I thus fpeak. Let me afk you then, in tender Love, and in the Spirit of Meeknefs, Is this City a Chriftian City? Is Christianity, fcriptural Christianity found here? Are we, confidered as a Community of Men, fo filled with the Holy Ghost, as to enjoy in our Hearts, and fhew forth in our Lives, the genuine Fruits of that Spirit? Are all the Magiftrates, all Heads and Governors of Colleges and. Halls, and their refpective Societies (not to fpeak of the Inhabitants of the Town) of one Heart and of one Soul? Is the Love of GOD fhed abroad in our Hearts? Are our Tempers the fame that were in him? And are our Lives a greeable greeable thereto? Are we Holy as he which bath called us is holy, in all manner of Converfation. 4. I intreat you to observe, that here are no peculiar Notions now under Confideration; that the Queftion moved is not concerning doubtful Opinions, of one kind or another: But concerning the undoubted, fundamental Branches (if there be any fuch) of our common Chriftianity. And for the Decifion thereof, I appeal to your own Confcience guided by the Word of GOD. He therefore that is not condemned by his own Heart, let him go free. 5. In the Fear then, and in the Prefence of the Great GOD, before whom both you and I fhall fhortly appear, I pray you that are in Authority over us, whom I reverence for your Office Sake, to confider, (and not after the manner of Diffemblers with GOD) are you filled with the Holy Ghost? Are ye lively Portraitures of Him, whom ye are appointed to reprefent among Men? I have faid, Ye are Gods, ye Magiftrates and Rulers; ye are by Office fo nearly allied to the GOD of Heaven! In your feveral Stations and Degrees, ye are to fhew forth unto us the Lord our Governor. Are all the Thoughts of your Hearts, all your Tempers and Defires, fuitable to your High Calling? Calling? Are all your Words like unto thofe which come out of the Mouth of GOD? Is there in all your Actions Dignity and Love? A Greatnefs which Words cannot exprefs, which can flow only from an Heart full of GOD- and yet confiftent with the Character of Man that is a Worm, and the Son of Man that is a Worm! 6. Ye venerable Men, who are more efpecially called to form the tender Minds of Youth, to dispel thence the Shades of Ignorance and Error, and train them up to be wife unto Salvation, are you filled with the Holy Ghoft? With all thofe Fruits of the Spirit, which your important Office fo indifpenfably requires? Is your Heart whole with GOD? Full of Love and Zeal to fet up his Kingdom on Earth? Do you continually remind thofe under your Care, that the one Rational End of all our Studies, is to know, love and ferve the only true GOD, and Jefus Chrift whom he hath fent? Do you inculcate upon them, day by day, that Love alone never faileth? Whereas, whether there be Tongues, they hall fail, or Philofophical Knowledge, it ball vanish away: And that without Love, all Learning is but splendid Ignorance, pompous Folly, Vexation of Spirit? Has all you teach an actual Tendency to the Love of GOD, and of all Mankind for his Sake? Have you an Eye to this End in whatever you prefcribe, touching the Kind, the Manner and the Measure of their Studies? Defiring and labouring, that wherever the Lot of thefe young Soldiers of Christ is caft, they may be so many burning and Shining Lights, adorning the Gospel of Chrift in all Things. And permit me to afk, Do you put forth all your Strength, in the vaft Work you have undertaken? Do you labour herein with all your Might? Exerting every Faculty of your Soul? Ufing every Talent which GOD hath lent you, and that to the uttermoft of your Power? 7. Let it not be said, that I speak here, as if all under your Care were intended to be Clergymen. Not fo: I only speak as if they were all intended to be Chriftians. But what Example is fet them by us who enjoy the Beneficence of our Fore-fathers? By Fellows, Students, Scholars? More efpecially those who are of fome Rank and Eminence? Do ye, Brethren, abound in the Fruits of the Spirit? In Lowlinefs of Mind, in Self-Denial and Mortification, in Serioufnefs and Compofure of Spirit, in Patience, Meeknefs, Sobriety, Temperance; and in unwearied, reftlefs Endeavours, to do good, in every kind, unto all Men, to relieve their outward Wants, and to bring their Souls to the true Knowledge and Love D of of GOD? Is this the general Character of Fellows of Colleges? I fear it is not. Rather, Have not Pride and Haughtiness of Spirit, Impatience and Peevifhnefs, Sloth and Indolence, Gluttony and Senfuality, and even a proverbial Ufelefnefs, been objected to us, perhaps not always by our Enemies, nor wholly without Ground. O that GOD would roll away this Reproach from us! that the very Memory of it might perish for ever! ་ 8. Many of us are more immediately confecrated to GOD, called to minifter in Holy Things. Are we then Patterns to the reft? In Word, in Converfation, in Charity; in Spirit, in Faith, in Purity? Is there written on our Forehead and on our Heart, Holiness to the Lord? From what Motives did we enter upon this Office? Was it indeed with a fingle Eye to ferve GOD? Trufting that we were inwardly moved by the Holy Ghoft, to take upon us this Ministration, for the promoting of his Glory, and the edifying of his People? And have we clearly determined, by GOD's Grace, to give ourselves wholly to this Office? Do we forfake and fet afide, as much as in us lies, all worldly Cares and Studies? Do we apply ourselves wholly to this one Thing? And draw all our Cares and Studies this Way? Are we apt to teach? Are 1 Tim. iv. 12. |