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THE Proprietors of this Work respectfully

inform the Public that the Edition now offered to their acceptance has been many years in contemplation, but has been delayed by particular circumstances which they could neither forefee, nor prevent, and which it cannot be neceffary to detail.

It contains the Poetical Works of Dryden, with notes left for publication by the late reverend and learned Dr. Joseph Warton, with fome alfo by his fon the Reverend John Warton, and others with which they have been favoured by Mr. Warton's and their literary friends. A felection has also been made of notes in the edition published by the late Mr. Derrick, and Dr. Johnson's admirable Life of Dryden is prefixed; than which, as Mr. Malone has obferved, " a more beautiful and judicious piece of criticifm perhaps has

not appeared fince the days of Ariftotle." To the whole is added a copious Index.

It may be proper to ftate that the text of the prefent edition is not a mere copy of that edited by Mr. Derrick, and published by Tonfon in 1760, but has derived advantage from collation; and from the addition of feveral pieces felected from the poet's dramatic works. Some omiffions have also been made, which it is prefumed, will not be regretted.

The work is printed in an uniform fize with the four volumes of Dryden's Profe Works edited by Mr. Malone, and together comprehend the moft interefting parts of this eminent writer's works.

October, 1811,

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