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the truth of Christ, for the salvation of souls, and thus for the glory of God.

Does it all point to anything, so much as to the spirit, and the spiritual life? Has religion such essential connection with any words, forms, doctrines, or set of duties, as with the habitual frame in the sight of God, controlling the habitual walk among men, that is, the Heart, the inward and outward Life, the whole Character, the living Soul?

E. B. H.

F. Par Romani


THE following are extracts from a discourse, preached in the Chapel of the University at Cambridge, and in the New North Church, in Boston, on the Sunday immediately following the death of the Rev. Professor Ware, Jun.

The preacher having spoken of the happiness of those, 66 over whom the second death shall have no power, " and of the distinguished honor conferred on those, who, by their labors and their lives, "have turned many to righteousness,' thus adverted to the bereavements, to which our churches and religious community had recently been called.

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Let us rejoice, my brethren, and give thanks to God for our assurance of faith, that such is the destiny, nay, such, we will rather trust, is already the happiness of those, our honored friends and brethren, who within a few revolving months have in rapid succession been taken from among us. Within a very short period, the ravages of death, especially in the ranks of the clergy, have been alike frequent and signal. A year is but just now completed, since we were called with this community, and all the lovers of truth and goodness throughout the land to mourn, that a light of unusual lustre had been withdrawn ;* and that lips, that could plead with surpassing eloquence for God and man, were silenced in the

* Rev. William Ellery Channing, D. D., who died Oct. 2, 1842.

grave. A kindred spirit, partaker of his gifts, and unto him as a brother, who in another calling united the finest conceptions of genius and the most exquisite productions of art, with an humble piety that sanctified them both, soon followed him to the heavenly rest. By a providence no less sudden, the respected Pastor of a neighboring churcht was surprised in the walks of public instruction by the summons of death, even while uttering the words of life, and honoring by his just eulogium the memory of a friend, whose remains he had but just committed to the tomb. Yet, more recently, another honored servant of God, who by his gifts and his life had adorned his profession, whose name will never cease to be revered by them to whom he ministered, and who will live in his works long after his wasted form shall have mingled with its parent dust, slept sweetly in Jesus.‡ And now, even with others, whose names and whose virtues will at once occur to your remembrance, we have been called within a few passing days to commit to their resting place, the remains of one long honored among us, whose voice was always welcomed in our churches, whose gifts were consecrated in no common measure to the highest objects, and who has left behind him a memory that cannot perish.

It is not needful that I should delineate here the character of one already so well known. The form, the voice, enfeebled at last by disease, the gifts and virtues, that no disease impairs, of my departed brother, are already familiar here. You need not, that I should remind you of his distinguished worth. Rather let us mingle together, my brethren, our mutual recollections, and seek the instructions, which in his departure from among us we all must need.

It is chiefly in his relations to our University, and to the church of Christ; as a minister of religion, and a teacher in the school of the Prophets, that I would speak of our departed friend. But with these, his official, were inseparably united those personal graces, which gave to his character as a man, its attraction, its beauty, and useful


For the Christian ministry he was peculiarly fitted, by his

*Washington Allston, Esq.

+ Rev. David Damon, Minister of a church in West Cambridge.

Rev. F. W. P. Greenwood, D. D.


early and decided predilections, for it was the choice of his childhood; by the felicity of his domestic education in the beautiful village of his birth; by the examples it was there his favored lot to witness; by all the habits of his mind, and especially by his youthful piety. Even as was the seer of Israel, Henry Ware was consecrate from his youth. Having received the honors of the University in 1812, and having been engaged for a season in the instruction of youth, chiefly in the Academy of Exeter, he completed his course of theological preparation, and entered upon his public labors as a preacher in 1816. Upon the death of the venerable Dr. Lathrop, he was ordained on the first day of the following year, (1817,) as Pastor of the Second Church in Boston.

Of his earliest labors in the sacred desk it may perhaps be said, that they gave only imperfect indications, either of the ability or success by which he was afterwards distinguished. It was rather with a calm approbation than with raptures of enthusiasm that he was at first received. He was not exposed to the trial, neither did he experience the humiliation, which not seldom follows a premature popularity. It was not till a few years had passed, that his people, and with them the community, understood the full power and excellence of the spirit that was in him. The fact is not

without its use, and I advert to it for the purpose, as it is fruitful of encouragement to those, who perhaps with inferior gifts, are either contemplating, or have already entered upon the same calling. For never were there happier results to beginnings so healthful, because unmingled with idolatrous applause. A feeble church was strengthened; a little one became a thousand. The young flocked to his ministry. The aged, who called him, dwelt on his lips with fondness, and witnessed with a parental joy the good fruits of his labors. Few ministries have been more signally blessed. His influence was not confined to his peculiar flock, but was gradually diffused through the whole community. And how many minds have by his teachings been enlightened; how many hearts have been allured to goodness; how many have been turned from sin to righteousness; how many sorrowing spirits have by his consolations been sustained; in fine, how many immortal souls have been won to Christ and heaven known as yet only to Him, who is the witness and the reVOL. XXXV. 3D S. VOL. XVII. NO. II,



warder of all.

"But they shall be known," saith God, "in the day when I make up my jewels.'

Dr. Ware commenced his ministry at a period of more than usual excitement, and of advancing changes in our churches. The sources of these changes, on which I need not enlarge, were unquestionably of earlier origin, but the effects then became manifest. I have said, that his first public services did not give presage of his future eminence. But upon the publication of his historical discourses, preached in May, 1821, on the completion of a century from the establishment of his church, it was evident what hopes might be entertained concerning him. From that period may be dated the prominent place, which he ever. afterwards sustained in the varied relations of his profession, with his brethren, his flock, and the Christian community. His mind, active almost to restlessness, was fruitful of suggestions, which he readily matured into plans, for the moral and sipiritual improvement of all whom he could influence; and the measures he was earnest to propose, he was not less zealous and determined to pursue. The various projects of a literary, philanthropic, or religious nature, which then first engaged the attention of the community, the associations for the promotion of Peace, of Temperance, for the relief of Poverty, for the religious instruction of the Poor, for the wider diffusion of our faith, most of which were in their origin coeval with his ministry, and have since become identified with the character of the times, met his hearty concurrence, and failed not of his effectual help. His unceasing activity of mind, united with singular facility of execution, tempted him, however, to efforts beyond his strength. There was that within him, which consumed him. And much as we may admire the disinterestedness of his zeal, it is impossible for us, now that his labors have ceased, and his precious life has closed, not to lament that in the fervors of the spiritual, he was tempted to forget what the Maker of our frames has ordained, and none may with impunity violate, for

*To the religious and literary journals of the day his contributions were frequent and valuable. Of the Christian Disciple he was for a considerable period the faithful editor; and in the Christian Examiner, which succeeded it, some of its most valuable articles were the productions of his pen. His publications, chiefly of a professional nature, were numerous. An accurate list of these, found among his papers, may be seen in the appendix to the interesting discourse delivered on the Sunday after his death, by Rev. Chandler Robbins, Dr. Ware's successor in the Second Church.

the welfare of the physical being. In this, let him be to us rather for monition than example.

If we seek for the causes of the distinguished success of his ministry, one certainly of the most efficient will be found in the earnestness, combined with the humility of his spirit. The union of these graces was in him a distinguishing trait. His earnestness was singularly tranquil. It was

a wise and chastened earnestness. It did not exhaust itself in a single peculiar cause, or upon an exclusive object. It was a zeal chastened by humility; by a just appreciation of the objects that interested others, while it was intent on those he had selected for his own. He loved his profession - the true secret of success. He loved the scenes of its appropriate duties - the pulpit and the dwellings of the flock; and, as is recorded in praise of a devout monarch of Israel, "Whatsoever he did for the House of the Lord, he did it with his whole heart, and it prospered." The people saw it, and they trusted him.

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And here I cannot but remark it is forced upon my notice by the aspects, shall I say, the lowering aspects of the times that in this devotion to his sacred calling, in union with his distinguished success, Dr. Ware has bequeathed an example, worthy to be imitated alike by the elder and the younger of his brethren. If we of the clergy would maintain the due influence, I do not say of our ministry, but of the religion for which the ministry was ordained; if amidst theories and speculations, that would exalt the little devices of man above the ordinances, and even the truth of God, we would speak that word with power, we must give ourselves, as the apostle writes, to that ministry; nor substitute any mistaken schemes of our own, under a delusive plea of duty or conscience, (names so often abused to justify fatal errors,) for the glorious gospel of the blessed God.

In his relations to the University, and as a teacher in our school of the Prophets, they who were the objects of his instructions, and they who were his fellow-laborers in that chosen work, the witnesses of his fidelity and zeal, are better qualified to bear testimony than am I. The successive generations of those, who were taught by his meek wisdom, and have gone from those hallowed scenes of their preparation with the rich blessing of his friendship and prayers, will re

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