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GENERAL NASH, in the battle of Germantown, October 4th, 1777, was severely wounded in the thigh, the bone of which was shattered by a grape shot. While they were carrying him off the field, a friend coming up, began to condole with him on his situation, and asked him how he felt; "It is unmanly," said the dying hero, "to complain, but it is more than human nature can bear."


A WICKED example tends to corrupt, in some degree, every bne that lives within its baleful influence, more particularly if it be found in men of high rank, great wealth, splendid talents, profound erudition, or popular character. The mischief done by any notorious vice in men of this description is inconceivable. It spreads like a pestilence, and destroys thousands in secresy and silence, of whom the offender himself knows nothing, and whom probably he never intended to injure. And wherever the heart is corrupted, the principle of faith is proportionably weakened; for no man that gives a loose to his passions will choose to have so troublesome a monitor near him as the gospel. When he has learned to disregard the moral precepts of that divine volume, it requires but a slight effort to reject its doctrines, and then to disbelieve the truth of the whole.


THINK before you speak; think before whom you speak ; think why you speak; think what you speak.


WE toil for renown, yet we sigh for repose,
We are happy in prospect, yet restless today,
And we look back on life, from its dawn to its close,
To feel that we squandered its treasures away.

Though bound by obstructions of clay to our sphere,
Our hearts may aspire to a better to rise,

But evil the weight is that fixes them here,
For frail are our pinions, and far are the skies.

We love but the object has withered and died,
We are left as a wreck on a desolate shore,
To remember with grief as we gaze on the tide,
That the cherished, the lost and beloved, are no more.

The lost the lamented! Ye cannot return

To learn how our souls were with yours interwove;
To see the vain flowers that we strew on the urn,
Or behold from our sorrow how deep was our love.


"When vice goes before, vengeance follows after." However slowly vengeance may seem to move, it will assuredly overtake the offender at last; and the longer it is coming, the heavier it will fall on him, according to that maxim, that though justice has leaden feet, it has iron hands.

"If you trust before you try,

You may repent before you die."

Under this proverbial distich is couched a good lesson of caution and circumspection; not to choose intimates or friends, before we have experienced their integrity; not to buy things, without knowing whether they are equal in value to their price.

"One good turn deserves another." In this proverb, the vice of ingratitude is arraigned; it intimates that mutual of fices of love, and alternate helps or assistances, are the fruits and issues of true friendship; that it is both meet and comely, just and equitable to requite kindnesses.

"All is well that ends well." It is a plain matter of fact, that the end crowns all things, and that everything is not to be judged amiss, that may appear so for the present. A worldly misfortune, if it quicken our diligence and industry; a severe fit of sickness, if it promote our piety, and make us amend our lives, is well. Though for the present, no affliction seems joyous, but grievous, yet a happy death is the never failing portion of a well spent life, which always ends in eternal bliss and glory. The best way to judge of things, is by their issue or event. The end crowns the work.


AN open and ingenuous disposition is not only beautiful and most conducive to private happiness, but productive of many virtues essential to the welfare of society. What is society without confidence? Cunning and deceit are odious in themselves, and incompatible with the real happiness and dignity of man. Listen not, ye generous youths, whose hearts are yet untainted, listen not to the delusive advice of base men. Have courage enough to avow the sentiments of your souls, and let your countenance and your tongue be the heralds of your heart. Please, consistently with truth and honor, or be contented not to please. Let justice and benevolence fill your bosom, and they will shine spontaneously, like a real gem, without the aid of a foil, and with the most durable and captivating brilliancy.


DURING the reign of George III., two Eton boys were spending their holidays with a friend at Summerville, and had wandered into the forest, where they met a fresh looking old gentleman in the Windsor uniform, who stopped them, and jestingly asked if they were playing the truant. They gave an account of themselves, and said they had come to see the king's stag-hounds throw off. "The king does not hunt today," said the stranger, "but when he does, I will let you know; and you must not come by yourselves, lest you should meet with some accident." They parted; and two or three days after, while the family at Summerville was at breakfast, one of the royal yeomen prickers rode up to the gate, to acquaint them that the king was waiting, till he brought the two young gentlemen to a place where they might see in safety.


EVERY day's experience evinces the justness of that representation in the scriptures, in which it is said, that "the heart is deceitful above all things; who can know it?" In the most trifling intercourse, where neither pleasure nor profit are in view, the propensity to deceit appears in the little promises, professions, and compliments which are mutually made, usually, without any sincerity of regard, and often with real and inveterate aversion.

Early and late, by night and by day, in season and out of season, we should inculcate in the breast of youth the just remark of the moral poet, that "an honest man is the noblest work of God."


LONG after Washington's victories over the French and English, had made his name familiar to all Europe, Dr Franklin chanced to dine with the English and French Ambassadors, when the following toasts were drunk. By the British Ambassador," England - the Sun, whose bright beams enlighten and fructify the remotest corners of the earth." The French Ambassador, glowing with national pride, but too polite to dispute the previous toast, drank, "France - the moon, whose mild, steady and cheering rays, are the delight of all nations: consoling them in darkness, and making their dreariness beautiful."

Dr Franklin then arose, and with his usual dignified simplicity, said, "George Washington - the Joshua, who commanded the sun and moon to stand still; and they obeyed him."


WE ought to partake of food only when we have a natural appetite for it, and this ought to be plain and wholesome, and simply cooked. An unnatural and inordinate appetite for food is produced by partaking of a great variety of food, or of that which is richly cooked; by rich sauces, high seasoning, and by the use of wine at meals.

A very moderate quantity of plain food is all that is necessary, for the support of health and strength. By this means the healthy powers of the stomach are best preserved.

On the contrary, the powers of the stomach are impaired by eating too freely of rich food, and drinking immoderate quantities of wine, or spirits.

Bread is the most important article of food in civilized

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