Albeit that Good Works, which are the fruits of Faith, and follow after Justification, cannot put away our sins, and endure the severity of God's judgment; yet are they pleasing and acceptable to God in Christ, and do spring out necessarily of a true... The Christian's Magazine - Page 3221811Full view - About this book
 | Philip Schaff - Church history - 1877 - 948 pages
...Worlu. Albeit that Good Works, which are the fruitg of Faith, and follow afar Justification, can not pnt away our sins, and endure the severity of God's judgment;...they pleasing and acceptable to God in Christ, and do Bpring out necessarily of a true and lively Faith ; insomuch that by them a lively Faith may be as... | |
 | Church orders, Ancient - 1675 - 314 pages
...Beg. Edward 6. Artie. 11. 12. Of good works. " Albeit that good works, which are the fruits of faith, and follow after Justification, cannot put away our sins, and endure the severity of Gods judgment; yet are they pleasing and acceptable to God in Christ, and do spring out necessarily... | |
 | Church of England articles - 1855 - 76 pages
...Homily of Justification. XII. Of Good Works. ALBEIT that Good Works, which are the fruits of Faith, and follow after Justification, cannot put away our sins, and endure the severity of God's Judgement ; yet are they pleasing and acceptable to God in Christ, and do spring out necessarily of... | |
 | Thomas Bennet - 1715 - 228 pages
...and acceptable to God in Chrijt} and do tyring out necejjarily of a true and lively faith, infomucb that by them a lively faith may be as evidently known^ as A tree difcerned by the fruit. This Article contains Four Propofitions. j. Good Works are the Fruits of Faith,... | |
 | Thomas Bennet - Clergy - 1727 - 216 pages
...Propofitions. i. Good Works are the Fruits of Faith, and follow after Juftification. fc. Good Works cannot put away our Sins, and endure the Severity of God's Judgment. & Good Works are pleafing and acceptable to God in Chrift. 4. Good Works do fpring out necefiarily... | |
 | George Whitefield - Presbyterian Church - 1739 - 358 pages
...Good Works. ALbeit that good Works, which are the Fruits of Faith, and follow after Juftification, cannot put away our Sins, and endure the Severity of God's Judgment ; yet are they •plea/ing and acceptable to God in Chrift, and. da fpring out neceffarily of a true and lively Faith,... | |
 | William Hawkins - 1758 - 460 pages
...Church's Senfe of the Matter, good Works " fpring " out neceflarily of a true and lively Faith, info" much that by them a lively Faith may be as " evidently known, as a Tree difcerned by the *' Fruit." (Art. 12.) — Nor again does it detract from the real Value of them ;... | |
 | 1763 - 536 pages
...unto him in and for Chrifl (c), and do fpring out neceffarily of a true and lively Faith (d), infomuch that by them a lively Faith may be as evidently known, as a Tree is difcerncd by the Fruits (e). ARTICLE XIII. Of Works before Juftification. Works done before Jujtification... | |
 | 1765 - 432 pages
...• faith plainly) When . ye h«H done all that are comrnarkled te you, fay, We are Faith j'infomuch that by them a lively Faith may be as evidently known, as a tree difcerned by the fruii. things, and if we fay no fin, we deceive ourfelves, and the truth is not in... | |
 | George Whitefield - Presbyterian Church - 1771 - 494 pages
...and acceptable to Gob in CHRIST, and do fpring out neceffarily of $' true and lively faith, infpmuch that by them a lively "faith, may be as evidently known, as a tree difcerned by the fruit ?" And do we then by preaching the doctrine of juftification by faith only^... | |
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