CHRISTIAN'S MAGAZINE : DESIGNED TO PROMOTE THE KNOWLEDGE AND INFLUENCE OF EVANGELICAL TRUTH AND ORDER. Οσα ἐςὶν ἀληθῆ, ὅσα σεμνά.-PHIL. iv. 8. VOL. IV. NEW-YORK: PUBLISHED BY SAMUEL WHITING, & CO: AT THEIR THEOLOGICAL AND CLASSICAL BOOK-STORE, J SEYMOUR, PRINTER. 1811. 2-15-32 A New Year's Meditation. ALL Sin hath produced this melancholy state of things. By it, we are put under the ban of God's empire, and wander up and down among the tombs in this dying world, not knowing how soon his arm will reach us, and bring us before him, to account for our deeds. We are driven from the presence of God, into the world cursed for our sakes, and must toil among thorns and thistles for our support and convenience. Every thing around us is subject to change, and transient in its nature. Lover and triend are removed from us, and our acquaintance drop into darkness. Generations have already gone to the land of forgetfulness, and generations are going. All that we see, all that we experience, all that we anticipate, prove that here we have no home, but are travellers on the earth, whose journey is abridged |