that at a remoter period they will succeed in furnishing, if not all, at least by far the greatest part, of the various peoples inhabiting the other quarters of the globe, with the Bible, each in his own tongue. In addition to the translations they have previously recommended and encouraged, they have concluded to printan Ethiopic version of the book of Psalms, for the use of the ratives of Abyssinia; and they are endeavouring to procure a version of one of the Gospels in that language, with a view to the same object. They have, moreover, approved of, and encouraged by a liberal donation, the translation of the Scriptures into the Siamese, Macassar, Bughis, Afghan, Rakheng, Maldivian, and Jagatai languages, comprehending the colloquial dialects in use from the eastern boundary of Bengal to the islands of Borneo and Celebes, inclusive. To enable them more fully to execute their grand design, in different parts of Britain, 17 Auxiliary Societies have been formed, during the last year. The Managers feel constrained to notice the efforts of the PARENT SOCIETY during the past year thus particularly, as a feeble tribute of esteem for the immense good they do, as also an incitement to our Society, and to the public at large, to follow this sublime example to a greater degree than has yet been done. From the Treasurer's report, which is annexed to this, the state of the funds of the Society appear to be as follows: The amount in the Treasury at the last report, Of which there have been expended, Leaving in the Treasury a balance of $3507 96 847 4354 96 2579 71 1775 25 This statement of the funds of the Society, when the number of bibles on hand is compared with the number distributed the last and previous year, clearly shows the necessity of an increase to those funds for carrying into effect the design of the Society in future. The Managers cannot for one moment doubt of success, if proper and prompt application be made to the public for assistance. In the conclusion of their Report, they are happy to observe, that the experience of another year has added to the mass of proofs already before the public, of the necessity and utility of Bible Societies. They feel thankful to God that he has enabled them in any degree to carry into effect, even upon a small scale, a design pre-eminent for its felicity and gran deur. In the fulfilment of their duty, as the distinctions of party have been rejected, the spirit of sect has found no support. To be instrumental in advancing the glory of God, and diffusing his own truth without explanation or comment, leaving it to his blessing and providence, they consider matter of gratitude in a day of rebuke like this, when the nations of the earth are involved in the calamities of war. In Christian exertions, divided in other objects, but combined in this, they hail the advent of that day when there shall be but one fold as there is but one Shepherd. Even so come, Lord Jesus, come quickly. JOHN B. ROMEYN, Sec'ry. Names of the Board of Managers of the New-York Bible Society, for the ensuing year. This number concludes the CHRISTIAN'S MAGAZINE. The ministerial avocations of the Editors, compel them to relinquish the labour of conducting the work. Calvinism, full length portrait of, Review of 207.264.390. Cowper, Rev. John, sketch of the character of 113 Expository remarks on Coloss. ii. 2-7, - -- John the Baptist, birth and character of - L. 406 54. 231. 632 419.470.521 559.683 Livingston, Rev. Mr. extract from a letter of, to his pa- Letter from one of the Directors of the Society for pro- - 596 221 Missions, Foreign, meeting of the commissioners of Standing Committee of the General Assem- 222 bly, extracts from the report of Moscow, a letter from Ν. 349.556 100 New-Hampshire, Association of, minutes of the 110 Newton, Rev. John, original letters of the 434.482.529.650 Psalmody, extracts from the minutes of the General Sy- nod of the Associate Reformed Synod on R. Religion, state of, in the bounds of the General Assem- bly, &c. Religion, indifference in 226 335 601 Resurrection, Doctrine of the 11. 67. 143 Review of Portrait of Calvinism, 207. 264. 390.485.609.654 |