The Gentleman's Magazine, Volume 3F. Jefferies, 1733 - Early English newspapers The "Gentleman's magazine" section is a digest of selections from the weekly press; the "(Trader's) monthly intelligencer" section consists of news (foreign and domestic), vital statistics, a register of the month's new publications, and a calendar of forthcoming trade fairs. |
From inside the book
Page 1
... Jaco- bites and Tories ; and if united , will pre- serve them till Time shall be no more . The Whig - Churchmen and Diffen- ters are grown wifer ; they fee that these Differences about Rites and Cere- monies , are Trifles , and beneath ...
... Jaco- bites and Tories ; and if united , will pre- serve them till Time shall be no more . The Whig - Churchmen and Diffen- ters are grown wifer ; they fee that these Differences about Rites and Cere- monies , are Trifles , and beneath ...
Page 3
... Jacobites , like to have faid , that I was forry there was no Jacobite in this House . No , Sir , I am heartily glad of it , but if I was in an Af- I would ask them , If they lately lately , in some Corners , in fome private Meetings ...
... Jacobites , like to have faid , that I was forry there was no Jacobite in this House . No , Sir , I am heartily glad of it , but if I was in an Af- I would ask them , If they lately lately , in some Corners , in fome private Meetings ...
Page 79
... Jacobites & Wine and Tobacco . and Tories cry out Liberty , no Excife ; ergo , Liberty must needs be a very bad Thing , and Excise a very good one . D The Craftsinan , Feb. 17. No. 346 . An Address to the Land - holders . Gentlemen ...
... Jacobites & Wine and Tobacco . and Tories cry out Liberty , no Excife ; ergo , Liberty must needs be a very bad Thing , and Excise a very good one . D The Craftsinan , Feb. 17. No. 346 . An Address to the Land - holders . Gentlemen ...
Page 89
... Jacobite of Mr Mentertained a large Number the Bench , turn'd out of his Places , of the Inhabitants at the ... Jacobites Instructions , which was ready ingroff- unfair Traders working upon the Sim- and Malecontents on one Hand ...
... Jacobite of Mr Mentertained a large Number the Bench , turn'd out of his Places , of the Inhabitants at the ... Jacobites Instructions , which was ready ingroff- unfair Traders working upon the Sim- and Malecontents on one Hand ...
Page 93
... jacobite train : Who cry , prefer freedom to gold , Ne'er fall to corruption a prey ; Nor let what was gotten by old Be loft by new battle array . When your minifters all are so true t ' ye , Te murmurers , cease to repine : Don't ...
... jacobite train : Who cry , prefer freedom to gold , Ne'er fall to corruption a prey ; Nor let what was gotten by old Be loft by new battle array . When your minifters all are so true t ' ye , Te murmurers , cease to repine : Don't ...
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Common terms and phrases
againft Anſwer Army BAVIUS becauſe beſt Bill Buſineſs Cafe Cauſe Church cife Confequence Confideration Conftitution Country Court Craftsman Crown D'anvers Daily Courant defire Deſign Diffenters Ditto Duty Eſq Eſtate Excife Expence faid fame Favour fays feems fent feveral fince firſt fome foon Frauds Friends fuch fure Gentlemen give Government hath Honour Houſe House of Commons Intereſt itſelf Jacobites John Journal juſt King Kingdom Lady laft Land laſt late Laws leſs Liberty Lord Love Majesty Majesty's ment Merchant Minifter moft moſt muſt Nation neceſſary never Number obſerved Occafion Officers oppoſe Parliament Perfons pleaſe Power preſent pretend Prince Printed propoſed Publick Purpoſe Queſtion raiſed Reaſon Reign Royal ſays ſeems ſeveral ſhall ſhe ſhew ſhould ſmall ſome ſtand ſtill ſuch Sugar ſuppoſe themſelves theſe thing thoſe thro tion Tobacco Trade uſe Whigs whoſe Wife
Popular passages
Page 149 - Seek to be good, but aim not to be great: A woman's noblest station is retreat; Her fairest virtues fly from public sight, Domestic worth, that shuns too strong a light.
Page 96 - To be another, in this general frame; Just as absurd, to mourn the tasks or pains The great Directing Mind of all ordains. All are but parts of one stupendous whole, Whose body Nature is, and God the soul...
Page 294 - Nation confented to pay in fome manner a double Tax, in order to avoid the long and uncertain Continuance of fuch grievous and dangerous Impofitions ; and according to the firft Defign many of them would have been very near the Expiration of their Term at this Hour. The Wifdom of Parliament, indeed, thought fit afterwards to throw thefe Taxes, and the Method of difcharging the Publick Debts, into another Form, which...
Page 51 - Interspers'd with the history of the plants, the characters of each genus, and the names of all the particular species, in Latin and English: and an explanation of all the terms used in botany and gardening.
Page 149 - Women, like princes, find few real friends : All who approach them their own ends pursue; Lovers and ministers are seldom true. Hence oft...
Page 294 - Fund were not to be applied plied to the Difcharge of the Publick Debts, it would be much more for the Eafe of Trade and Advantage of the Nation, that fome of thofe grievous Taxes out of which it arifes fhould ceafe, than that they fhould be continued to fupply the current Service at Four per Cent.
Page 149 - Too ftrong for feeble woman to fuftain ; Of thofe who claim it, more than half have none, And half of thofe who have it, are undone. Be...
Page 569 - ... already subjected great numbers of the people of this nation to the arbitrary laws of excise ; and this scheme is...
Page 96 - Lives thro' all life, extends thro' all extent, Spreads undivided, operates unfpent; Breathes in our foul, informs our mortal part, As full, as...
Page 149 - For this the toilet every thought employs, Hence all the toils of drefs, and all the joys : For this, hands, lips, and eyes are put to fchool, And each...