On the Return of the SUN. Inferted at the Defire of Mr. S. P Sheds his foft Influence o'er our wretched Which long to direful Storms of Hail and Wind, Devoted, lay in Ruin; long had the Froft, In icey Fetters, bound her teeming Womb; Till thy all-chearing Ray, exhauftlefs Light! With boundless Majefty, difpenfing Day, Difpel'd the Winter, fullenly fevere. 'Tis now, for thee, all Harmony awakes, And Nature, joyful, fmiles at thy Return: With thee the tuneful Larks waking arile, Studious to ufher in thy gladfome Beams; When in the Mid-way Sky, on fteady Wings Up-rear'd, they fing their Mattins in thy Praife; The humbler Quires, harmonious on the Boughs Of blooming Trees, in Confort join their Notes, While, by their reftlefs Motion, glitt'ring Pearls, That Pendant hung, from every trembling Leaf, Fall unregarded. Now the early Swains, Wakeful,quick ftarting from their wholesome Beds Gladfome to all their rural Labours hafte; But now the Rich and Great (fhameful to tell) Luxuriously immers'd in Beds of Down, In Dumbers drown'd, unknowing true Delight, Mifs the gay Profpect of the early Morn; Where Nature liesin ali her Charms difplay'd, When the Sun's milder Heat o're all the World In foft Effufion pours his genial Rays: The verdantMeads and Mountains ting'd withDew O'er fpangled, glitter in the rifing Sun. The humbler Vales, o'er fpread with various Profufely gay, inimitably drefs'd, [Flow'rs, Send grateful Odours through the fcented Air, Amid a Stream of living Waters flow, [Sound Here gliding Imoothly, there with murm'ring Chides interrupting Pebbles; from each Hill The neighbouring Trees and vaulted Roof of Heaven For Sir Thomas D'ALTH, or Sir Edw. DERING? 2d. Thy impertinentQueftien my right'ous Soul vexes, Who would not appear against Death and Taxes? If. Your paffionate Warmth, Friend, has exhaufted your Breath; [Death? When lorded with Taxes, who would not chufe For Dearing you may pay Dear all your Days; In electing of D'AETH you'll find certain Eafe. Wrote extempore by a Member after the Debate in the Houfe, March 14. 1733 Ome Duties of Cuftoms turn'd into Excife To the Rev. Dr FREIND, on his quitting Weft minfter-School. By STEPHEN DUCK. IF void of Art my languid Verfe appears, Forgive,O FREIND, the Bard that lings in Tears, Rude are the Lays which only Grief adorns, And dull the Mufes when Apello mourns. When Science trembles o'er Minerva's Shrine, To fee her tav'rite Prieft his Charge refign.Yet why should Grief debafe his glorious Name; Or blaft the Bays his Merits juttly claim? No venal View his noble Temper sways; He quits with Honour what he kept with Praife. As fome wife Leader in fuccefsful Wars, Worn out with Age, and cover'd o'er with Scars Refigns the Poft he bravely hath sustain❜d, Crown'd with the Palm his former Valour gain'd; So thou, paternal Sage, may'ft now repose, Nor feek new Laurels to adorn thy Brows. Review thy Toils, and fee what polifh'd Peers Honour thy forming Hand, and ftudious Cares. Let learned CARTERET, Elegant of Tafte, Confefs the Mould in which his Mind was caft. Let HARVEY'S Mufe her Tutor's Worth proclaim, And PELHAM's Royal Truft declare thy Fame; PELHAM, in whofe capacious Soul we find The Scholar, Statefman, and the Patriot join'd. Nor fhall the tender Plants that round thee ftand, E'er prove ungrateful to the Planter's Hand: Water'd by thee, their well-fix'd Roots extend, Their Branches flourish, and the Fruits afcend, While pleafing Hope with Expectation miles, To reap the future Product of thy Toils: Intent to fee thy Pupils fhining forth, Whofe Actions foon fhall better fpeak thyWorthe When in the Train of Senators they come Refin'd with all the Arts of Greece and Rome: Whilft in each A&t their prudent Counfels fhew Their Master's Loyalty and Learning too. Thus have thy Precepts made thy Province fhine, And ev'n Minerva's Athens yield to chine. To a Beautiful Young LADY who Painted fine ly, but drew a DISADVANTAGEOUS likeness of all the TOASTS in her Neighbourhood. AY, Myra! why with cruel Skill SA You call the Pencil to your Aid; In Effigy defame the Fair, And triumph o'er the vanquish'd Shade? Fear not, tho' Thou each Rival's Face A Form more Lovely than thy own. *The Birth Day Verfes fhall be inserted in our next just as defired. Thoje poke at the Tripod at Cambridge would be difagreeable to many of our Readers, befides the Ladies, were they not Perfonal. Dialogue by Canete is too S Flagrant Thefts will prevent and fad Perjuries. The Dedef Belinda's Letter isander Confiderations Who fays, it will tend to make Free Britons Slaves, Says, Britons to be Free, muft needs be Knaves, In the mean while fhe will do well to keep the Dr on his good Behaviour. THE Monthly Intelligencer. MARCH, 1733. Thursday, MARCH 1. ER Majefty enter'd into the 51ft Year of her Age. The Day was celebrated with the ufual A Solemnity. The antient Britons had an elegant Feaft at Merchant Taylors-hall, at which 30l. was collected for placing out Welch Children. At Rippon, was the greateit Flood ever known there; about 4 Miles from thence the Waters came down fo fudden B ly to a Mill, that the Miller was obliged to fly with 3 of his Children to the uppermoft Room, where he broke out, and carried his Children fingly afhore in a. large Tub, which was overfet with his C laft Cargoe, but Affiftance being ready, they got fafe to Land. Prefently after Part of the Houfe was carried away. We have endeavoured to gratify our Readers with as near a Refemblance of the Face of this Woman, who has made fo much Noife, as this manner of printing will allow She went to Execution neatly dreffed in a Crape mourning Gown, holding up her Head in the Cart with an Air, and looking as if he was painted, which fome did not Jcruple to affirm. Her Corpfe was carried to an Undertakers upon Snow-Hill where Maltitudes of People reforted, and gave Money to fee it; a mong the reft a Gentleman in deep new Mourning, who kifs'd ber; and gave the People Half a Crown. She was about 25 Tears of Age. X. Saturday, 3. Mr John Thompson, late Warehouse. keeper to the Charitable Corporation; (See p. 1078, Vol. II. p. 99, No xxvi.) was feveral Hours under Examination, before the Committee of the House of Commons. Monday, 5 Eight Malefactors, condemn'd the preceeding Seffions at the Old-Baily (See p. 100) were executed. Dawfon repriev'd. Wednesday, 7. 1 Sarah Malcolm, (See p. 97 D 99 H) was executed on a Gibbet oppofite Mitre Court in Fleet-ftreet. She was attended by the Revd Mr Piddington, Curate of St Bartholomew the Great; feem'd penitent, and intimated fhe had deliver'd to him a genuine Account fealed up the Night before, which contained her whole Confeffion. (See p. 137.) She defired to fee her Mafter Kerrol, but as the did not, protefted that all Accufations concerning Friday, 9. Was executed at Northampton William Alrock, for the Murder of his Wife (See p. 981) He never own'd the Fact, nor was at all concern'd at his approaching Death, C refufing the Prayers and Affistance of any Perfons. In the Morning he drank more than was fufficient, yet fent and paid for a Pint of Wine, which being deny'd him, he would not enter the Cart before he had his Money return'd. On his way to the Gallows he fung part of an old Song of D Robin Hood, with the 'Chorus, Derry, derry, down, &c. and fwore, kick'd, and fpurn'd at every Perfon that laid hold of the Cart; and before he was turn'd off, took off his Shoes, to avoid a well known Proverb; and being told by a Person in the Cart with him, it was more proper for E him to read, or hear fomebody read to him, than fo vilely to fwear and fing, he' ftruck the Book out of the Perfon's Hands, and went on damning the Spectators and calling for Wine. Whilft Pfalms and Prayers were performing at the Tree he did little but talk to one or other, defiting fome to remember him, others to drink to his good Journey, and to the last Moment declared the Injuftice of his Cafe. Tuesday, 13. Mr John, Refident from the King of Denmark had his firft Audience of his Majesty. Wednesday 14. The House of Commons being to enter upon the Propofal for altering the Method of collecting the Duties on Wine and Tobacco, a very great Appearance of Merchants and Traders attended to make their Applications to the Members against it. The Affizes ended at Hereford, when 4 Perfons receiv'd Sentence of Death, viz. Thomas Rapar, for Houfe breaking; Richard Wifmer, for Horfe stealing, and F Wm Wilson and Wm Robinson for Forgery and Perjury, in giving Evidence at the laft Affizes to prove certain Writings, which they fwore to be the Hand-writing of a Gentleman deceased; whereby the next Heir would have been (had their Evidence prevail'd) difpoffeffed of 15ɔl. per Thursday, 15. Annum. Was held a General Court of the S. Sea Company, wherein it was agreed to apply to Parliament to divide their prefent Capital, viz. Three Parts into Annuities, and the remaining Fourth into a Trading Capital, agreeable to a former Refolution (See p. 675) and refolved, That from and after Michaelmas next, no more than 3 and a half per Cent. Interest be allowed on their Bonds, which if any refused to accept, fuch Bonds should be paid off. Friday, 16. At the Affizes at Taunton, Somerset. 5 Perfons receiv'd Sentence of Death, viz. two for Horfeftealing, one for a Rape on a Girl 9 Years old, and a Woman for the Murder of a Baftard Child. Monday, 19. The Place of Accomptant-General of the S. Sea Company, lately poffefs'd by Charles Lockyer, Efq, was by the Direc tors voted ufclefs, and feveral Clerks, for the fame Reafen, were discharged. Friday, 23. Were executed at Lincoln Ifaac and Thomas Hallam, for the Murders and Robberies of Mr William Wright of Market-Rafen, and Thomas Gardner the Lincoln Polt Boy in Jan. laft (fee p. 43) While in Gaol they confefs'd they had after Condemnation, attempted to break committed upwards of 50 Robberies; and out off Prison by fawing of their Fetters with a Cafe Knife notch'd like a Saw, and digging thro' the Wall with a large Nail, but being difcover'd, they then, and not before begun to think feriourly of their approaching End. In pafsG ing to Execution, near the Place where they murder'd the Poft Boy, Ifaac fell into violent Agonies and Pertrbation of Mind; at the Tree having no Clergyman to affift him, he beckon'd to one who was there as a Spectator, who readily comply'd with his Requeft, and pray'd with H him fervently. After which being turn'd off, and his Brother Thomas feeing him hanging in the Air ftruggling for Life, fhriek'd out dreadfully at the fhocking Sight, and was then led to Execution VOL. III. Domeftick Occurrences in MARCH, 1733. high the Place where they had murder'd Mr Wright. He, as well as his Brother, acknowledg'd the Juftice of his Sentence and calling upon God was turn'd off. Thursday, 21. A His Majefty went to the Houfe of Peers and gave the Royal Affent to the following Bills, viz. That for punibing Mutiny and Defertion; to allow Time for taking the Oaths to those who had omitted to qualify themselves for Employments; for importing Diamonds Cuftom free; the R English Law Bill, for Rebuilding St George's Church, Southwark; for making the River Dun navigable; to allow further Time for the Inrollment of Deeds and Wills made by Papifts and for Relief of Proteftant Purchafers and Leffees; and to four private Acts. The Commons adjourn'd to Monday the 2d, and the Lords C to Tuesday the 3d, of April. Monday, 26. The A&t for qualifying Juftices of the Peace; and English Law Act took place. Thursday, 29. A Scandalous and fictitious Letter hav. D ing been difperfed in Writing and Print, highly reflecting on the Town of Southhampton (See p. 144) that Corporation, in an Advertisement published this Day, fighed by John Godfrey Town Clerk, declare it to be forged, and that the following is the real Letter. GENTLEMEN-- I received mands with the Greatest Pleasure, your Comaud ball obey them. I hope if any thing fould be fet on foot to your Preother judice, you'll give me your Inftructions; which all always be obferv'd by SIRS, E Your Obliged Hum. Ser. F Lond. Jan. 25, 1732 Ant. Henley. The Charles and Mary Sloop, Captain Curtis, bound to Holland, with 25,000!. in Gold Coin on board, was loft off Ald. borough in Suffolk, and all the Crew, with 30 Paifengers, were drowned. A Mayor of a Corporation's Anfwer to a Member's Letter. (See p. 98.) SIR, I Had Favour 155 Shape you feem to be pleas'd with, or in any other, you can't reafonably expect our Approbation, fince we are fully con vinced that all Excife Laws are deftructive to Trade, Innovations on our antient Rights, and altogether inconfiftent with the true Intereft of a free People. The fpecious Pretence of ferving the fair Trader can no longer amufe us, when we too often fee thofe very Laws, which were calculated for their Protection, ufed against them, nor can it be otherwife expected, whilft the Execution of thofe Laws is under the Management of fuch as by their ill Conduct have render'd the Kingdom, by often making it a Part themselves juftly odious in all Parts of of their Duty to be troublefome, in Hopes of meriting by Their Activity and Vigilance. If you would act agreeable to our Wishes and Inclination, before you think of improving or extending the Revenues, make it a Preliminary, that the Laws of Excife be first regulated, and Trade and this is done, affure yourself nothing will the poor Manufacturer cafed; and when be more grateful to us than to fee the Neceflities of the Government fully fupply'd, as well as proper Provifion made to anfwer all National Engagements, fo as they are annual, and repeated no oftner than Occafion requires, and the Manner of Collection be made eafy to the Subject. Acting on thefe Principles, you cannot fail of having the Approbation and Thanks of us, and all true Lovers of their Country. Colchester, Feb. I am, Sir, 28. 1734-3. Your moft Hum. Serv. The MAYOR. To Sam. Tufnel, Efq; Friday, 30. The Cafhire of the Cuftoms paid into the Exchequer 13,000 . the Cathire of the Excife 28,000 1. for one Week. Saturday, 31. A Volcano, or burning Mountain, has G been obferv'd on the Sea Coast of Ireland, which we are promis'd a particular Account of for our next Magazine. municated the Contents to those who Jately troubled you with their Sentiments on the important Subject of Excife Laws; and I have Authority to affure you, that H nothing in your Anfwer has in the leaft alter'd our Thoughts; and if you vote for a Bill of that Nature, even in the A Charter is paffed the Great Seal of Ireland, for the erecting and maintaining of Schools for teaching the Natives the English Tongue, and inftructing them in the Proteftant Religion. Lieut. George Crowe, having a Competency in the Country to fubfift on, has refigned his Half Pay, amounting to 45. 12s. 6d. per Ann. to the Lords of the Ad. miralty miralty for the Ufe of the Corporation for The Parish of St Botolph Aldgate have A The Earl of Burlington has projected On Tuesday 13, there were prefent in Mr Richard Blunt, Distiller in Breadfreet, to a Daughter of Mr Jn Smart, of Guildhall. : Sir George Blacket, to the Daughter of Reynolds, Efq; of New-Bond-street, a Fortune of 15,000 1. Charles Palmer, Efq; of Wiltfbire,:: to Mifs Blake of Hatton Garden. The Ld Auguftus Fitzroy, fecond Son to the Duke of Grafton, now on his Travels, to the fecond Daughter of Col. Cosby, Governor of the Leward Islands ; as advised from abroad. Henry Pye, of Farringdon, in Berkfire, Efq; a Gentleman of 3000 1. per Ann, : : to Mrs Warren, Sifter in-law to Richard Afton, of Wadley, Efq; William Webb, of Derbyshire, Efq;:: to Mifs Baven of St Clement's Danes. Thomas Hannier, Efq; :: to the Daughter of the Lord Percival. •Waring, Efq; Son to Brigadier Waring, to a Grand Daughter of Sir Wm Humphreys, Bar. a Fortune of 20,000!. Robert Chester, Efq;:; to Mifs ThornD ton, of Leicester-fields, a Fortune of 18,000 1. E F FDward Cape Hopton, Elys (Son of :: John Simpfon, Efq; of Rochester, to Winftanly, of Leicesterfire, Ef, George Venables of Staines, Efq; :: to tune. Sir John Ellis,:: to Miss Barnes of John Drake, Efq; to Mifs Jenny DEATH S. יד Feb. 26. Wilfon of Wilts, Bart. HE Relic of Sir Thomas James Langham, Efq, of Bloomsbury. 28. George Hearne, Elq; of Lancafire. March 1. Thomas Brayfield, Eiq, Deputy Warden of the Fleet Prifon. Mr James Pinfold, an eminent Proctor in Doctors Commons, and Deputy Register of the Court of Delegates. Thomas Wright, Efq; of Cary-lane, formerly a Water-Gilder. He left 500l. per Ann. to a poor Relation, and to the Charity Schools of St Anne's within Alderfgate, and St Michael's Fofter-lane, 100l. cach. Samuel Bulkly, Efq, at Hacks kney. John Warren, Efg, a West India Mercht Gundy, Efq, aged 116, at HydePark Corner; reputed worth 100,000. Sir William Smithfon, Bart formerly Reprefentative for Nottinghamfire. 2. Thomas Bloom, Efq, at Loddefden, Hertfordfire. Mr Clement, Poftmaster of Durkam. |