ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. BY THE REV. JOHN WATSON ADAMS, D.D. LATE PASTOR OF THE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, SYRACUSE, N. Y. WITH A Biographical Sketch of the Author. BY THE REV. JOEL PARKER, D.D. SYRACUSE: STODARD AND BABCOCK. PREFACE. WHO reads a preface? Scarcely any one. Why indite one, then? No very urgent reason can be given, especially since the Biographical Sketch contains nearly everything that is of any consequence in explanation of the character and design of the volume. Yet, a few words may be addressed to those who, from a peculiar interest in the author of these Sermons, may think it worth while to read everything which may be printed in a book so full of the "fragrant memory" of a dear friend. The editor has regarded his task as one of peculiar difficulty. He has reason to believe that not one of all these discourses, except the two which were previously published, were composed under the least impression that they would ever be given to the public in a printed form. Some of the best sermons were so hastily written, and left in so unfinished a state that they could not be properly brought out without numerous corrections; he was compelled, therefore, to select from those which were more complete, though often possessing less intrinsic merit. Perhaps it is scarcely necessary to say that it cannot |