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the emperor of Russia. I shall expedite my journey, and hope, within a few weeks, to revisit my provinces on the other side of the Vistula, to which I owe so many proofs of

hasten my return to Berlin, to testify to my subjects of that city my gratitude for their firmness and good conduct, and to assure them of my attachment and satisfaction. I inform you hereof, and command you to notify the same to my loving and faithful citizens of that city; and I am your loving sovereign, (Signed) FREDERIC WILLIAM."

of the tiger, the retreat of the party was too precipitate and general to admit of individual attentions. Each person trusted to the speed of his horse, and our hero was undesignedly left behind. But when, on rallying in a neigh-exemplary fidelity; and I shall in particular bouring village, his comrades perceived that he was missing, they instantly armed themselves, and returned with a large concourse of the natives to the spot. They came in sight of the tree just as the tiger had received his mortal wound. He again retreated, and was traced into a jungle, where they found him writhing in agony. On their approach, he collected his remaining strength into one final effort, and prepared to spring, but the spear of a native prevented him, and put an end to his struggles. On, measuring him, he was found to extend ten feet eight inches from the nose to the tip of the tail. The poor horse was so mangled, that he was immediately put to death."


Political State of Russia.--A gentleman, lately arrived from Russia, gives a most de plorable account of that country. The peoThere is a most positive edict against any pie groan under the most abject slavery, person mentioning the conduct of their government. If two persons are seen in serious conversation, they are suspected of talking politics, and seldom escape arrest. However,

Alexander gave his promise to Buonaparte, at Erfurth, to watch the motions of Austria, while he went into Spain, and if he perceiv ed any thing hostile to France, to march a large army into her territories. The people are much dissatisfied, those in mercantile sitnations particularly. Their warehouses are full of property, in a state of decay, parti cularly tallow; and it is a common saying amongst the lower orders of the people, that it will find its way to England, in spite of government, as it turns into maggots, and they are thrown into the sea!

Monument in Memory of Capt. Hardinge, late of the St. Fiorenze, who was killed in taking the Piedmontaise French is generally understood that the emperor The following is a letter from Sir J. Mackintosh to the editor of the Bombay Gazette. -Bombay, March 31, 1808.-Sir,-Yielding to the first impulse of those feelings with which the heroic death of Capt. Hardinge has filled my mind, I take the liberty of proposing to the British inhabitants of this presidency a subscription for a monument, in honour to his memory, in the church of Bombay. A generous and grateful nation will, doubtless, place his monument by the side of that of Nelson. But the memorials of heroic virtue cannot be too multiplied.-Capt. Hardinge fell for Britain, but more especially he fell for British India. I should be ashamed of presuming to suggest reasons for such a measure they will abundantly occur to the lovers of their country.-JAMES MACKINTOSH.

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Report King of Prussia's Letter to the Magistrates of Berlin.-Berlin, Dec. 24. Worthy, beloved, and faithful subjects, my provinces being evacuated by the French, my attention is now directed to the accomplishment of my heartfelt wish to the capital of Berlin, with the queen my spouse, and my family an object which I have by all possible means endeavoured to attain since the conclusion of peace. I have given orders 'that the constituted authorities shall leave this place for Berlin, as soon as the districts on the other side of the Vistula have begun to breathe a little from the effect of the


State of Public Authority under Bairac tar.-The late revolution in Turkey is said but to Europe. Bairactar, the chief actor in to be favourable, not only to this country, it, is a bold, shrewd, enterprising man, equal to the times in which be has appeared, and the situation to which he has attained. It is supposed, that he has been elevated by the religious council, as a fit instrument to resist the partition of the Turkish empire, and to defeat the ambitious designs of France and Russia. Bairactar declares it his wish to be at peace with all the world, and his greatest object to preserve the integrity of the Ottoman empire. Our ambassador, Mr. Adair, has been well received. About Oct. 10, Mr. Adair presented himself at the Dardanelles; to which place, a row-boat of sixteen oars came from Constantinople to receive heavy burthens they have sustained in fur-him with due respect. At Constantinople, he nishing carriages and supplies, both before and during the evacuation of the country. This short interval I shall employ, in a journey to St. Petersburgh, in consequence of the repeated friendly and urgent invitations, both verbally and by letter, of his majesty

was surrounded by all the old English Dragomen or interpreters, and satisfied with his situation. The principles of the new government, had induced many English merchants to return to Smyrna from Malta, and great quantities of goods had been sent thither. Bairactar had even

carried his system of neutrality so far, as to order that English ships of war should not be molested in attacking French ships of war in the Archipelago. He has beheaded the governor of the Dardanelles, and many others whom he suspected of being in the French interest. Such is his boldness, and the terror he inspires, that he seizes a chief officer at the head of his troops, in whose presence the officer is instantly beheaded. He has summoned a grand council of all the Pachas of the empire (governors of the provinces) as well of Asia as of Europe, at Adrianople. Before this council he was to lay proofs respecting the dismemberment of the Turkish empire, and to propose the means for self-protection. Such as opposed him it was believed he would put to death on the spot. The place of meeting marks his suspicions of Russia. It was supposed some of the northern Pachas next the Russian territories would decline appearing; the consequence of which would be his instant operations against them. Since the preceding article was composed, events at Constantinople have given a totally different appearance to the Ottoman Porte. On the 14th of November the Janissaries assembled at the break of day, and attacked the palace of Mustapha Bairactar, the Seraglio, and the barracks of the troops disciplined after the European manner, or Seimeni. The blood shed has been very great, the city has suffered both by fire and sword. The

confusion of affairs has not allowed of an orderly history having been forwarded to us. The most correct, in our judgment is the following:

Constantinople, Nov. 25. The revolution which commenced on the 14th lasted until the 20th. On the 15th the house of the Aga of the Janissaries was set on fire, for his refusing to make common cause with them against Mustapha Bairactar. The Aga was at the same time assassinated by his own people. The Janisaries stormed the Seraglio on the 17th. The ex-sultan, Mustapha IV. was strangled, and his body thrown out to the insurgents, The number of Seimens and Janissaries who have fallen, and whose bodies are lying in heaps in the streets, is calculated at 8000. The former are thrown into the sea, but the latter are decently interred. The Seimens were disarmed on the 18th, and their officers were put to death.-On the 19th, the dead body of an unknown Mussulnaan of rank, was found in a vault in the palace of Sultan Mahomet. It was supposed to be that of Mustapha Bairactar, who, however, as is believed by well-informed persons, has safely effected his escape to Rudschuck. As the Seraglio was battered with musketry and cannon, that palace has suffered considerable damage. The Hippodrome, and a number of large buildings, about one

third of the city, became a prey to the flames. All the householders in Stambol, Galata, and Pera are still obliged to patrole the streets by turns, in the night time, and to keep a lamp burning in front of every house, to prevent further inischief.-The grand Seignor, Mahomet, has appointed Mahomet Aga pro visional Grand Vizier. The exiled Seid-Aly is again appointed Pacha, and Chaled-Effendi remains as minister for foreign affairs. The reis-effendi, and kiaja-bey, also retain their former rank. The Seraglio is to undergo a repair; and in the meantime, the govern ment will hold its council in a private house. The most beautiful part of the Seraglio has been destroyed by the fire, as have also the archives.

Stambol, correctly Isambol, is the city properly called Constantinople. Galata is a suburb across the harbour; and Pera is beyond it; this latter is the residence of most of the European Ministers. These are all on the point of land north of the city. An idea of their situation may be formed, from our map given in Vol. II. p. 313.


State of the Colony at Port Jackson.-The following is a brief summary of the contents of the New South Wales Gazette:-"The public intelligence is not generally interesting, otherwise than, as every friend to humanity will be glad to hear, that decency and order prevail in a settlement, where considerable infractions of law and justice might be expected. The trials for offences are of course numerous, but they appear to be conducted with equity and impartiality. Many of the convicts have effected their escape, by American vessels touching on the coast, and some salutary regulations have been adopted to prevent the practice. It has been found of the greatest consequence to the subsistence of that remote country, that restrictions should be imposed on killing the animals suited to the support of man, and the fortunate result has been, that they are now so abundant as to preclude any probability of future deficiency. A quantity of shoes, in small lots, were sold by auction, from 10s. to 14s. per pair; a herd of swine, at 4d. per pound," alive; maize, in the public market at 10s. per bushel; potatoes, about 19s. 6d. per bag; tobacco, 1s. to 2s. per pound. Port Dalrymple is found to be of essential advantage for the purposes of our extensive settlements, as, from the survey already taken, some very fine tracks of land have been discovered. The natives appear to be little disposed to fraternise; on the contrary, they always disappear when approached.-No accident has, how ever, occurred from any act of aggression on their part. They appear, indeed, to be a peaceably disposed people."


Her Majesty's Birth Day.-Jan: 19. Her Ma-
jesty completed her 64th year May 19, 1808, but
the celebration of this event being kept on the 18th
of January following, it was on this day observed
with great splendour.
royal salute was fired in St. James's Park; also
At 1 o'clock a double
64 cannon at the Tower. The court was nume-
rously attended. The Prince and Princess of Wales
came in state; as did most of the royal family.
Many of the ladies' dresses were of velvet, richly
embroidered with gold: some were of Anglo-me-
rino wool: gold and silver tissue and sattins were
much worn.

Biddings for Lottery Tickets.-The Chancellor
of the Exchequer has received the biddings for a
new lottery of 20,000 tickets, to be drawn in four
days, of 5000 each day, and to end 29th April,
with liberty of locking up 2000 tickets, similar
to the extra prizes of last lottery. The biddings


Hensley and Pulley

[blocks in formation]





£17 17 0 175 0 17 5 0 17 5 0

The payments are to be as under

Deposit January 16...
February 17

March 24

Three days before drawing..


£1 10

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[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

£17 17. 0

Vaccination. In pursuance of the resolution of parliament passed in the last session, a National Institution for promoting vaccination, is established under the management of a board, which consists of the following members :-Sir Lucas Pepys, Bart. president of the Royal College of Physicians; Dr. Mayo, Dr. Heberden, Dr. Satterley, and Dr. Bancroft, censors of the College; George Chandler, Esq. master; and Robert Keate, Esq. and Sir Charles Elicke, governors of the Royal College of Surgeons. -The Board have appointed the following officers:-director, Dr. Jenner; assistant director, James Moore, Esq.; register, Dr. Hervey; principal vaccinator, J. C. Carpue, Esq.; vaccinators at the stations, Charles Atkins, Esq., T. Hale, Esq., Richard Lane, Esq., Edward Leese, Esq., S. Sawrey, Esq., and J. Vincent, Esq.; secretary, Charles Murray, Esq.

the act, although these rates had been almost an nually advancing, and with other expences of consequently, that positive and considerable adtrade, would probably have still further advanced; vantages were by this speculation alone secured to the public.

To demonstrate the increase of the West India trade, and that the company's means and resources have kept pace with that increase, several ber of West India ships, and the dispatch given at statements taken from the books are presented.→→ the docks for the last six years, viz. The first statement shews the comparative numNo. of Ships.


Finished Landing.

Jan. 14, 1804.

[blocks in formation]

Dec. 29, 1804.



Jan. 22, 1806.

[merged small][ocr errors]


Feb. 2, 1807.

1807 1808


Dec. 24, 1807.


593 finished on

Dec. 3, 1808.

Exclusive of smaller vessels and craft.

From these returns it appears, that within the
last year the company unloaded 65 ships more than
in the preceding season, and 174 ships more than
the average number of the five previous years.
Also, that, notwithstanding the embarrassments
which the well known stagnation of export trade
caused in the last season, by producing an extraw.
ordinary accumulation of goods in the warehouses,
and consequent scarcity of stowage-room, yet the
Company actually unloaded, in the space of five
months, from the beginning of July to the begin-
wards of
ning of November, upwards of 460 ships, besides
smaller vessels, &c. with cargoes comprizing up-

221,000 Casks
of Sugar, Rum, Coffee, Cotton,
137,000 Bags
159,800 Hhds. and Tierces Sugar,
&c. &c. not including Wood,
11,000 Bales
and many packages of other
26,900 Puncheons and Hhds. Rum,
31,600 Hhds, and Tierces Coffee.
125,400 Bags

An additional statement is given of the quantity
of goods actually deposited within the warehouses
207,800 Bags
at one time, exclusive of articles on the quays, viz.
158,600 Casks
11,600 Chests
1,500 Bales

[blocks in formation]

West-India Dock Company. Court of this company, held at their house, Jan. At a general 6, the chairman read a report from a committee of directors on the general conduct of the com'pany's concerns, to the end of the year 1808. The report claims, as belonging to the establish-cording to the best computation that could be ment, credit for whatever benefits have resulted to the West India trade, from the warehousing system, the adoption of which, it is well known, had been long contemplated by a great statesman, and only suspended until suitable accommodations for security of the revenue were provided.

It is also remarked, that the charges on the import trade which the company receive, and to which they are limited by law, during the extent of the charter, are taken exactly at the existing standard of those charges at the time of passing

made, was not capable of containing ope-third of
the quantity of that article actually lodged at one
time in the company's warehouses. The report
concludes thus:-

"The principles by which the court of directors
have uniformly governed their conduct, have
been those of sound discretion in the application
public, and a scrupulous impartiality in the ad-
of the funds of the company, a liberal construc-
ministration of business. How far these objects
tion and performance of its engagements with the


shews to the world the lively interest they always take in the cause of freedom. About £2500 were subscribed in a few minutes, and the subscription, we understand, has since kept pace with the expectations of the most sanguine.

have been faithfully pursued, and successfully ac-pation of the liberality of our fellow-citizens, and complished, may best be evinced, as to the first, by the prosperous state of your finances; as to the second, by the details furnished by, and the facts connected with this report; and, as to the last, it may fairly be demanded whether one single instance can be produced to the contrary."

Porter Brewery.-Statement of the quantity of strong beer, denominated porter, brewed by the first twelve houses in London, from the 5th July, 1808, to the 5th January, 1809:---

[blocks in formation]


64,361 48,196 41,354 40,719 39,292





Improvements in Bristol.-While our fellowcitizens are laudably exerting themselves in behalf the nearer and more immediate relations of local of more distant objects, they are not forgetful of and internal improvements. More than half a million of money has been expended within a few years, for the improvement of the dock and harbour, and the paving and lighting the streets. An additional wing has been added to the Infirmary, and a permanent fund established for its support: £10,000 has been raised for the erection of a commercial coffee-room in a site and on a scale worthy of the second city in the kingdom; and £2000 and upwards has been subscribed, in a few days, to accomplish a plan and found an institution for the joint accommodation of the library and philosophical societies of this city. The completion of this last scheme is a consummation devoutly to he wished; for literature and science, as it has but it cannot be carried into effect, upon a liberal been aptly expressed, add sunshine to day-light: and extensive scale, for much less than £10,000.

British Institution, Fine Arts-At the close of the exhibition in July last, several of the governors of this institution, who are in possession of fine pictures by old masters, liberally sent to their gallery, for the study of our juvenile artists, a few specimens of the most approved excellence. Up- Liverpool House of Industry.-There are at wards of a hundred students were admitted; present in our House of Industry nearly 1100 fifty of whom have been in a course of regular at- persons, men, women, and children, who are tendance during the last four months; near 150 maintained (as far as respects nutriment) at the studies have been made. In addition to this, the moderate expence of 2s. 31d. per week each: committee of directors, in May last, issued a they are nevertheless fed upon the best provisions, notice, that they proposed to give four premiums and in general look remarkably healthy. The of fifty guineas each for the three best pictures, children are well clothed, and have a very decent and the best model, executed in the preceding and healthy appearance. The poor rates in Liyear, and sent to their gallery on or before the verpool are lower than in almost any other large 15th ult. Twenty-four candidates for this hono- town; and the great bulk of the money collectrable competition sent their respective perform-ed from them is expended in an allowance to the ances. The directors awarded the premiums to the following artists:-Mr. G. Dawe, for his pic- New Exchange Coffee-room, Liverpool.-On ture of Imogen, from Cymbeline.-Mr. W. Monday, Jan 2, was opened this superb and eleSharpe, for his picture of the Music-Master.gant room, which, with its appendages, occupies Mr. J. Linnell, for his Landscape, with figures nearly the entire length of the east wing of the removing timber.-Mr. S. Gahagan, for his MoNew Exchange Buildings.-The extreme length del of Samson breaking the bonds.The pic of this magnificent room, extending from north tures, &c. remain the property of the artists, and to south, is 94 feet 3 inches, the breadth 42 feet are eligible to be received into the ensuing exhi-7 inches, and its greatest height 51 feet 9 inches.

bition for sale.

out poor.

-The ceiling of the room is supported on each side by 8 stone columns of the Ionic order, each column composed of one entire and very beautiful shaft, and, including its capital, measuring 20 feet 9 inches from the floor to the bottom of the architrave. The centre part of the roof between the columns is covered, and the arch is neatly or

Subscription for the Relief of the Spanish Patriots. Bristol, January 18 Lately a meeting of several of the most respectable inhabitants of this city was held at the Guildhall, pursuant to the advertisement. The right worshipful the Mayor was called to the chair, who opened the business by observing, that the cause of the Spa-namented in pannels-a magnificent colonade nish Patriots, in whose behalf the meeting was assembled, had excited the attention and sympathy of the metropolis of the empire. That he was confident there was not an individual present, who was not prepared to second the liberal exertions which had been made for their assistance and relief, and he therefore was certain, that the resolutions he had to propose would meet with unanimous supper crt. He then proceeded to read the resolutions, which were seconded in a short and appropriate speech by Mr. Alderman Claxton. The result of the meeting has justified our antici-elegant stove. There are three large fire-places;

is thus formed in the centre of the room, which has a striking effect when viewed from the fireplaces either at the north or south end; and the intermediate spaces on each side are appropriated to chairs and tables, and are amply provided with all the newspapers and periodical publications of the day. The walls of this noble room are ornamented with 20 pilasters, corresponding to the colonnade. There are six large arched windows on the west side, five on the east, and two at the south, between which is a handsome recess for an

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and the chimney-pieces are constructed of British | black marble(Kendal), having a rich and handsome effect. Such are the dimensions and construction of a room which reflects the highest honour on the public spirit of the town of Liverpool, and not less so on the taste and ability of Mr. John Foster, architect to the corporation, from whose plans and drawings the whole has been executed.Though the room has been opened only three days, the pressure of subscribers is so great, that during the hours of business, it is completely filled: and while the present inclement season continues, the whole square of Exchange Buildings will be almost entirely deserted-to obviate this, however, in milder weather, we have no doubt the proprietors will see the necessity of closing the doors somewhat earlier than at present, as in a commercial town of so much magnitude, the grand object of the buildings would be defeated, were the merchants divided, during the period of high change.

ter-Copy of a letter received at the banking
house of Messrs. Hartford and Co. Bristol-
inclosing a £1 note.

"For the Gentlemen who receive the Subscription
for the noble Spanish Patriots.
"Push on my hearty jovial Bristol wags,
"Don't let the Subscription stand: I see it laggs.
"In such a glorious cause ye cannot do enough,
"Then cheerful send your rhino in, like poor

"Late of his Majesty's ship Victory, now a "wounded Pensioner, who sends a One Pound "Note-I wish I could afford more."


variety of the fieldfare species made its appearance Beautiful Fieldfare.-A singular and beautiful in the neighbourhood of Arnold during the late wing by a single shot from a great distance, and On Christmas-eve it was wounded in the The principal colour of the plumage is milk white, thus taken alive, but only survived two days. speckled here and there with black and brown Supply of Coal. Hereford, Dec. 28. The spots, particularly on the breast, the colours of enormous price now demanded for coal in the which resemble those of the common fieldfare Forest of Dean, and the difficulty at prosent ex- more than on any other part. The tail is black perienced of procuring an adequate quantity, on and white, with a very slight tinge of the usual any terms, bid fair to be counteracted, by open- blue cast. The bill is entirely yellow, like that of ing new sources of supply for this city and neigh-the blackbird. In size, form, and the chattering bourhood. Wales is beginning to send us at more reasonable rates, a material far more lasting and, in every respect, under proper management, much more effectual. Abergavenny and Leominster are expected to contribute largely from their ample stores, and a large premium is in contemplation for the discovery of coal within a certain distance of this city, with a particular reference to the hills near Stoke Park and Checkley, where strong suspicions are entertained that former experiments were not conducted as they

should have been.


note it so exactly resembles the fieldfare, that it is evidently an accidental and very curious variety. It has been stuffed for preservation, and is in the possession of B. Thompson, Esq. of Redhill Lodge near this place.

Defrauding Turnpike.-A few days ago, a person was fined in the penalty of five pounds, by taking off one of the horses drawing his cart along the magistrates of the county of Worcester, for arrival at the turnpike, and by such act defrauding the turnpike road leading to this city, before its the gate-keeper of his toll.

Benevolence-Worcester, Dec. 31. Upwards of Hydrophobical Medical Inquiry.-We underfive hundred distressed families humbly return stand that government have directed the College their most grateful thanks to the benevolent inha, of Physicians to inquire into the cause of the rebitants of this city, who, by a subscription, have cent frequent occurrences of cases of hydropho contributed to mitigate their sufferings, by a dona-bia, and to consider the means of preventing the tion of near sixty tons of coal, which has been distributed amongst them, without any other distinction than that of evident poverty.

Slate Works, North Wales.-The slate works opened and wrought by the late Lord Penryn, in North Wales (described Vol. V. p. 725), produce at present upwards of £25,000 per annum.

Kestrel tamed.-There is a beautiful little hawk, generally called a sparrow-hawk, but which, in fact, is of a very different species, being a kestrel or windhover (falco tinnunculus), now living, belonging to Mr. John King, of Buckingham, which frequently takes its flight, and is absent for several days, a week or two, or longer, when it returns to the house, and goes about as tamely as before. It was taken from its nest when very young, in June 1807, and bred up tame. Mice are its favourite food. Within the last two months it has changed its old plumage for a new and much brighter one, being chiefly of a brick-coloured red, embellished with elegant black triangular spots.

Liberality of a British Tar.-The following instance of efficient patriotism deserves to be recorded in the style, as well as in the spirit of the wri

increase of that alarming evil.

Basking Shark.-A very large fish was taken, with much difficulty, near Penryn, on Tuesday, Jan. 2, at day-break, measuring 31 feet long and 19 feet round; its weight is supposed to exceed five tons. It is believed to be what is commonly called the Basking Shark.


Imports, Exports.-Dublin, Jan. 7. The entries of sugar, for some time past, have been considerable; rum and whiskey also make a prominent figure in our daily list. The duty on sugar last Wednesday amounted to £21,325, of which the house of O'Connor and Moore entered 757 hhds. 206 tierces, and 19 barrels from Antigua, bringing to the revenue near £17,000 of the above sum. The same day were imported 74 puncheons of corn spirits, duty £2271. As connected with our manufactures, we felt pleasure in perceiving the arrival of some beaver wool, organzine silk, &c. The exportations are beef, butter, arms, and a few pipes of Lisbon wine and lemon juice, the articles of provision for London, and the latter for Liverpool.

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