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Familiar Dissertations on Theological and Moral Subjects; by the Rev. W. Barrow, LL.D. and F.R.S. 8vo. 10s. 6d. Dr Mant's edition of the Book of Com mon Prayer, with Notes, Explanatory, Practical, and Historical, in one 4to vol. Part I. price 4s. on medium paper, and 8s. on royal. TOPOGRAPHY. Views in Sussex, consisting of Scenery in the Rape of Hastings; by J. M. Turner, &c. &c. Royal folio. £3. A Tour through Sicily in the year 1815; by George Russell. Illustrated by a map and plates. 8vo. 21s. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. No. I. of the Monthly Journal of New Voyages and Travels; containing containing the complete Journal of an Officer engaged in the late Voyage of Discovery to the North Pole. 3s. sd. or 3s. 6d. bds. Narrative of a Voyage to the Spanish Main, in the Ship Two Friends, the Capture of Amelia Island by M'Gregor's forces, and their Dislodgment by by the American troops; with Anecdotes illustrative of the Manners and Habits of the Siminole Indians, and a Detail of the Trial and Execution of Arbuthnot and Ambrister. 8vo. A Voyage of Discovery, made under the Orders of the Admiralty, in his Majesty's ships Isabella and Alexander, for the pur. pose of exploring Baffin's Bay, and inquiring into the probability prob of a North-West Passage; by Captain John Ross, R. N. with 32 coloured plates, maps, charts, &c. 4to. £3:13:6. A Tour through Sicily, in the year 1815; by George Russell, of his Majesty's Office of Works, illustrated by a map, and 18 interesting plans and views, 8vo. £1, 1s. The Personal Narrative of M. de Humboldt's Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of the New Continent, during the years 1799-1804; translated by Helen Maria Williams, under the immediate inspection of the author. Vol. IV. 8vo. 18s. EDINBURGH. THE Edinburgh Encyclopædia; conducted by David Brewster, LL.D. Vol. XIII. Part I. £1, 1s. Edinburgh Christian Instructor, No CV. for April 1819. 1s. 6d. Commentaries on the Law of Scotland respecting Crimes; by David Hume, Esq. Advocate; in 2 vols 4to. The second edition, revised and enlarged. £4, 46. A Sermon preached in the Church of Lerwick, before the Zetland Auxiliary Bible Society; by the Rev. John Menzies, minister of that parish. 1s. A Sermon, by John Graham, parochial teacher of Roseneath. 4s. 1s. A Guide to the Clergy; by M. A., D. D. Illustrations of the Holy Scriptures, in three parts: 1. From the Geography of the East; 2. From the Natural History of the East; 3. From the Customs of Ancient and Modern Nations; by the Rev. George Paxton, Professor of Theology under the General Associate Synod, Edinburgh, 2 vols 8vo. £1, 6s. The Epistles of the Apostle Paul, translated from the Greek, and arranged in the order in which they were probably obably written. Part First, consisting of those which were written before his first imprisonment at Rome; with explanatory Notes, &c. 8vo. 12s. Substance of a Speech a Speech, delivered before the Commission of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, on the Erection of new Churches in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland; with a copious Explanatory Appendix, by the Rev. A. Irvine, D. D. minister of Little Dunkeld. 2s. Cause and Effect; or Nature's Proofs of a Divine Creator: a poem; by the Rev. Robert Moffat. 58. 8s. Lays of Affection; by Margaret Brown. A Geographical and Statistical Description of Scotland, containing a general Survey of that Kingdom-its climate, mountains, lakes, rivers, products, population, manufactures, commerce, religion, literature, government, revenue, history. A description of every county-its extent, soil, products, minerals, antiquities, seats; with an appropriate table to each county; and a statistical account of every parish, accompanied by an accurate and elegant map of Scotland; to which are added, several tables to illustrate the work; by James Playfair, D. D., F. R. S., and F. A.S. Edinburgh; Principal of the United College of St Andrews, and Historiographer to his Royal Highness the Prince Regent, 2 vols 8vo. £1, 4s. An Answer to a Pamphlet, entitled the Medical School of Edinburgh; containing Remarks on the present abominable practice of Raising the Dead. 1s. The Sadducee, or a Review of some Pamphlets lately published on important subjects: by Mr Yorick. 6d. A First Book of Geography, for the use of Schools and private Teachers. 3s. hbd. Haslam Gheray, a Narrative; written by Mr Allan to illustrate the subject of one of his Paintings now exhibiting; with an etching of the picture, 4to. 5s. Memoirs of the Caledonian Horticultural Society, 2 vols 8vo, with Engravings. £1, 6. The Smugglers, a Tale descriptive of the Sea-coast Manners of Scotland, 2 vols 12mo. 18s. Old Tapestry, a Tale of Real Life, 2 vols 12mo. 12s. The Journal of a Soldier of the 31st or Glasgow Regiment H. L. I., from 1806 to 1815, 12mo. 5s. Laing's Catalogue of Books for 1819. 2s. Nero Foreign Works, imported by Treuttel and Wurtz, Soho-Square, London. SIMONDE de Sismondi, Nouveaux Prin-tées de l'Hebreu; précédées d'une intro cipes d'Economie Politique ou de la Richesse dans ses rapports avec la population, 2 vols 8vo. £1. Comte Volney, L'Alfabet Européen appliqué aux Langues Asiatiques. Ouvrage élémentaire, utile à tout voyageur en Asie, 8vo. 10s. Jourdain, Recherches Critiques sur l'age et l'origine des traductions Latines d'Aristote, et sur des Commentaires Grecs ou Arabes employés par les docteurs Scholastiques; Ouvrage couronné par l'Academie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, 8vo. 10s. Villemain, Historie de Cromwell, d'après les Mémoires du temps et les Recueils parlémentaires, 2 vols 8vo. £1. Titsingh, Cérémonies au Japan pour les mariages et les funérailles, &c. 8vo. avec 16 planches 20 coloriées. £2. Montbron, Essais sur la Littérature des Hébreux. Rachel. Le Meurtrier. Les noces funèbres. Néhémie; Narrations imi duction et du Voyage de Benjamin de Tudèle; siuvies des notes et de dissertations qui peuvent servis à l'intelligence de la Bible, 4 vols 12mo. £1. Daudebard de Ferussac Histoire naturelle des Mollusques terrestres et fluviatiles, classés d'après les caractères essentiels que presentent ces animaux et leurs coquilles, Livraison 1. in 4to, avec fig. noires. £1. petit in folio avec fig. color. £2, 2. *** This work will extend to about 30 livraisons; the subscription will be closed after the 15th of June next, when the price will be doubled. Voyage en Perse faite dans les années 1807, 8, 9, en traversant la Natolie et le Mesopotamie, 2 vols 8vo. £1, 1. Comte Lanjuinais, Les Constitutions de tous les nations, tom. 1. Constitutions de la France, 8vo. 10s. MONTHLY REGISTER. COMMERCIAL REPORT.-April 1819. Sugar. THE demand for Muscovadoes has been rather limited, the market dull, and prices may be stated without any material alteration. The request continues chiefly for good and fine descriptions. The prices for low lumps has rather been improving, and the demand has been considerable. Generally, however, the refined market may be stated as heavy. There are few sales of foreign Sugars. East India Sugars go off at various prices. The advices from the West Indies in general represent the crops as very backward, and the weather very unfavourable for making Sugar, owing to the continued rains. The crop must therefore be very late, and no great supply of Sugar can be expected before the month of June. Molasses are declining, and meet a heavy sale. Cotton. The large arrivals of Cotton, announced some days ago, had the effect of depressing the market. It seems to be the general opinion that the prices must yet decline considerably. The quan tity imported continues to be very great. About a fortnight ago, above 30,000 packages were imported into Liverpool in the course of a few days. The total quantity imported during the first quarter of the present year amounts to 194,277 packages, which exceeds the corresponding quarter of last year, in the port of Liverpool alone, by 27,095 packages. Unless the consumpt continued to be very great and increasing, this immense importation must have sunk the price uncommonly low, which has not hitherto been the case in all the superior kinds. Considerable purchases have lately been effected for export and on speculation, which have given the market a firmer aspect, but this is believed can only be for the moment. Coffee. There has been very little business done in the Coffee market for some time, either by public sales or private contract. The prices remain stationary, and at the latest period may be stated a shade higher than at a previous period. For foreign there appears few buyers. Corn. The market for all kinds of grain continues dull and greatly depressed. Wheat continues to fall in price. Barley is in such a complete state of stagnation that no sales can be effected. Oats, Beans, and Peas are also dull and rather lower. The demand for East India Rice continues considerable. The appearance of the Grain market is altogether very unfavourable for the holders. The present fine seed-time and early spring affords the strongest prospects that these will be succeeded by an early and abundant harvest, which will be a great relief to the manufacturing classes, suffering from dull trade and low wages. Tobacco. There is no alteration in the price of Tobacco, several considerable shipments are making to France. - Talloro. There is little variation in the price of foreign Tallow. Rum, Brandy, and Geneva. The market for Rum is again become heavy, and prices on the decline. Brandy and Geneva remain without alteration, and the market may be stated as heavy. - Wine. A very considerable rise has lately taken place on Port Wine. The vintage of last year fell very short from the expectations formed of it at an early period, and the quality is also, upon trial, found to be of an inferior kind. Higher prices therefore are anticipated. Madeira is also advancing in price, owing to the great demand for that kind of wine. In the other articles often enumerated there is no alteration sufficient to merit notice. Notwithstanding the great importations of timber from different quarters, this article may be stated as scarce. The demand is certainly very extensive. The public funds, which were greatly depressed, have recovered considerably, and still looking upwards steadily though slowly. Money is more abundant on the Stock Exchange than at the date of our last Report. Still a great stagnation remains in the manufacturing and commercial world. This is likely to continue for some time longer. The causes we have formerly endeavoured to point out. One of these, the great losses by Cotton, continues to act, though in a lesser degree. The loss also upon Grain must have been very great; the importation in 1817 amounted in value to £6,403,893, and in 1818 to £10,908,142. The amount of all this is money on the produce of our industry sent out of the country, and the loss upon Grain and upon Cotton are therefore total losses to the community, as well as to the individuals concerned. Therefore these losses press harder upon the commercial world than any other amongst our numerous branches of trade. Course of Exchange, April 2. Amsterdam, 11:7:2U. Antwerp, 11:9. Ex. Hamburgh, 34:4:24 U. Frankfort, 142 Ex. Paris, 24:25:2 U. Bourdeaux, 24: 25. Madrid, 39 effect. Cadiz, 39 effect. Gibraltar, 34. Leghorn, 514. Genoa, 471. Malta, 50. Naples, 411. Palermo, 123 per oz. Oporto, 58. Rio Janeiro, 61. Dublin, 12. Cork, 121. Agio of the Bank of Holland, 2. Prices of Gold and Silver, per oz.-Portugal gold, in coin, £0:0:0. Foreign gold, in bars, £4:1:0. New doubloons, £0:0:0. New dollars, Os. Od. Silver, in bars, Os. Od. Weekly Price of Stocks, from 2d to 30th March 1819. 1 new loan, 6 p. c. French 5 per cents. .... 66 15 SPIRITS, Jam. Rum, 16 O. P. gall. 3s 10d 4s Od 3s 9d 3s 10d 3s 9d 4s 3d 3s 4d 4s 6d Brandy, 5 6 6 0 Geneva, 36 38 0814 0170 0 17 11 15 6 WINES, Claret, 1st Growths, hhd. 60 64 £35 65 0 F.S. 148 4 6 Portugal Red, pipe. 48 58 0 Spanish White, butt. 34 Teneriffe, pipe. 30 Maranham, 155 1 7 14 1515 16 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ENGLISH BANKRUPTCIES, announced between the 1st and 31st March 1819, extracted from the London Gazettes. Adams, S. and J. J. Wattleworth, Walsall, factors Anderson, Henry, Winbolt, Cushion-court, Broadstreet, coal-merchant. Barnes, John, Portsea, builder Bigg, Joseph and Charles, Hatfield, Herts, common Bennet, J. Manchester, woollen-cord-manufacturer Barter, R. and H. Bishops-Waltham, Hants, grocers |