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he was tried; and, under the combined influence of prejudice and tyranny, he was executed in the year 1803. The extract from his last speech, here given, requires quantity in its elocution.


hero sleeps,

1. She is far from the land where her young
And lovers around her are sighing;
But coldly she turns from their gaze, and weeps,
For her heart in his grave is lying.

2. She sings the wild song of her dear native plains,
Every note which he lov'd awaking—

Ah! little they think, who delight in her strains,
How the heart of the minstrel is breaking.

3. He had liv'd for his love-for his country he died;
They were all that to life had entwin'd him—
Nor soon shall the tears of his country be dried,
Nor long will his love stay behind him.

4. Oh! make her a grave where the sunbeams rest,
When they promise a glorious morrow;

They'll shine o'er her sleep like a smile from the west,
From her own lov'd island of sorrow.

"Love, like life, has no second spring." As Mr. Fowler, a phrenolo gist, in his writings on matrimony, elegantly and philosophically, observes: Let love be checked or blighted in its first pure emotion, and the beauty of its spring is irrecoverably withered and lost. It may yet retain the glory of its summer, but the dew of its youth has vanished, never to return. The fruits of its autumn may be enjoyed, but the flower of its primrose has faded away, never to blossom again."

Curran was greatly distinguished in Ireland, both as a lawyer and orator. His daughter was engaged to be married to Robert Emmet, whose fate produced a deep impression on public sympathy," and especially upon the heart of his betrothed. The evening before his death, she had an affecting interview with him in his dungeon. As a parting token of attachment, he gave her a little miniature of himself, and besought her not to forget him. Immediately after his execution, she left Ireland and went to Italy, where she died broken hearted. "The Broken Heart," written by Washington Irving, is founded upon these circumstances. He says:

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"She wasted away in a slow and hopeless decline, and at length, sank into the grave, the victim of a broken heart!"

The appropriateness, beauty, and tenderness of these pathetic lines, written by the celebrated Irish poet, will give them a passport to all countries, and to every heart. They should be read or recited on a very low key, with slow time, long quantity, and rhetorical pauses. Such a pause should be made after uttering the first word.


1. Ages have gone by, since the fact was revealed in the >redictions of inspired men, that there shall ere long dawn pon the church, while her residence is yet on the earth, a day of triumph and jubilee, a period in which her light and glo ry shall fill the world. To this period she has been looking forward amidst all the oppression, and darkness, and conflicts, to which she has been subject; keeping an eye out continually upon the signs of the times, to see if there were any thing that betokened the dawn of millennial glory.

2. In these later years there have been streaks of light seen purpling the distant horizon, and the light has been gradually increasing in brightness, until it is now with most christians no longer a question, whether it is not the beginning of that which will terminate in the "perfect day." No, it is not enthusiasm to imagine that we are standing at this moment on the margin of the latter day glory; and that the church will soon strike up, in loud and thrilling hosannas, her song of millennial joy.

3. Who that looks abroad upon the world and surveys the moral machinery that is now in operation, can doubt that we are fairly brought to this cheering and triumphant conclusion? And who that looks at the progress and present state of the temperance cause, at the strength which it has gained in this nation, and which it is gaining in other nations, and at the increasing rapidity and majesty with which it moves forward,-who can let his eye rest upon all this, without being full in the conviction, that this very cause is at once a harbinger of the millennium, and destined to be one of the most efficient means of its introduction?

4. That blessed period is to be characterized by the universal

prevalence of good order, of social happiness, of the influence of evangelical truth and piety. Say then whether the temperance cause can prevail without lending a mighty influence towards this glorious result? Take out of the world all the misery of which intemperance is either directly or indirectly the cause, and the change would be so great, that for a moment you would almost forget that the earth was still in any degree, laboring under the original curse.

5. Take away all the vice and the crime with which intemperance is identified or connected, and it would almost seem as if the "holy Jerusalem had descended out of heaven" to dwell with men. Limit your views to a single neighborhood or a single city, and suppose intemperance to be entirely banished, and imagine the greatness of the change; and then exténd your views all over this great nation, and this wide world, and in each case, suppose the temperance reformation to have become universal, and to have done its perfect work, and say whether its direct influence in bringing forward the millennium does not far exceed your most vivid conceptions.

6. But it exerts also an indirect influence towards the same result. One grand reason why the millennium is delayed, is that the church cannot command the means necessary for sending the gospel among all the nations. There is wealth enough in the world, but hitherto it has to a great extent been applied to other purposes than that of fulfilling the Redeemer's command, to carry abroad his gospel; and one of these purposes has been to extend the triumphs of this demon Intemperance.

7. And now as the monster is becoming chained, he cannot to the same extent, waste those treasures which God meant for the advancement of his cause; and as he becomes tame and powerless, and finally writhes in his last convulsions, he will leave to the church, not because he desires to do it, but because he cannot do otherwise, the almost boundless resources from which he has been accustomed to draw the means of his malignant triumph.

8. Men who were once drunkards, but have been reformed, instead of devoting their property to the work of self-destruction, will consecrate it to the service and honor of the Redeemer. Talents and influence too, which had been worse than lost, will be reclaimed for the use of the church. Who will not say, "Success, honor, and glory to a cause which is to

result, which has already resulted in such wonderful achievements !"

9. Christians, is it not part of almost every prayer you offer, that God will soon open upon the world the millennial day? Are you acting in consistency with your prayers, by lending your influence to help forward this glorious cause of moral improvement, which must prevail ere the millennium shall fully come? Are you exerting any influence, directly or remotely, to retard this cause? Do you make the poison, or do you use it, or do you sell it? Never open your lips then to pray for the millennium. If the millennium should really come, it would ruin your business for ever!

These observations from the Rev. W. B. Sprague, of Albany, will be likely to convince every unprejudiced mind that the suppression of intemperance must precede the approach of the millennium.

When that happy period arrives there will be no intemperance,-no evil of any kind. Temperance societies took their origin among the American people, in the year 1826. During the intervening period, it has been found, that those great principles of self application which it was the chief object of our Savior to illustrate and recommend on earth, have power, not only to prevent men from becoming intemperate, but also, through the law of kindness, to reclaim drunkards themselves. Animated by the hope of doing good, such men as R. Hyde Walworth, Edward C. Delavan, Gerrit Smith, B. P. Johnson, Stephen Van Rensselaer, William B. Sprague, George R. Davis, Gen. A. W. Riley, James Harper, Theodore Frelinghuysen, Lewis Cass, William Slade, Justin Edwards, George N. Briggs, and Dr. Beecher, early espoused the noble cause of temperance, and their efforts to promote it, together with the exertions of their coadjutors have been crowned with great success. "Light and knowledge have been spread far and wide," by holding meetings, forming societies, and publishing papers, devoted exclusively to the cause of temperance, a cause upon which, it is believed, "the smiles of angels, and of the God of angels rest." Foreign countries will yet, in imitation of our example, unfurl the temperance banner. Even now, Great Britain, Scotland, Sweden, Germany, Switzerland, and Ireland, behold the light of this great reform, and millions of our fellow beings are preparing to walk in its morning effulgence.


-Thomas Jefferson.

1. When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the pow ers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the

laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent re spect to the opinions of mankind, requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

2. We hold these truths to be self-evident:-that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness;

3. That, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.

4. Prudence, indeed, will dictate, that governments long established, should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly, all experience hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.

5. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism; it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. Such has been the patient sufferance of these colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former system of government.

6. The history of the present king of Great Britain, is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having, in direct object, the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these States. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world.

7. He has refused his assent to laws the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.

8. He has forbidden his

governors to pass laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operations, till his assent should be obtained; and, when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them.

9. He has refused to pass other laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relin

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