| Alexander Pope - Criticism - 1717 - 468 pages
...attain'd, we tremble to furvey The growing labours of the lengthen'd way, Th' increafing profpecl: tires our wandring eyes, Hills peep o'er hills, and Alps on Alps arife ! * A perfetS Judge will read each work of wit With the fame fpirit that its Author writ, * Diligent... | |
| English poetry - 1720 - 302 pages
...thofe attain'd, we tremble to furvey The growing labours of the lengthen'd way, Th' increafing profpect tires our wand'ring eyes,. \ Hills peep o'er hills, and Alps on Alps arife! * A perfect * A perfed t judge will read each work of wit With the fame fpirit that its author... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1751 - 236 pages
...attain'd, we tremble to furvey The growing labours of the lengthen'd way, 239 Th' increafing profpefl: tires our wand'ring eyes, Hills peep o'er hills, and Alps on Alps arife ! A perfeft Judge will read each work of Wit With the fame fpirit that its author writ : Survey... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1752 - 396 pages
...attain'd, we tremble to furvey The growing labours of the lengthen'd way, 230 Th' increafing profpedl tires our wand'ring eyes, Hills peep o'er hills, and Alps on Alps arife ! A perfedl Judge will read each work of Wit With the fame fpirit that its author writ : VARIATIONS.... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1754 - 262 pages
...attain'd, we tremble to furvey The growing labours of the lengthen'd way, 233 Th' increafing profpeft tires our wand'ring eyes, Hills peep o'er hills, and Alps on Alps arife ! A perfeft Judge will read each work of Wit With the fame ipirit that its author writ: Survey... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1757 - 280 pages
...a bad Critic, while even a moderate draught can never make a good onj. And Th' increafing profpefl tires our wand'ring eyes, Hills peep o'er hills, and Alps on Alps arife I A perfect Judge will read each work of Wit With the fame fpirit that its author writ : COMMENTARY.... | |
| Alexander Pope - English literature - 1760 - 314 pages
...attain'd, we tremble to furvey The growing labours of the lengthen'd way, 230 Th' increafing profpect tires our wand'ring eyes, Hills peep o'er hills, and Alps on Alps arife ! A perfect Judge will read each work of Wit With the fame fpirit that its author writ : VARIATIONS.... | |
| Joseph Warton - 1762 - 362 pages
...thofe attain'd, we tremble to furvey The growing labours of the lengthen'd way ; Th' increafmg profpeft tires our wandring eyes, Hills peep o'er hills, and Alps on Alps arife f. •Ver. 196. fVer. 225. AND WRITINGS OF POPE. 139 THIS comparifon is frequently mentioned,... | |
| Ralph Griffiths, G. E. Griffiths - Books - 1764 - 608 pages
...thofe attained, we tremble to furvey The growing labours of the lengthened way, Th' increafing profpedt tires our wand'ring eyes, Hills peep o'er hills, and Alps on Alps arife ! Nay, it happens frequently, that after having climbed up to the higheft fpot the traveller... | |
| Owen Ruffhead - Biography - 1769 - 592 pages
...attain'd, we tremble to furvey " The growing labours of the lengthen'd way, " Th' increafmg profpect tires our wand'ring " eyes, " Hills peep o'er hills, and Alps on Alps arife !" The Effayift docs not feem inclined to applaud this celebrated illuftration. The images, he... | |
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