| Edward Bysshe - English language - 1710 - 624 pages
...warring Winds, and •poife Their lighter Wings. To whom thefe moft adhere, He rules a Moment : Chats Umpire fits, And by Decifion more embroils the Fray, By which he reigns ; next him high Arbiter Chanee governs all. Milt. And now the Goddefs with her Charge defcends, Where fcarce onechearful Glimpfe... | |
 | John Milton - Bible - 1711 - 464 pages
...torrid foil, Levi'd to fide with warring Winds, andpoife joj Their lighter wings. To whomthefe moft adhere, He rules a moment ; Chaos Umpire fits, And by decifion more embroils the frsjr By which lie reigns : next him high Arbiter Chance governs all. Into this wild Abyfs, yio The... | |
 | Charles Gildon - Criticism - 1718 - 490 pages
...Winds, and po'ufe Their lighter Wings. To whom thefe moft adhere, He rules a Moment : Chaos Umpire firs, And by Decifion more embroils the Fray, By which he reigns : Next him high Arbiter, .f governs all. , Mlt. And now the Goddefs with her Charge defcends, Where fcarce one chearful Glimpfe... | |
 | Jonathan Richardson - Biography - 1734 - 760 pages
...Thefe Embryon Atoms Adhere, He of the four Champions (v. 898 ) Rules, He has a Momentary Vidlory. 907 Chaos Umpire fits^ and by Decifion more Embroils the...Reigns : next Him high Arbiter Chance governs all. Arbitrators are Chofen by the Parties in Difference to determine a Controverfy; if They Cannot Agree... | |
 | John Milton - 1746 - 464 pages
...torrid foil, Levy'd to fide with warring winds, and poife 9o5 Their lighter wings. To whom thefc moft adhere, He rules a moment : CHAOS umpire fits, And...CHANCE governs all. Into this wild Abyfs, 910 (The WQ.mb of nature, and perhaps her grave) Of neither fea, nor fhoar, nor air, nor fire, But all thefe... | |
 | John Milton - English poetry - 1750 - 672 pages
...torrid foil, Levied to fide with warring winds, and poife 905 Their lighter wings. To whom thefe moft adhere, He rules a moment ; Chaos umpire fits, And...abyfs, 910 The Mollia cum duns, fine pondere 905. - and poife] Give weight habcntia pondus. or ballaft to. Pliny fpeaks of cer, . tain birds, who when a ftorm... | |
 | John Milton - 1754 - 342 pages
...torrid foil , . Levy'd to fide with warring winds, and poife' Their lighter wings. To whom thefe moft adhere , He rules a moment : Chaos umpire fits , And...high arbiter Chance governs all. Into this wild abyfs , ( The womb of nature, and perhaps her grave) Of neither fea, norshoar, nor air, nor fire.. But all... | |
 | John Milton - Epic poetry, English - 1759 - 608 pages
...torrid foil, Levied to fide with warring winds, and poife 9o5 Their lighter wings. To whom thefe moft adhere, ' He rules a moment; Chaos umpire fits, And...decifion more embroils the fray By which he reigns: next him,high arbiter, Chance governs all. Into this wild abyfs, 91o The womb of nature and perhaps her... | |
 | John Milton - 1763 - 670 pages
...torrid foil, Levied to fide with warring winds, and poife 905 Their lighter wings. To whom thefe moft adhere, He rules a moment ; Chaos umpire fits, And...decifion more embroils the fray By which he reigns i next him high arbiter Chance governs all. Into this wild abyfs, $io The Mollia cam duris, fine pondere... | |
 | John Milton - 1767 - 448 pages
...torrid foil, Levied to fide with warring winds, and poife 905 Their lighter wings. To whom thefe moft adhere He rules a moment : Chaos umpire fits, And by decifion more ewbroils the fray, By which he reigns : next him high arbiter Chance governs all. Into this wild abyfs,... | |
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