Rules for Reading, founded on the Inflections of the Voice-Archbishop
Whately's Views on the Subject-His Rule for Good Reading-Ex-
tract from the Compiler's Outline of the Method of Teaching in the
National Model Schools-Extracts from Sheridan's Introduction to the
Art of Speaking-Dr. Franklin's Views on the Subject-Extracts from
the most eminent Works on the Subject, British, American, and French-
Practical Suggestions for Beginners-Short Directions for Young Read-
ers-Accent and Emphasis-Walker's "Inflections of the Voice" Ana-
lyzed and Explained-General Rules and Examples-The Series and
its Varieties The Parenthesis, and Parenthetic Clauses-The Climax-
Rhetorical Punctuation-Directions for Reading Verse-Modulation
of the Voice-The Passions-Sheridan's Art of Speaking,