Mazeppa,: A PoemJohn Murray, 1819 - 69 pages |
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answer'd beneath blood bound call'd CHARLES DALLAS Charles XII Chemistry cheval CHILDE HAROLD cold Cossack courser's dark Darvell dash DAVID RICARDO dead death dread dull earth Embassy Expedition eyes faint fcap felt flew foam forest graze at ease hath heart HENRY HENRY HALLAM Hetman History Honourable LORD BYRON Honourable ROBERT PEEL hope horse hour human Illustrated JAMES janizary JOHN lately published length limbs loved Lussac Mamluks mane Mazeppa MEMOIR METEORS Methought monarch nature's night ninth day nought NUBIA Numbers o'er onward pain pangs pass'd Plates play'd POEMS Portrait Prize Question RELIGIO CLERICI Right Honourable LORD Right Honourable ROBERT round Royal Institution sate scarce SECOND EDITION seem'd sire steed strength sudden Suleiman thee THIRD EDITION thought thousand To-morrow tout trees Turkish Twas Ukraine UNIVERSITY of CAMBRIDGE University of Oxford Venice vols wild WILLIAM STEWART ROSE wish'd woes
Popular passages
Page 55 - Still one great clime, in full and free defiance, Yet rears her crest, unconquer'd and sublime, Above the far Atlantic ! — She has taught Her Esau-brethren that the haughty flag, The floating fence of Albion's feebler crag, May strike to those whose red right hands have bought Rights cheaply eam'd with blood.
Page 22 - Twas but a day he had been caught ; And snorting, with erected mane, And struggling fiercely, but in vain, In the full foam of wrath and dread To me the desert-born was led : They bound me on, that menial throng, Upon his back with many a thong ; Then loosed him with a sudden lash — Away ! — away ! — and on we dash ! — Torrents less rapid and less rash.
Page 38 - His first and last career is done ! On came the troop — they saw him stoop, They saw me strangely bound along His back with many a bloody thong. They stop — they start — they snuff the air, Gallop a moment here and there, Approach, retire, wheel round and round...
Page 31 - O'ertortured by that ghastly ride, I felt the blackness come and go, And strove to wake; but could not make My senses climb up from below: I felt as on a plank at sea, When all the waves that dash o'er thee, At the same time upheave and whelm, And hurl thee towards a desert realm.
Page 23 - Twas scarcely yet the break of day, And on he foam'd — away ! — away ! — The last of human sounds which rose, As I was darted from my foes, Was the wild shout of savage laughter, Which on the wind came roaring after A moment from that rabble rout : With sudden wrath I wrench'd my head, And snapp'd the cord, which to the mane Had bound my neck in lieu of rein.
Page 56 - In their proud charnel of Thermopylae, Than stagnate in our marsh, — or o'er the deep Fly, and one current to the ocean add, One spirit to the souls our fathers had, One freeman more, America, to thee...
Page 55 - Bequeathed — a heritage of heart and hand, And proud distinction from each other land, Whose sons must bow them at a monarch's motion, As if his senseless sceptre were a wand...
Page 28 - By night I heard them on the track, Their troop came hard upon our back, With their long gallop, which can tire The hound's deep hate, and hunter's fire : Where'er we flew they...