| 1712 - 482 pages
...where he does not fetch his Hints from Homer. MILTOWs, chief Talent, and indeed his diftinguifhing Excellence, lies in the Sublimity of his Thoughts. There are others of tha Moderns who rival him in every other Part of Poetry ; but in the Greatnefs of his Sentiments he... | |
| English essays - 1729 - 314 pages
...where he does not fetch his Hints from Homer. MILTON'S chief Talent, and indeed his diftinguiftiing Excellence, lies in the Sublimity of his Thoughts....all the Poets both Modern and Ancient, Homer only exempted. It is impoffible for the Imagination of Man to diftend it felf with greater Ideas, than thofe... | |
| 1738 - 310 pages
...Talent, and indeed hi diftinguiming Excellence, lies in the Sublimity of his Thoughts. There are ethers of the Moderns who rival him in every other Part of...triumphs over all the Poets both Modern and .Ancient, Hemer onlyexcepted. It is impoffiblefor the Imagination of Man to diftend it felf with greater Idecs,... | |
| John Milton - English poetry - 1750 - 674 pages
...Homer. Milton's chief talent, and indeed his diftinguifhing excellence lies in the fublimity of ftis thoughts. There are others of the Moderns who rival...other part of poetry ; but in the greatnefs of his fentiments he triumphs over all the poets both modern and ancient, Homer only excepted. It is impoffible... | |
| John Milton - 1750 - 666 pages
...hints from Homer. Milton's chief talent, and indeed his diftinguifhing excellence lies in the fublimity of his thoughts. There are others of the Moderns who rival him in every other part of poetry ; bat in the greatnels of his fentiments he triumphs over all the poets both modern and ancient, Homer... | |
| John Milton - 1763 - 670 pages
...from HOT mer. Milton's chief talent, and indeed his diftinguifhing excellence lies in the fubiimity of his thoughts. There are others of the Moderns who...other part of poetry ; but in the greatnefs of his fentiments he triumphs overall the poets both modern and ancient, Homer only e...cepted. It is impofTible... | |
| English poetry - 1776 - 478 pages
...hints from Homer. Milton's chief talent, and indeed his diftinguifhing excellence, lies in thefublimity of his thoughts. There are others of the Moderns who...both modern and ancient, Homer only excepted. It is impoflible for the imagination of man to diftend itfelf with greater ideas than thofe which he has... | |
| 1778 - 336 pages
...hints from Homer. Milton's chief talent, and indeed his difttnguiming excellence, lies in the fublimity of his thoughts. There are others of the moderns who...other part of poetry ; but in the greatnefs of his fentimentshe triumphs over all the poets both modern and ardent, Homer only excepted. U is impoffible... | |
| English literature - 1803 - 372 pages
...where he does not fetch his hints from Homer. Millon's chief talent, and indeed his distinguishing excellence, lies in the sublimity of his thoughts....rival him in every other part of poetry ; but in the greatness of his sentiments he triumphs over all the poets both modern and ancient, Homer only excepted.... | |
| 1803 - 412 pages
...the moderns who rival him in every other part of poetry ; but in the greatness of his sentiments lie triumphs over all the poets both modern and ancient, Homer only excepted. Jt 9 impossible for the imagination of man to distend itself with greater ideas, than those which he... | |
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