Answerable Essays on ParadiseU of Minnesota Press - 166 pages |
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Abdiel accepted action Adam and Eve Adam's angels answerable style archetype argument beauty Beelzebub Belial's burning lake C. S. Lewis commentary complete concept conflict consciousness context created creation creature critical Death demonstration dignity discipline dramatic earth echo elevation epic epic simile Eve's evil expression external F. R. Leavis fall fallen feelings final flesh followers formal freedom Garden God's harmony heaven hell human Idea illusion imitation immediate individual intellect internal irony kind knowledge leader man's material matter meaning ment metaphor Milton Milton's style mind moral myth nature Pandemonium Paradise Lost Paradise Regained pattern of sound perhaps perspective physical Plotinus poem poet poetry problem pure Raphael reason rebels relationship responsibility rhythm ridicule Satan Satan and Adam seems self-knowledge self-love sense sensuous soul speech spirit symbolic T. S. Eliot thee things thir thou tion true upward violation vision whole words