The Poetical Works: Of Alexander Pope, with His Last Corrections, Additions, and Improvements. From the Text of Dr. Warburton. With the Life of the Author. Cooke's Pocket Edition. ... Embellished with Superb Engravings, Volume 2C. Cooke, 1795 |
From inside the book
Results 1-5 of 59
Page 26
... Poems I heeded ( now berhym'd so long ) No more than thou , great George ! a birthday fong ; I ne'er with wits or witlings pass'd my days , 220 To spread about the itch of verse and praise ; Nor like a puppy daggled thro ' the Town To ...
... Poems I heeded ( now berhym'd so long ) No more than thou , great George ! a birthday fong ; I ne'er with wits or witlings pass'd my days , 220 To spread about the itch of verse and praise ; Nor like a puppy daggled thro ' the Town To ...
Page 27
... poem in my head , Nor know if Dennis be alive or dead . Why am I ask'd what next shall fee the light ? Heav'ns ! was I born for nothing but to write ? Has life no joys for me ? or ( to be grave ) 265 270 274 Have I no friend to ferve ...
... poem in my head , Nor know if Dennis be alive or dead . Why am I ask'd what next shall fee the light ? Heav'ns ! was I born for nothing but to write ? Has life no joys for me ? or ( to be grave ) 265 270 274 Have I no friend to ferve ...
Page 77
... Poem entirely English , I was willing to add one or two of those which contribute to the hap-- piness of a free people , and are more confiftent with the welfare of our neighbours . This Epiftle will shew the learned world to have ...
... Poem entirely English , I was willing to add one or two of those which contribute to the hap-- piness of a free people , and are more confiftent with the welfare of our neighbours . This Epiftle will shew the learned world to have ...
Page 83
... poems for an age . [ page , 10 I lose my patience , and I own it too , 115 When works are cenfur'd , not as bad , but new ; Si veteres ita miratur laudatque poetas , Ut nihil anteferat , nihil illis comparet ; errat : Si quædam nimis 2 ...
... poems for an age . [ page , 10 I lose my patience , and I own it too , 115 When works are cenfur'd , not as bad , but new ; Si veteres ita miratur laudatque poetas , Ut nihil anteferat , nihil illis comparet ; errat : Si quædam nimis 2 ...
Page 142
... - vy's , F - ' s next , and then The S - te's , and then H - vy's once agen . 50 56 60 65 70 O come ! that easy Ciceronian style , So Latin. come ! Sent to the Earl of Oxford with Dr. Parnell's Poems 142 EPILOGUE TO THE SATIRES .
... - vy's , F - ' s next , and then The S - te's , and then H - vy's once agen . 50 56 60 65 70 O come ! that easy Ciceronian style , So Latin. come ! Sent to the Earl of Oxford with Dr. Parnell's Poems 142 EPILOGUE TO THE SATIRES .
Common terms and phrases
abuſe Æneid alſo Author Bavius beſt cauſe Cibber Court critics Curl dæmon Dennis Dryden dull Dulneſs Dunce Dunciad e'en eaſe Effay Engliſh Eridanus Eſſay eſt eſteemed ev'ry eyes faid fame fatire fince fing firſt foft fome fong fool former edit foul fuch fure Gildon Goddess hath Heav'n hero himſelf Homer honour houſe Iliad IMITATIONS Journal juſt King laſt leſs Letter LEWIS THEOBALD Lord moſt Muſe muſt numbers o'er occafion octavo Ovid paſs perfon pleas'd pleaſe Poem Poet poetry Pope Pope's pow'r praiſe preſent printed profe publiſhed purpoſe quæ quod reaſon REMARKS reſt rife ſay ſcene ſee ſenſe ſhade ſhall ſhe ſhew ſhine ſhort ſhould ſmall ſome ſpirit ſpread ſtage ſtand ſtate ſtill ſtrain ſtreams ſtrong ſuch Swift thee theſe thing thoſe thou thro tranflation verſe Virg Virgil virtue whoſe writ write