Grac'd as thou art with all the pow'r of words, So known, fo honour'd, at the House of Lords: Confpicuous scene! another yet is nigh, (More filent far) where kings and poets lie; 2 Where Murray (long enough his country's pride) Shall be no more than Tully or than Hyde! low gains: 50 55 3 Rack'd with sciatics, martyr'd with the stone, Will any mortal let himself alone? See Ward, by batter'd beaus invited over, And defp'rate Misery lays hold on Dover. The cafe is eafier in the mind's disease; There all men may be cur'd whene'er they please. Would ye be 4 bless'd? despise low joys, Difdain whatever Cornbury difdains; Be virtuous, and be happy for your pains. 5 But art thou one whom new opinions sway, One who believes as Tindal leads the way, Who virtue and a church alike disowns, Thinks that but words, and this but brick and ftones? Fly 6 then on all the wings of wild defire, Admire whate'er the maddeft can admire. 65 Is wealth thy paffion? hence! from pole to pole, Defodiet, condetque nitentia. I cum bene notum 5 virtutem verba putas, ut Lucum ligna? 6 cave ne portus occupet alter, Ne Cibyratica, ne Bithyna negotia perdas: 7 Mille talenta rotundentur, totidem altera; porro 75 Add one round hundred, and (if that's not fair) Not for yourself, but for your fools and knaves; 8 But if to pow'r and place your passion lie, If in the pomp of life confifts the joy, 9 95 Tertia fuccedant, et quæ pars quadret acervum. 6 Exilis domus est, ubi non et multa fuperfunt, Then hire a flave, or (if you will) a lord, 100 - To do the honours, and to give the word; Tell at your levee, as the crowds approach, To whom 2 to nod, whom take into your coach, Whom honour with your hand; to make remarks, Who 3 rules in Cornwal, or who rules in Berks: "This may be troublesome, is near the chair; "That makes three members, this can chuse a may'r." Instructed thus, you bow, embrace, protest, Adopt him 4 son, or cousin at the least, Then turn about, and 5 laugh at your own jest. 105 } 110 115 Or if your life be one continu'd treat, If 6 to live well means nothing but to eat; Up, up! cries Gluttony, 'tis break of day, Go drive the deer, and drag the finny prey; With hounds and horns go hunt an appetiteSo 7 Ruffel did, but could not eat at night; Call'd happy dog the beggar at his door, And envy'd thirst and hunger to the poor. Or shall we & ev'ry decency confound, Thro' taverns, stews, and bagnios, take our round? Go dine with Chartres, in each vice outdo 9 K-l's lewd cargo, or Ty-y's crew, From Latian Syrens, French Circæan feafts, Return'd well travell'd, and transform'd to beafts; 120 • Mercemur servum, qui dictet nomina, lævum Or for a title punk or foreign flame If, after all, we must with 2 Wilmot own, 126 The cordial drop of life is love alone, And Swift cry wisely Vive la bagatelle! 3 Adieu-if this advice appear the worst, E'en take the counsel which I gave you first; 130 Or better precepts if you can impart; Why do, I'll follow them with all my heart. 133 Cui potior patria fuit interdicta voluptas. 3 Viva; vale. fi quid novifti rectius iftis; Candidus imperti: fi non, his utere mecum. : (Imitated in the Manner of Doctor Swtft.] TIS true, my Lord, I gave my word Chang'd it to August, and (in short) "The dog-days are no more the cafe," My Lord, your favours well I know; 'Tis with diftinction you bestow, Q HOR. LIB. I. EPIST. VII. UINQUE dies tibi pollicitus me rure futurum, Sextilem totum mendax defideror. atqui, Si me vivere vis tanum recteque valentem; Quam mihi das ægro, dabis ægrotare timenti, Mæcenas, veniam; dum ficus prima calorque Designatorem decorat lictoribus atris: Dum pueris omnis pater, et matercula pallet : Officiofaque fedulitas, et opella forenfis Adducit febres, et testamenta refignat. Quod fi bruma nives albanis illinet agris; Ad mare descendet vates tuus, et fibi parcet, Contractusque leget; te, dulcis amice, reviset Cum zephyris, si concedes, et hirundine prima. VOL. II. H 5 10 15 20 |