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"Because I fee, by all the tracts about,
"Full many a beast goes in, but none come out."
Adieu to Virtue if you're once a flave:
Send her to court, you fend her to her grave.

Well, if a king's a lion, at the leaft
The people are a many-headed beaft:
Can they direct what meafures to purfue,
Who know themselves so little what to do?

Alike in nothing but one lust of gold,



Juft half the land would buy, and half be fold:
Their 2 country's wealth our mightier misers drain,
Or crofs, to plunder provinces, es, the main :

The rest, some farm the poor-box, some the pews;
Some keep affemblies, and would keep the stews;
Some 3 with fat bucks on childless dotards fawn; 130
Some win rich widows by their chine and brawn;
While with the filent growth of ten per cent.
In dirt and darkness 4 hundreds stink content.
Of all these ways, if each 5 pursues his own,
Satire be kind, and let the wretch alone;
But shew me one who has it in his pow'r
To act confiftent with himself an hour.


Sir Job fail'd forth, the ev'ning bright and still, "No place on earth (he cry'd) like Greenwich hill!" 7 Up starts a palace; lo, th' obedient base Slopes at its foot, the woods its fides embrace, The filver Thames reflects its marble face.



Refpondit, referam: Quia me veftigia terrent,
Omnia te adversum spectantia, nulla retrorfum.
Bellua multorum eft capitum. nam quid fequar, aut


Pars hominum geftit 2 conducere publica: sunt qui 3 Crustis et pomis viduas venentur avaras, Excipiantque senes, quos in vivaria mittant: 4 Multis occulto crefcit res fænore. 5 verum Esto aliis alios rebus studiisque teneri: Iidem eadem poffunt horam durare probantes? 6 Nullus in orbe sinus Baiis prælucet amœnis, Si dixit dives; 7 lacus et mare fentit amorem

Now let fome whimfey, or that devil within, Which guides all those who know not what they But give the knight (or give his lady) spleen, (mean,

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Away, away! take all your scaffolds down, 146 "For Snug's the word: my dear! we'll live in


At am'rous Flavio is the stocking thrown?

That very night he longs to lie alone.

3 The fool whose wife elopes some thrice a quarter,

For matrimonial folace dies a martyr.



Did ever 4 Proteus, Merlin, any witch,
Transform themselves so strangely as the rich?
Well, but the 5 poor-the poor have the fame itch :
They change their 6 weekly barber, weekly news,
Prefer a new japanner to their shoes,
Discharge their garrets, move their beds, and run
(They know not whither) in a claise and one;
They 7 hire their sculler, and when once aboard
Grow fick, and damn the climate-like a lord, 160
• You laugh half-beau, half-floven, if I stand,
My wig all po powder, and all snuff my band;
You laugh if coat and breeches strangely vary,
White gloves, and linen worthy Lady Mary!
But when 9 no prelate's lawn, with hair-shirt lin'd,

Is half so incoherent as my mind,

Festinantis heri: cui si vitiosa libido
Fecerit aufpicium; cras ferramenta Teanum
Tolletis fabri. lectus genealis in aula est?
Nil ait effe prius, melius nil cœlibe vita:
3 Si non eft, jurat bene folis esse maritis.
4 Quo teneam vultus mutantem Protea nodo ?
Quid 5 pauper? ride: mutat 6 coenacula lectos,
Balnea, tonfores; 7 conducto navigio æque
Naufeat ac locuples, quem ducit priva triremis.
8 Si curtatus inæquali tonsore capillos
Ocurri; rides: fi forte subucula pexæ
Trita subest tunicæ, vel si toga diffidet impar;
Rides: quid, 9 mea cum pugnat sententia secum?
Quod petiit, spernit; repetit quod nuper omifit;


When (each opinion with the next at ftrife,
One ebb and flow of follies all my life)

I plant, root up; I build, and then confound;
Turn round to square, and square again to round;
3 You never change one muscle of your face,
You think this madnefs but a common cafe,
Nor 4 once to chanc'ry nor to Hale apply,
Yet hang your lip to fee a feam awry!
Careless how ill I with myself agree,
Kind to iny drefs, my figure, not to me.
Is this my 5 guide, philofopher, and friend?
This he who loves me, and who ought to mend?



Who ought to make me (what he can, or none)
That man divine whom Wifdom calls her own,
Great without title, without fortune blefs'd;
Rich 6 e'en when plunder'd, honour'd while op-



Lov'd 7 without youth, and follow'd without pow'r :
At home tho' exil'd; & free tho' in the Tow'r :
In short, that reas'ning, high, immortal thing, 185
Just 9 lefs than Jove, and to much above a king:
Nay, half in heav'n-11 except (what's mighty odd)
A fit of vapours clouds this demigod.

Æstuat, et vitæ disconvenit ordine toto ?
* Diruit, ædificat, mutat quadrata rotundis ?
3 Infanire putas folennia me, neque rides,
Nec 4 medici credis, nec curatoris egere
A prætore dati; rerum 5 tutela mearum
Cum fis, et prave sectum stomacheris ob unguem
De te pendentis, te refpicientis amici.


Ad fummam, sapiens uno minor est Jove, 6 dives, 7 Liber, & honoratus, 9 pulcher, 10 rex denique regum; Præcipue fanus, nifi cum pituita molesta est.

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all the art I know

To make men happy and to keep them fo." (Plain truth, dear Murray! needs no flow'rs of


So take it in the very words of Creech.)

This vault of air, this congregated ball,
Self-centred fun, and stars that rife and fall,
There are, my Friend! whose philofophic eyes
Look thro', and trust the Ruler with his skies;
To him commit the hour, the day, the year,
And view 2 this dreadful All without a fear.

Admire we then what 3 earth's low entrails hold,
Arabian shores, or Indian feas infold;
All the mad trade of 4 fools and flaves for gold?
Or 5 popularity? or stars and strings?
The mob's applauses, or the gifts of kings?
Say with what 6 eyes we ought at courts to gaze,
And pay the great our homage of amaze?

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If weak the 7 pleasure that from these can spring,
The fear to want them is as weak a thing:
Whether we dread, or whether we defire,
In either cafe, believe me, we admire:



NIL admirari, prope res una, Numici,

Solaque quæ poffit facere et fervare beatum.
1 Hunc folem, et stellas, et decedentia certis
Tempora momentis, funt qui 2 formidine nulla
Imbuti spectent. 3 quid fences munera terræ ?
Quid maris, extremos Arabas 4 ditantis et Indos?
Ludicra quid, 5 plaufus, et amici dona Quiritis,
Quo fpectanda modo, 6 quo fenfu credis, et ore?
7 Qui timet his adverfa, fere miratur eodem
Quo cupiens pacto: pavor est utrobique molestus:
Improvifa fimul species exterret utrumque:

Whether we joy or grieve, the fame the curse,
Surpris'd at better, or furpris'd at worfe.

Thus good or bad, to one extreme betray

Th' unbalane'd mind, and inatch the man away; 25
For virtue's felf may too much zeal be had;
The worst of madmen is a faint run mad.

3 Go then, and, if you can, admire the state
Of beaming di'monds and reflected plate;
Procure a taste to double the surprise,
And gaze on 4 Parian charms with learned eyes;
Be ftruck with bright 5 brocade or Tyrian dye,
Our birth day nobles' splendid livery.


If not fo pleas'd, at 6 council-board rejoice
To tee their judgments hang upon thy voice;
From 7 morn to night, at fenate, rolls, and hall,
Plead much, read more, dine late, or not at all.


But wherefore all this labour, all this ftrife ?

For & fame, for riches, for a nobler wife?

Shall 9 one whom Nature, learning, birth, conspir'd To form not to admire, but be admir'd,


Sigh while his Chloe, blind to wit and worth,
Weds the rich dulness of some son of earth?
Yet 10 time ennobles or degrades each line;
It brighten'd Craggs's, and may darken thine.
And what is fame? the meaneiť have their day;
The greatest can but blaze and pass away.


Gaudeat, an doleat; cupiat, metuatne, quid ad rem; Si, quidquid vidit melius pejusve sua spe, Defixis oculis, animoque et corpore torpet? 2 Infani sapiens nomen ferat, æquus iniqui; Ultra, quam fatis est, virtutem fi petat ipsam. 3 I nunc, argentum, et marmor vetus, æraque et artes 4 Sufpice: cum gemmis 5 Tyros mirare colores : Gaude, quod spectant oculi te mille loquentem : Gnavus 7 mane forum, et vespertinus pete tectum, 8 Ne plus frumenti dotalibus emetat agris Mucius: (indignum, quod fit pejoribus ortus) Hic tibi fit potius, quam tu mirabilis illi. 10 Quidquid fub terra eft, in apricum proferet ætas;

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