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The Numerals shew the Book, the Figures the Verse.

A. Ambrofe Philips, i. 105. iii. 326. Attila, iii. 92. Alaric, iii. 91.
Alma Mater, iii. 338. Annius, an antiquary, iv. 347. Arnall, Wil-
liam, ii. 315. B. Blackmore, Sir Richard, i. 104. ii. 268. Bezaleel
Morris, ii. 126. iii. 168. Banks, i. 146. Broome, i. 146. Bond, ii.
126. Brown, iii. 28. Bladen, iv. 560. Budgel, Esq. ii. 397. Bentley,
Richard, iv. 201. Bentley, Thomas, ii. 205. Boyer, Abel, ii. 413.
Bland, a gazetteer, i. 231. Breval, J. Durant, ii. 126, 238. Benlowes,
iii. 21. Bavius, iii. 21. Burmannus, iv. 237. Benfon, William, Efq.
ii. 325, 410. Burgersdyck, iv. 198. Beotians, iii. 50. Bruin and
Bears, i. 101. Bear and Fiddle, i. 224. C. Cibber, Colley, Hero of
the Poem, paffim. Cibber, jun. iii. 139, 326. Caxton, William, i. 149.
Curl, Edm. i. 40. ii. 3, 58, 167, &c. Cooke, Thomas, ii. 138. Con-
canen, Matthew, ii. 299. Centlivre, Sufannah, ii. 411. Cæfar in
Egypt, i. 251. Crouzaz, iv. 198. Codrus, ii. 144. D. De Foe, Da-
niel, i. 103. ii. 147. De Foe, Norton, ii. 415. De Lyra, or Harpsfield,
i. 153. Dennis, John, i. 106. ii. 239. iii. 173. Dunton, John, ii. 144.
D'Urfey, iii. 146. Dutchmen, ii. 405. iij. 51. Doctors, at White's,
i. 203. Douglas, iv. 394. E. Eufden, Laurence, Poet-Laureate, i. 104.
Eliza Haywood, ii. 157, &c. F. Fleckno, Richard, ii. 2. Fauftus, Dr.
iii. 233. Fleetwood, iv. 326. Free-mafons, iv. 576. French cooks, iv.
553. G. Gildon, Charles, i 296. Goode, Barn. iii. 153. Goths, iii.
90. Gazetteers, i. 215. ii. 314. Gregorians and Gormogons, iv. 575.
H. Holland, Philemon, i. 154. Hearne, Thomas, iii. 185. Horneck,
Philip, iii. 152. Haywood, Eliza, ii. 157, &c. Howard, Edward, i.
207. Henley, John, the Orator, ii. 2, 425. iii. 199, &c. Huns, iii.
90. Heywood, John, i. 98. Harpsfield, i. 153. Hays, iv. 560. 7. John,
King, i. 252. James, I. iv. 176. Jacob, Giles, iii. 149. Janfen, a
gamester, iv. 326. K. Knight, Robert, iv. 561. Kuster, iv. 237.
L. Lintot, Bernard, i. 40. ii. 53. Law, William, ii. 413. Log, King,
i. line ult. M. Moore, James, ii. 50, &c. Morris, Bezaleel, ii. 126.
iii. 168. Mit, Nathaniel, i. 208. Milbourn, Luke, ii. 349. Mahomet,
iii. 97. Mears, William, ii. 125. iii. 28. Motteux, Peter, ii. 412.
Monks, iii. 52. Mandeville, ii. 414. Morgan, ii. 414. Montalto, iv.
105. Mummius, an antiquary, iv. 371. N. Newcastle, Dutchess of,
1. 141. Nonjuror, i. 253. 0. O. Ogilvy, John, i. 141, 328. Oldmixon,
John, ii. 283. Ozell, John, i. 285. Ostrogoths, iii. 93. Owls, i. 271,
290. iii. 54. Owls, Athenian, iv. 362. Osborne, bookfeller, ii. 167.
Ofborne, Mother, ii. 312. P. Prynn, William, i. 103. Philips, Am-
brofe, i. 105. iii. 326. Paridell, iv. 341. 2. Quarles, Francis, i. 140.
Querno, Camillo, ii. 15. R. Ralph, James, i. 216. iii. 165. Roome,
Edward, iii. 152. Ripley, Tho. ii. 327. Ridpath, George, i. 208. ii.
149. Roper, Abel, ii. 149. Rich, iii. 261. S. Settle, Elkanah, i. 90.
146. iii. 37. Smedley, Jonathan, ii. 291, &c. Shadwell, Thomas, i.
240. iii. 22. Scholiafts, iv. 232. Silenus, iv. 492. Sooterkins, i. 126.
T. Tate, i. 105, 238. Theobald, or Tibbald, i. 133, 286. Tutchin,
John, ii. 148. Toland, John, ii. 399. iii. 212. Tindal, Dr. ii. 399. iii.
212. iv. 492. Taylor, John, the Water-poet, iii. 19. V. Vandals, iii,
86. Visigoths, iii. 94. W. Walpole [late Sir Robert] praised by our
Author, ii. 314. Withers, George, i. 206. Wynkyn de Worde, i. 149.
Ward, Edward, i. 233. iii. 34. Webster, ii.
Warner, Thomas, ii.
258. Whitefield, ii. 258.
ii. 125. Wilkins, Wilkins, ii. 125. Welsted, Leonard, ii,
207. iii. 170. Woolston, Thomas, iii. 212. Wormius, iii. 188. Waffe,
iv. 237. Walker, hat-bearer to Bentley, iv. 206, 273.

IV. Cowley. The Garden,

Cowley. Weeping,

Vertumnus and Pomona, from Ovid's Metamorphofes,

I. Chaucer,

Imitations of English Poets.

II. Spenfer. The Alley,

III. Waller. On a Lady finging to her Lute,





Waller. On a Fan of the Author's Design, in which was painted
the Story of Cephalus and Procris, with the Motto Aura Veni, 14

V. E. of Rochefter. On Silence,


[blocks in formation]

VI. E. of Dorfet. Artemifia,


E. of Dorfet. Pryne,


VII. Dr. Swift. The happy Life of a Country Parfon,


Epiftle to Dr. Arbuthnot, being the Prologue to the Satires,

[blocks in formation]

Book I. Epistle VII. Imitated in the Manner of Dr. Swift,

[blocks in formation]

Epistle I. To Robert Earl of Oxford and Earl Mortimer, 1721,
Epistle II. To James Craggs, Efq. Secretary of State, 1720,
Epiftle III. To Mr. Jervas, with Mr. Dryden's Translation of Fref-



noy's Art of Painting,


Epistle IV. To Miss Blount, with the Works of Voiture, 1717,


Epiftle V. To the fame, on her leaving the Town after the

Coronation, 1715,


Epistle VI. To Mr. John Moore, Author of the celebrated Worm-



Epiale VII. To Mrs. M. B. on her Birth-Day,



Epiate VIII. To Mr. Thomas Southern on his Birth-Day, 1742,


The Baffet-Table. An Eclogue,



Verbatim from Boileau,

Answer to a Question of Mrs. Howe,

Occafioned by fome Verses of his Grace the Duke of Buckingham.




On receiving from the Rt. Hon. Lady Frances Shirley, a Standish
and two Pens,



1. On Charles Earl of Dorfet, in the Church of Withyam in Suffex, 173

II. On Sir William Trumball, one of the principal Secretaries of

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State to King William III. who died 1716,

III. On the Hon. Simon Harcourt, only Son of the Lord Chancellor
Harcourt, at the Church of Stanton-Harcourt in Oxfordshire,


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VI. On Mrs. Corbet, who died of a Cancer in her Breaft,

VII. On the Monument of the Hon. Robert Digby, and of his fister


XII. Intended for Sir Ifaac Newton. in Westminster-Abbey,
XIII. On Dr. Francis Atterbury, Bishop of Rochester, who died in


exile at Paris, 1732,


XV. For one who would not be buried in Westminster-Abbey,

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